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Posts posted by LUST.7241

  1. Not a huge fan. Compared to Photon Forge, that's not a good trade-off (outside PvP/WvW). If _anything_, such a change should have warranted Gyros should have all became a kit (similar to Photon Forge).


    Make note of the following:


    Scrapper now loses the following **core** F5 elite skills:

    1. [Toss Elixir X](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Toss_Elixir_X "Toss Elixir X") (when using Elixir X)

    2. [Med Pack Drop](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Med_Pack_Drop "Med Pack Drop") (when using Supply Crate)

    3. [Orbital Strike](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Orbital_Strike "Orbital Strike") (when using Mortar Kit)


    Scrapper loses the old Scrapper F5 elite skill when using Sneak Gyro

    4. [Detection Pulse](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Detection_Pulse "Detection Pulse")


    But hey...Scrapper gains:

    * Function Gyro - Res up to 3 allies and/or finish up to 3 enemies every 30 (min) to 120 (max) seconds.



    **Side Note:** _My last complaint on Engi changes was a little over a year ago... every other change in this patch was along the lines of the classic "Purity of Purpose". Welcome back, Engi. :)_

  2. Other than they were built separately...


    While build diversity is somewhat limited in sPvP because of the Conquest gamemode, but there's a lot of balance since gear is standardized. However, in WvW, you can be very diverse with builds but are burdened by PvE stats which make a lot of builds excel far beyond they are supposed to.


    If WvW used the same gear standardization as sPvP, wouldn't that make it much to play around with the PvP elements that are restricted by the Conquest sPvP mode? Since WvW is just so much more open than sPvP, most (if not all) builds would still work but the cheesier ones wouldn't be as broken due to more standardization of gear. If sPvP and WvW are already sharing patch notes, wouldn't that just be more reason to do this?

  3. For example, Charr wants his Charrzooka to do 50k damage and it's almost unarguable (complete community agreement, marches in Lion's Arch, etc.)


    Which choice does the team make:

    1) Implement the changes exactly - Charr knows best.

    2) Implement the changes differently due to possible copyright - Can't use Charr's ideas in Asura's world.

    3) Tweak the numbers, but implement them - Charr went overboard, but provides an acceptable solution that can work.

    4) Implement the change in a different way - Charr inspired something better, lets make it unique.

    5) Ignore it completely - Charr doesn't exist.

  4. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > Removing titles is pretty weird. That means people who got away with wintrading have some of the most exclusive titles in the game.


    > Not to mention I'm still kicking myself for quing into wintraders the day before season ended and going from r2 to r19. I didn't realize the top spots were all going to get removed so I tried quing to beat them and got screwed over in the end 2 seasons ago. RIP my legendary demigod title.


    > I really think investigations should be conducted throughout the season to prevent scenarios like that from happening. It doesn't make sense to let wintraders run rampant, hurting people for weeks, only to remove them AFTER the damage has been done.


    That's why I rather push to make the titles just more accessible to everyone. Wintraders no longer get the "prestige" of having a title earned dishonorably and now exclusively that it's retired completely. If people can just buy them with their excess amount shards or whatever, we hit two Risen Chickens with one stone.

  5. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > The removal of the titles was something we've been considering for a while. They haven't really felt great for a while, in my opinion. Mainly because the design of the reward actively discouraged you to play once you hit a certain position on the board. People didn't want to take the risk of losing their position and would often play the bare minimum required.


    > My future desire (not happening this season) is to replace leaderboards rewards with rewards for reaching a tier. Then you're not punished for continuing to play ranked PvP. This does bring up the question of what motivates you once you hit the tier you feel you can reasonably obtain, but that should be up to making sure the pip rewards feel good enough to motivate you to keep playing.


    That's why something as basic as titles should be given to more controllable features that everyone can achieve. For example, spending 10000 Ascended Shards for Goddess of PvP. There are many gods and goddess anyway in the lore. (:


    It seems people mostly want recognition for reaching the top, can just do something that is rotational per season sort of like AT does monthly...plus not make it very restrictive on specific placement (ex. Top 20 gets X from August to October).


    > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > The duo-queue change is something we've been somewhat hesitant to bring back. It makes matchmaking at the high and low ends of the skill rating spectrum more difficult. Ultimately, it came down to the fact that most players have more fun queuing up with a friend. Regardless of the effect it has on competitiveness. So we're bringing it back and we'll see how it goes for the season.


    Seems like a catch-22. While it's fun to queue up with a friend, it hurts competitiveness due to how the system looks at it and those who are the odd-person out in those situations. Ideally, I would work better if it were 2v2, 4v4, or 6v6 (some even number rather than odd)...but maybe we don't have the population for it really to go past 2v2.


  6. Year of Ascension (YotA) is the primary way to get the beautifully crafted PvP Legendary Backpack (_The Ascension_), however the system that drives it (achievements) is very restrictive in comparison to WvW's _Warbringer_ or PvE's _Ad Infinitum_. Most of this is because of how the [prerequistes work together ](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/823/prerequiste-lock-on-year-of-ascension "prerequistes work together ") and how it almost forces you to play ways you don't want to play.


    For example, In WvW and PvE, the experience is clear and unrestricted to profession, while in PvP you HAVE to play other professions. While it's important to PvP to play and learn other professions to excel, you also learn a lot more from just fighting against them and that's not something the current system factors in. In turn, with the current system most experiences of the PvP Legendary Backpack is simply just AFKing and hoping for the best. While you do need wins and while wins speed it up, none of it really promotes engagement and involvement. There's a huge underbelly of possible stats to look at instead of just "wins with X profession" which would resolve the more restrictive nature of YotA and help it fall more in-line with the other modes.


    That said, when YotA was released, it was discussed that it would change over time based on feedback. It seems it sort of fell behind the desk given that people were just "dealing with it". **Was there any thought of going back and looking at fixing these issues with YotA to make them more future-proof?**

  7. **Retired Titles**

    I'm hoping the titles, like all the titles that were from PvP, come back in some way tied to the many PvP achievements that do not have titles associated to them. While titles are honestly quite pointless and many are okay with being "exclusive"...there were so many PvP titles that were just so much cooler that can easily just come back as something that isn't tied to leaderboards. Heck, just let us waste our Shards/Tickets we have piled up for them! We need more sinks anyway. :)

    Hope @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" can chime in on the feasibility of this.



    Good that this will be another test season to see how this plays out. Most likely, it is probably best for a 2v2 Ladder more so than the Solo Ladder. A good duo can really snowball a game, and given that there are just 5-players to a match, that makes 2-duos and 1 person will always be the odd-player out. This was the exact issue that caused nightmare many seasons ago (after 5-man was dropped). Again, you'll have the data anyway!






  8. Just re-purpose PvP titles based on how many games won in any setting. Example, 1k = Merciless Legend to 10k = God/Goddess.

    Not like you get any title for playing 10k anyway (see Conqueror). @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065"


    > @"Felipe.1807" said:

    > Not a huge fan of bringing back duoqueue, but if you gonna do it, why not allow full team queue?


    Did they say it's going to be combined with Solo Queue again?

  9. I think the best course of action (if a new Elixir to bring back the Smoke Screen/Wall RNG we love isn't considered) is to bring back the old Toss Elixir U. Elixir U can remain the same, but simply just effect those around you and a slight increase to the Quickness effect--essentially that's what the new Toss Elixir U does anyway.


    Like @revolucion.3864 mentioned, the old iteration of Toss Elixir U is still available underwater...so it's kind of silly to have it enabled underwater when it's used a lot more on land.

  10. > @"Frostmane.9734" said:

    > General

    > Invulnerability effects will now stop conditions from applying damage.


    > Well... That changes things.


    For sure. The trait should no longer screw you over as much when proc'd against a Condi.

    Got me pretty excited that that was like the first thing mentioned (instantly thought of this).

  11. **Pros of Changes:**

    1. Quickness for 5s (+Vigor for 2s with Optimized Activation ) for yourself and allies

    2. Stun Break for Allies


    **Pros of Previous:**

    1. + Vigor for 2s with Optimized Activation

    2. Random spells (12s) - very useful combo fields and both were essentially projectile counters:

    * [smoke Screen](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Smoke_Screen "Smoke Screen") — blinds foes, creates a smoke field, and destroys projectiles -or-

    * [Wall of Reflection](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wall_of_Reflection "Wall of Reflection") — creates a light field and reflect projectiles


    **Both iterations have value in any gamemode:**


    * Previous - Used in PvP/WvW for it's anti-projectile benefits and combo field usage. Used in niche cases in open world PvE to reflect/stealth.

    * New - Very supportive - Stunbreak in PvP/WvW is valuable (but somewhat hard to coordinate); Quickness - no real downside.



    My issue is, the previous iteration has been pretty valuable and realistically I don't expect the changes to really change the number of people to use Elixir U. While it's more consistent with the other "Toss" Elixir skills, I'm surprised the previous iteration of having random spells warranted any concern. I personally trusted it more than any other reflect Engi has...or when it was needed to drop a clutch Smoke Screen to stealth the myself or the team out of a sticky situation or a quick cleanse. Heck, I can't tell you how many Deadeyes or P/P Thieves killed themselves because of the Wall of Reflection. You don't really get that from the other dedicated Engi skills that "should" do the same (especially as Core).


    I love to see the "idea" of the random spell come back in some other way for Engi (maybe an new Elixir).

  12. This very similar to the[ clothing tonics which recently you can trade in for outfits](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tonic#Clothing_Tonics " clothing tonics which recently you can trade in for outfits"). Although, they used to be, essentially, [armor pieces](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Town_clothing "armor pieces").


    I'd say if armor isn't an option, at least make these tonics more attainable (rather than dropping hundreds of gold on the TP). Personally, as a Sylvari, I run around with the [Common Clothing Outfit](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Common_Clothing_Outfit "Common Clothing Outfit") because it looks like I'm not wearing anything in PvP.

  13. Like others said, GW2 PvP is fixed at a maximum 15min (and OT is extremely rare). All they need is to fix their inactivity/AFK mechanic so it isn't so easily abused. Promote play, you can recover from point deficits.


    PvP's toxicity stems from players who think they can't improve themselves and they are perfection. It's the same for any game. Asking for a forfeit option is toxic.

  14. Having Bandage as a Toolbelt Skill is...something else, I'm sure it has been suggested before (somewhere) but like all Med kit suggestions: Engi's want to get SOME use out of this unique kit. SOMEHOW.


    Thinking along the lines of Photon Forge (others probably did as well); instead of over-heating...you run out of supplies which _slowly_ get replenished outside the kit. It would work similarly to the overheat mechanic, but in reverse: You use more heal skills, you lose "supplies".



    [bandage Self](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bandage_Self "Bandage Self") would be the healing skill (which puts Med Kit as the Tool-belt), but to tune it with other healing skills, it act similarly to what bandages do: Isolate wounds...meaning give some temporary Resistance and Protection. It's selfish because the kit itself is what is going to be the real support.


    [Med Kit](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Med_Kit "Med Kit") skills can work the same, but no more aiming circles around--all throw skills works like Box of Nails.

    1. [Med Blaster](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Med_Blaster "Med Blaster") - 360 radius heal to allies in range, reduced healing for enemies in range. Closer they are more it does.

    2. [Throw Bandages](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Throw_Bandages "Throw Bandages") - Convert conditions from those around you. Apply Resistance, Regeneration, and Protection to those around you.

    3. [Throw Stimulant](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Throw_Stimulant "Throw Stimulant") - Provide Concentration to those around you and apply Stability, Fury, and Might to those around you.

    4. [Throw Accelerant](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Throw_Accelerant "Throw Accelerant") - Remove stuns and movement imparement from those around you and apply Alacrity, Quickness, Vigor, and Swiftness.

    5. [Throw Antidote](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Throw_Antidote "Throw Antidote") - Cleanse Conditions from those around you. Apply Retaliation, Resistance, and Barrier to those around you.



    If you spam your Med Kit skills without monitoring your "supplies", you have that same "downtime" that you get by overheating. Much like Photon Forge--you want to make the Kit seem valuable, don't be afraid to make the duration of boons ridiculous. There's too much of "lets not make this too strong" when it comes to Engi--don't think that way for Med Kit as it's always been terrible.



    To prevent Scrapper from benefiting too much, we can buff traits in Tools, Alchemy, and Inventions.

    * [Health Insurance](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Health_Insurance "Health Insurance") will increase the amount of supplies you have.

    * [Medical Dispersion Field](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Medical_Dispersion_Field "Medical Dispersion Field") also makes each Med Kit skill have a 240 radius water field.

    * [Over Shield](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Over_Shield "Over Shield") also applies barrier when entering and exiting out of Med Kit WHEN wielding a shield (lets introduce get some shield play.

    * [backpack Regenerator](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Backpack_Regenerator " Backpack Regenerator") also consumes more supplies but shares regeneration with allies.

    * [streamlined Kits](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Streamlined_Kits "Streamlined Kits") Med Kit grants Transfusion...which basically the bonus of Rune of Vampirism.



    Coupled what Engi traits already tuned for healing, everything should synchronize really well. Also bring back the [hobosack](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Med_Kit_render.jpg "hobosack"), make it clear that the Engi is supporting so teammates don't just run away.


    Obviously, I don't imagine this replacing dedicated healers, that's not the point. ["A doctor cures people. A medic just makes them more comfortable."](https://i.imgur.com/Csxwaxa.jpg "A doctor cures people. A medic just makes them more comfortable.")



  15. > @"Mr Godlike.6098" said:

    > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > > @"Abelisk.4527" said:

    > > > Come back after the balance patch.

    > >

    > > You mean when revs lose rune of surging?


    > From the start surging was just an option cause experienced rev's never had issues with fake casting elite skill's. Probably pro's will be use old solution's like strength, leadership, scrapper...or will figure out something new.


    > And since condi mirage is dead and only necro run's condi it's actually no better time to try to play power rev. After patch it will be even better. Unfortunately thief will still counter it.


    > Personally i think power rev is extremely UNDERRATED.


    Power Rev hurts. Really underrated build...luckily I only versed it twice, but the game was stupidly close because of them.


  16. _Looks at leaderboard.

    Looks back at thread.

    Looks at leaderboard.

    Looks back at thread._


    I hope win trading wasn't found by Win Percentage alone.


    > @"bluri.2653" said:

    > You should consider permanent dishonor instead so these players never get to set foot in pvp


    Exactly. Lot of the culprits have done this for many consecutive seasons and still have their alts on the leaderboard.

  17. PvP had build templates for a long while as part of the PvP build menu...just it's not configurable.

    They could leverage this code to be a bit more dynamic using what's already given.


    I don't have the code, obviously, but I imagine they could possibly let users pick and choose skills/weapons based on their inventory and save into one of these builds. For PvP, if the weapon doesn't exist anymore in the player's inventory, just warn the user (since Sigils, Runes, and Amulets are already part of the PvP build menu--or just make weapons part of that menu as well).


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/1LcMPac.png "")



    I know there is risk allowing users to edit files (like where these "Default Builds" are pulling from)...So, I assume that they can implement a system that allows us to edit it in-game instead.

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