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Posts posted by Metzie.3012

  1. Just play what you like or with the class you feel comfortable with. Do not limit yourself. Sooner or later you may not (want to) limit yourself to a particular class or specialization. Why not just start with your "main"?


    Just start ... and see what comes up. In other words, which playstyle suits you (solo roaming, small scale or zerg fights).


    In this sense "Welcome to WvW". Have fun! :)


  2. > @"Virdo.1540" said:


    > it is **World Vs World**, Not Player Versus Player. If you really wanna do 1vs1 ,then do it in the Obsidian Sanctum, Edge of the Mists or simply in real PvP.



    Whenever I read or hear something like that, I get a headache (fortunately, it does not happen often).

    World vs World (the mode in general) = WvWvW = Player vs Player (among others).




    Your description or definition is therefore wrong! The difference is only in the scaling or the order of magnitude. And this includes all...!


    GW2 Wiki: [World vs. World ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World_versus_World)(also known as WvW) is a game mode combining Player versus Player and Player versus Environment elements.



  3. > @"hsims.8364" said:

    > started playing pvp last month and some things bothers me


    > 1 the matchmaking is horrible pairing random skill level players and creating unfair games

    > 2 player afk and ruin the game

    > 3 players don't not pay attention to the game, just playing death match/ going 3v1 and leaving the map empty, jumping alone on 3 players, not reviving, not caping node

    > 4 bots, real bots


    Welcome to GW2-PvP in 2021. This is the result of years of contempt for the game mode on the part of those responsible (developers). It used to be different (...). Also, many screws were turned in the wrong direction. What you are now experiencing and rightly mentioning, not only as a new player, increasingly reflects the (mis)behaviour (of the developers) of not paying or not having paid the necessary attention to the mode (i.e., not developing or having developed it further). All patience knows and finds its end (on the part of the players)! Administration without future design or a proper concept does not work in the long run! The train left the station long ago, and the efforts to run after it (meaning ANet) is reflected in the coloteral damage in the current time. :)


    No wonder why especially the interest of new players for PvP dwindles within a very short time, and they eventually leave the mode or even the game again. You can (still) have fun, but it is predominantly "time-limited", and you also need a lot of luck! Find the needle in the haystack.


  4. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > Add in Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Vendors into WvW


    I have also thought about it several times. And yes, that would be a nice addition to the current (no longer really up-to-date) rewards. It could also be connected to further requirements (certain rank, by spending world ability points e.g. in "Provision Master", only in connection with the acquisition with the "Permanent Portable Provisioner", something like that). It should become a little more attractive in this direction, but not too easy to acquire.


    Yes, i like the idea. :)

  5. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > Eeeeeeeh


    > You don't "always push far" or "never push far", it's more complex than that. You need to know when it's a good idea to open an initial split with a far push and when it would be a bad idea to open the initial split with a far push. It's all situational.


    Long story short - correct! And for this you don't need an oversized wall of text (which some(one) build up, where you fall asleep in between while reading - rather skimming). It doesn't need more content than this post or information! Please pin it. Thanks. :)


    The rest is a l2p issue (talk - more - about that instead, in general).

  6. > @"Dexay.1962" said:

    > Just wanted enjoy a ranked pvp match today and again got a rifle engineer in the opposing team.

    > He killed my entire team withing seconds.


    > How to solve this problem:


    > - Rifle range from 1200 to 600

    > - Reduce the damage by at least 30%


    > Many players would agree on that.


    > https://ibb.co/kKFrCLz


    Is this the forum of GW2 that you rarely go to just because you're bored (and looking for content (short laugh)) to find just that one troll post that can't be taken seriously? I think I have found it. See you next week, or month, or ...


    Rifle range + damage reduce = LMAO (this weapon was already executed some time ago)

  7. You basically win EVERY round (100% guaranteed) you DON'T play this ridiculous (meanwhile) mode (pvp in general). It saves you so much (no bots, no player bots, no afk players, no cheaters, no hackers or lemmings who don't know what they're doing, ...). It can be so simple. :)

  8. > @"anjo.6143" said:

    > The leap dodge from daredevil Spec (Bound) is no longer giving stealth after combo with a smoke field.


    Fortunately, you are the first who noticed this bug. Fortunately, you first checked to see if there was already such a post pointing out the bug. And because you are such a lucky guy, you also noticed that ANet has already responded to this bug. But unfortunately not regarding your contribution or post! Thank you, however, for your contribution, i.e. your reminder that this bug (still) exists.


    Good morning & Happy Easter. ;)

  9. > @"Brokensunday.4098" said:

    > > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

    > > > @"Brokensunday.4098" said:

    > > >

    > > > Edit also traps need to desapwn asoon as you place another.

    > >

    > > They do... what do you mean?

    > >

    > > Also remove trapper runes!


    > If i remember correctly you can place same traps twice if you place them then wait the cd and when some one triggers place another. Traps should despawn when the cd reset.


    When the trap is placed, the cooldown starts to run. When it is over and you place the same trap (again), the old one disappears. You cannot place the same trap twice.


    Example: You place the trap, the cooldown begins, someone steps into the trap, you place the (same) trap again because the cooldown was already over. It might be a bit confusing because the cooldowns of the traps from the "Ranger" are quite short (if improved).

  10. > @"Dragneel.7389" said:

    > Should I wait until Monday then?


    Well, regardless of the re-linking, there are basically not many reasons why you should wait. You could, so to say, use the current status or the chart (see above) for orientation (superficially). One reason, however, would be that if you want to transfer today (as an example), you won't get any pips for the coming week + the following week (until Friday, next reset).




    Wiki: After transferring to a different world, you will be unable to earn any pips until WvW has reset twice. This means a maximum wait of 14 days and a minimum wait of 8 days until you are able to earn pips again. Source: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skirmish_reward_track




    Considering and following the "re-linking", there is first of all some chaos. Many players (so called Bandwagoners) transfer to other servers. The day of relinking, including the following days or the weekend, is also the time of the "locusts", so to say. If you want to include this in your decision, then wait until the graphic is updated. As far as I know the update usually takes place from Monday to Tuesday.


    See also: [Match-making and Server Linking](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World_versus_World#Match-making_and_Server_Linking)

  11. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > That chart may actually look different within hours because of bandwagons.


    Thank you for the [MEME], sorry, i meant the hint, and true. **BUT that is not the point.** A player who is apparently or obviously new to WvW wants to be helped. And in order to help him, he or she should understand the basic or underlying system (open minded, unbiased). Everything else comes afterwards ... one way, this or another. :) And the chart will not look any different until it is officially updated (which is usually done weekly). The fact that "populations" will be moving until then is not necessarily relevant to his concern (initially).

  12. The illustration (below) is only for your help and orientation and is the current state and status (population) of the respective servers. The chart may look different next week, after the weekly update.


    If you take a closer look at the illustration, you will find basically all the information (without going into further detail) you need to make a choice. The list also shows the "language". If no language is indicated, these are usually "international" servers. In other words, on these servers "English is often or usually spoken", but it does not have to be!


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/LkPr9Ac.png "")


    Further information (in general) can be found here, see: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World

  13. > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

    > This should be a very old discussion inside Arenanet but I often wonder why Living World episodes are completely free for those who log in and play them?


    > Why not charge a small fee (microtransaction) to purchase the episode before the next episode and increase it later? The fee could also be discounted but not eliminated with gems.


    ANet pursues a clear concept, which concerns the monetarization. Therefore also concerning the contents of the "living world". Everyone who logs in within a currently published "living world story" can play it freely - correctly. If the player has not been online before and wants to play through all the(se) previous stories, he or she has to buy them (see picture). So it is not completely free!




    ![](https://i.imgur.com/YxbvZv8.png "")



    > The same could be applied for competitive play seasons while giving a bump up for in-game rewards or a guaranteed skin unlock.


    For this Clown Fiesta, which you experience in PvP by now, ANet should rather pay its remaining players, so that they don't run away too. Therefore, according to the current state of PvP, I would not pay an additional cent. And no, PvP is not because of what it is, just because there is no (additional) monetization concept in that respect. Dont get me wrong. I like to pay, even more sometimes ... but for quality!


    > The "every little bit of content is free" business model was fine in the first few LW seasons but does it still make sense?

    What do you think, would ANet have combined both expansions to purchase for one price more than a year ago, if they didn't know it would pay off? If this would have made no sense, would they have offered or changed it? And why do you write that it WAS fine? Are you aware of other circumstances? :)


    No offense, this post was also for free. :p





  14. Regarding balancing or optimizing (according to ANet) SB5, someone already made a good suggestion. The current one is the easiest and most lazy change, and has nothing to do with "balance".


    > @"Svez Poizon XD.5268" said:

    > Since February, many amulets got removed, many traits got destroyed(pointing especially on 300 cd traits), many classes got nerfed constantly losing half of their kit. Today's balance patch was fair as it hit directly what was strong however, big problem is the way devs balance PvP.


    > Instead of increasing/decreasing numbers and holding "delete button", after very long time those effects exists, devs could more focus on how to find the other way/how to replace bad/unbalanced mechanics.


    > I will point directly on today's nerfs that could be done in different and better way:

    > - Inflirtration arrow(thief), instead of it being gutted to 8 iniative from 6, it could scale up(good suggestion to all other thief spammable spells), starting from 6 iniative and get increased by 1 for every next usage under 20 seconds interval(then it resets back to 6).


    Original post, see: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/119457/wrong-way-of-balancing-pvp

  15. > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

    > Why don't the banners just drop on the ground when you leave the area, so you can pick it back up. It can either drop the exact spot you moved out of territory or spawn near the tactivator with the timer still going but someone else can pick it up instead of having it get wasted.


    I like this idea, also in general (that means, this could have been improved even before the latest change). That you can "drop" the banner, so that someone else can use it, as needed or required.

  16. As it should be, basically, equivalent to toughness:


    **Toughness** = direct damage (reduce)

    **Resistance** (as an example) = damage to condition (reduce)


    Additional note: By this I do not mean the boon "resistance"


    Considering this, of course, some (or many) adjustments would have to be made, but this would open up completely new possibilities and scope - whether sigils, runes, boons, active or passive class skills, etc.

  17. > @"youle.5824" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Guys cmon gw2 is not that great of a mmo, its combat mechanics are good for pvp, but the rest? Lol why are u still subjecting urself to such garbage gaming experience when there's so many better games/experiences out there. Teach the devs a lesson and drop the meme game.


    > I have tried most and none can compare to GW2 , BNS PvP was the closest to descent action combat PvP but the situation is way worse over there..


    I think it is no longer just a matter of finding an alternative, but rather of setting an orderly sign that it can't go on like this - no? In this context the "unique" combat system should not (anymore) be a good reason - right?


    Personally, I want to play this or a game (game mode) by not being primarily busy having to deal with others that cloud this or my gaming experience (which is already given by the constant "nothing happened or felt centuries later" on the part of the developer/company). One is literally forced (sooner or later) to drastically reduce or even stop playing. Change my mind.

  18. Let's see if these two illustrations will help you?! :) ANet will certainly take care of this matter "very soon"! ;) Any other questions?


    > Image/Post, Source: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/357584/#Comment_357584

    > Topic: Move the "select map" from the middle of the screen.

    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/DZmc8SU.png "")

    > ---

    > Image/Post, Source: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/608451/#Comment_608451

    > Topic: Match Ready Box - It should go away after a player hits accept


    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/Bn52aA0.png "")


  19. > @"SWI.4127" said:

    > > @"Metzie.3012" said:

    > > This skill was basically the only and unique selling point (besides the spear) of the "Warclaw", and a novelty in WvW that could really annoy opponents and players. And what does ANet do? They throw their own (original) thoughts, creativity and design as well as development overboard (and with it once again their credibility and conviction) to please a few whining players?

    > >

    > > What comes next? Will the spear be removed or reworked to deal 20% more damage to players on mounts without throwing them off the mount? The mount is degenerating more and more into a useless WvW element that is only used for skin illustration.

    > >

    > > Personally, I'm now more likely to walk around in WvW than sit on the chunky mount and think that I can't move forward.

    > >

    > > Keep it up ANet, great Job!

    > >

    > >


    > Funny you mention the spear, because they only added that due to "a few whining players". If kept their "conviction and credibility" as you put it, then that dismount skill wouldn't even exist in the game. So nice contradictory post.


    There is not really anything contradictory in the post, especially since a way to drop players from the mount was required. And I doubt very much that there were only a few (who consider wvw to be what it is or should be) who asked for such a possibility. ;-)

  20. ---

    **Warclaw Mastery 4: This mastery no longer causes Superior Battle Maul to finish downed enemies. Instead it causes Superior Battle Maul to deal 20% bonus damage to downed enemies.**





    This skill was basically the only and unique selling point (besides the spear) of the "Warclaw", and a novelty in WvW that could really annoy opponents and players. And what does ANet do? They throw their own (original) thoughts, creativity and design as well as development overboard (and with it once again their credibility and conviction) to please a few whining players?


    What comes next? Will the spear be removed or reworked to deal 20% more damage to players on mounts without throwing them off the mount? The mount is degenerating more and more into a useless WvW element that is only used for skin illustration.


    Personally, I'm now more likely to walk around in WvW than sit on the chunky mount and think that I can't move forward.


    Keep it up ANet, great Job!



  21. > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > This is why there's a need for test servers


    In case you haven't noticed, there are test servers ... already! At ANet they are simply called live servers.

    In other words, servers on which you actually play. Problem solved, no? :)


    Joking aside, there are test servers, but they are not accessible to the general public or anyone else.

    Apart from a few ArenaNet partners or/and content creators. Has nothing to do with testing skills and abilities, though.

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