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Posts posted by Titan.8215

  1. Hey there, I got a confetti infusion and its working fine on myself, but I asked two friends and even if they watched the effect, from time to time they told me that the effect was not showing up, specially when I ride my mount and go a bit far from them. Its weird because its only on them because I always see the effect and also its only confetti since I have aurilliim, chak, etc and all still working but confetti dont.


    Its this a visual bug? I mean its ok because i dont have any bug but its not fun when you want to show it and some ppl dont see it.


    The only thing which fixed it was re-equipping the infusion but its annoying to do it everytime it not show up.




  2. I crafted 9 sets (3x3) for each class, there is any chance that we get the materials back at least a portion of them? Because while this is great for me for example for the trinkets, its terrible for the armor since I spent a LOT of gold crafting them because I didn't know (as other ppl) that this wanna be released.


    Hope we get any compensation...

  3. Is there any chance that we'll get a matchmaking queue (even if its not ranked) for 2v2 / 3v3 / 15v15 (if exist) mode? I'd like to play 2v2 but I don't have people to play with and also no rewards (only for the sake of battle) doesn't makes me feel to play it. But otherwise I'd really like to play it as another game mode. I'm not refering only for mini seasons, but permanent.

  4. This is pathetic, this should be a feature from release and we get it 7 years late and with limited slot. I don't know if devs actually play the game, but only for fractals with my elementalist I have at least 10 different templates, specially for gear, which we'll get 2 per character. Is this a joke? ffs, if you want our money just do a great expansion, this game need new content from long ago.


    I thought that the legendary sigils and runes costing more than a legendary armor was a joke and now this...

  5. I think that you should split class mechanics between game modes, because you don't need to **** scourge in PvE just for WvW and viceversa, like you do with the skills.


    This already happened with Chrono, due to lots of nerf in PvE, now support chrono is gone in WvW. Split class mechanics in gamemodes please, and try to rollback changes if they are bad (like Chrono F's or new Scourge class mechanics).

  6. God, this is by far one of the worst patches.

    - Weaver nerfed again, and they still giving it 0 utility skills so they can't cc properly without losing dps, they can't sustain themself with aegis like DH (which is also nerfed), or any kind of healing, and now its the same sh1t but with less dmg.

    - Chrono rework again on main skills and gameplay, im so tired of this, stop reworking this class, and make others equally powerful.

    - DH nerfed, a good balanced class in dmg and utilities, no sense for me.


    And I can continue but I feel it pointless. When are you going to give some advantages to classes that are not the best atm instead of nerfing it to hell?

    When are you going to put Spotter, EA, and other kind of buffs to 10 man, so we can get more diversity and more equally buffs for all?


    Srsly, no words.

  7. I don't understand why people cry so much about "multi-loot" abusing. The boxes are not worth it in terms on spent time vs rewards. Yeah you can have really good luck and got an infusion, but that's really weird. If you can loot more than one, what's wrong? This isn't as abussive as Tarir was.

  8. Could you consider reverting the split of Superior Elements for Weaver to be the same in all game modes please, its hard to cap crit with ele after banners nerf in pve while in other classes are so easy. I dont understand why a class that is fully glass cannon and do the same dmg as others like thief has that bad cc (I mean, you can cc but you lose all your dps doing it while with DE poison you dont, or dh elite trap) and now even cant cap critic. Consider giving elementalist a bit more utilities for pve, like more accessible cc and better crit chance or even some kind of barrier (with dh you have better defenses)


    At least tempest changes are good imo, and overall changes I like them too, but when I read that now and in the future you are going to focus on support tempest it afraid me a bit.


    Please give some love to ele (specially Weaver) in all game modes.

  9. > @"Mike Zadorojny.7058" said:

    > Is it?


    > Regarding moving from Season 4 to Season 5, we announced this in the 6th Anniversary Celebration Video. We talked about wanting to release expansion level stories and features over the next couple years. Our goal is to create powerful moments like the final instance of this episode that are a culmination of multiple departments and raise the bar for what it means to be a Guild Wars 2 experience.


    Could we know at least if there is any expansion been working on, or if you think about working on it? As a veteran player with most of the content done, I feel that waiting +-3 months to get a LW patch is a hell of time, I like expansions because you get big content at once (also elite specs, etc.) even if I have to pay (I'd really pay for more frequent content). I like your game so much, but while im not a casual player, I feel that for me content delivery is slow. I really would like to get an expansion, not LW patchs forever (or at least make them repeteable with good rewards, not do X maps for 1 week and forget :/)

  10. The problem is that important boons are bounded to a few classes, overall with alacrity and quickess. Also could you do that other supports get good buffs? Because for example:

    Tempest: fire aura give 5%+ direct damage and 5% condition damage while people have aura fire effect. (this is similar to a glyph of empowerment of druid). Auras up to 5 to 10 ppl.

    Firebrand: aegis give might and fury (via trait), aegis application up from 5 to 10 ppl.

    Necro supports needs also some unique effects that makes it competent enough, otherwise barrier are pretty good..


    The problem in my opinion is that druid gives so much boons and unique buff (empowerment, spotter, spirits) also has pretty good cc and mobility, (im not asking for a nerf, i love druid), while other support doesn't even give any unique buff from profession like druid. You have to make other support more competent.


    Also you should increase the buffs like empower allies, spotter, engi buff, rev buff, from 5 to 10 people because thats make more versatile compositions.


    And to end, remember that even if you focus on 10man content, changes like the one for chrono which imo were so significant, in 10 man isn't that that bad, but on a group of 5 people you know lack even more, and fractals is still a thing.

  11. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > I have seen some concerns about eligibility, so I talked to folks and have some information to share:


    > Each contest, sweepstakes, and tournament is bound by specific eligibility rules as outlined in the official announcement of the event on our website. Contest, sweepstakes, and tournament rules are reviewed by legal counsel. While we would very much like to offer our contests and sweepstakes on a global scale, doing so simply is not possible. This is because our eligibility standards must respect the legal restrictions that are set by a particular country, state, or province. For instance, one province requires the payment of a substantial fee in order to make a contest available to its residents, and one country requires a completely separate prize pool for its citizens. As you can imagine, it is not feasible for us to tailor a contest or sweepstakes on such a granular level, and with regret, we may determine that residents of that country, state, or province are ineligible for that particular contest.


    > ArenaNet forms partnerships in many different regions of the world, and we are always looking for ways to expand that reach. This means that one contest may be offered to residents of a country or group of countries, but a subsequent contest may extend eligibility to a completely different group of players. Therefore, if you are ineligible to participate in this sweepstakes, I suggest that you keep an eye on the rules for future events, as eligibility may change with an upcoming promotion.



    So, I was able to sign myself on the sweepstake, but reading your rules, seems like the guys for Spain are out of that. Why we can sign if we can't receive the prizes, also why Germany and France can receive prizes while Spain not? which is the other supported language?

    I'm a bit sad about this, maybe I just would like to get an in-game prize instead of real one if my country for whatever reason can't be included for prizes.


    Thanks anyway Gaile for the explanation.


  12. > @"Kencussion.9273" said:

    > So a friend of mine and I did some testing with the few Legendary weapons we had...


    > * able to swap sigils on Eternity (gen 1)

    > * able to swap sigils on Astralaria (gen 2)

    > * NOT able to swap sigils on Bolt (gen 1)

    > * NOT able to swap sigils on Rodgort (gen 1)


    > So it seems pretty inconsistent, which is probably why it wasn't meant to be released just yet. :-P


    Are you sure that you are not doing it on ascended weapons with the leggy skin? Because I've just tried on mine 1st and 2nd gen and its working properly on all of them.

  13. I've been playing ele since 2012 release, and I've lived all the nerfs along the way.

    But we are on 2018 now, and I want to give my thoughts about the last nerf. Weaver was designed to be a pretty good dmg spec (this was said for a dev), they fucked up the heals and the little sustain that we had on tempest, to just go into a spec with full dmg, lacking all type of support. Weaver at launch was too high dmg, they nerfed it anyway, I think that nerf was "ok". Introducing a ICD for Meteor shower was annoying, changed it to dmg reduction per hit, was more annoying, cause you don't feel rewarded for channeling it at all, which "channeling" is hard sometimes in raid.

    Weaver has a complex rotation and if you play it at high skill you get high rewards (not now, before nerf), yeah, its have a lots of burst, but most of the ppl don't keep the dmg up, and a lot of them ends the battles with mediocre dps (here is the difference between normal weaver / good weaver)

    It's a spec without cc, no survivability, cloth + min. HP, almost all enemies npc just kill you from 1-2 hits, also it's have some channeling skills like MS that requires to stay on site casting them. I don't understand the nerfs. I think weaver was "fine" after the last nerf with meteor shower reduction dmg, it was still strong on huge hitboxes, but on small wasn't the best choice. I've seen other classes doing almost the same dps, with an easiest rotation.

    I like elementalist/tempest/weaver since launch, but the nerfs are just to dissapoint. No justification, no buffs to other weapons (sword its bad, and going full melee with full glass canon class without some kind of survivability isn't a good idea).

    Instead of all of this, they buffed thief, with a stupid rotation, which spamming 1 button most of the rotation, you get 38-39k easy, while doing hard rotation on weaver, bring you to 33k on small/38k on huge (also golem isn't raid or fractal where you can stay free casting, so dps will be lower).


    Sorry for the big text and sorry if some of you don't agree, but I just think that we got injustificated nerfs for weaver, and I love this game, but killing my class it's just make me sad and with no gains to still playing till they revert the fun, or at least give weaver the love it need.

    I'm tired of this balance team, no justifications, no speak with community, only partners have access to test-realm (and most of them have 0 idea in raid/fractals terms) so they just balance on his way, with no feedback. And now we have to wait for others 3 months to another patch in which probably we'll get another nerfs for weaver.


    Sorry for my english. Good day.

  14. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > They are separate enrichments.


    > I looked into the guild buff stuff, as it was a common request. The way systems work now seem to require you to be actually in a guildhall for the npc to know what's available to you. Reworking that is probably we don't have bandwidth for at the moment, with all the other competitive related tasks we have.


    Hey Ben, thanks for your information. Can you tell us more about those enrichment? They come as buffs or infusions? (like karma, XP and other you can buy with laurels). Also, they stack with the guild buff?

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