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Posts posted by thewaterguy.4796

  1. I don't know that Arenanet ever will, I've started maining berserker and while it has problems, adrenaline gain isn't really the problem, spending it to have more of an impact is kind of lost due to the one bar mechanic, I'd rather see the berserker mode just have 3 bars like normal mode, but then you run into the problem of berserker possibly losing some of its uniqueness and may end up feeling like vanilla warrior just with a new skill, so...IDK how you'd fix the class

  2. > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > @"thewaterguy.4796" said:

    > > > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

    > > > > @"thewaterguy.4796" said:

    > > > > I ask because recently after failing to destroy the slime in Thaumanova in one burst, people were apparently watching the dps turned to me and said "Do you have an alternate build because dps is low" I run berserker but I focus on some defense and cc, its a homemade build I find fun and thematic to my character, but apparently thats a problem

    > > >

    > > > Hate to say it, but in this particular circumstance, if the required DPS output wasn’t met to burst the boss like it usually is done, and your output was the lowest, you were the problem of that tactic failing. They asked you if you were familiar with a higher output build. That’s really normal for players in T4.

    > > > If you prefer your own builds, you can start your off-meta group yourself. Players learn to swap in/out things that are needed. Your defence and CC wasn’t needed. Damage was.

    > >

    > > Okay, but you understand my point about this feeling very...raidy right? Like the implication is you haven't built your character "properly" and this group did not have any stipulations about "need dps" nothing of the sort, it was just t4 dailies, if it had "LF DPS" in the title I would never have joined in the first place

    > >

    > > I've run T4 fractals for years now, and I've never had anyone tell me I need to completely change my build, sure once in awhile "can you switch to "X" skill for this" and I happily obliged but the "can you fundamentally redesign your build" has never come up before


    > First : obviously you need to bring dps into fractals. Even if it's not stated. Noone needs your good looks to complete the content.


    > Second : when it was the first time, how did you deside its the best idea to make a forum thread about an isolated incident after years of playing?


    Because I haven't played Fractals in awhile and if this is the case I need to know? And I do bring dps, the build is a dps-build, just not pure, seriously we keep getting off on these tangents, nobody so far has answered my question, are we now considering T4 to be the realm of meta-builds with lower Tiers being for people like me? If so that is fine by me, just would be nice to know no need to get snippy mate, I posted this in players helping players because its a genuine question, if I wanted a discussion I'd have posted it in Fractals and Raids

  3. > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

    > > @"thewaterguy.4796" said:

    > > I ask because recently after failing to destroy the slime in Thaumanova in one burst, people were apparently watching the dps turned to me and said "Do you have an alternate build because dps is low" I run berserker but I focus on some defense and cc, its a homemade build I find fun and thematic to my character, but apparently thats a problem


    > Hate to say it, but in this particular circumstance, if the required DPS output wasn’t met to burst the boss like it usually is done, and your output was the lowest, you were the problem of that tactic failing. They asked you if you were familiar with a higher output build. That’s really normal for players in T4.

    > If you prefer your own builds, you can start your off-meta group yourself. Players learn to swap in/out things that are needed. Your defence and CC wasn’t needed. Damage was.


    Okay, but you understand my point about this feeling very...raidy right? Like the implication is you haven't built your character "properly" and this group did not have any stipulations about "need dps" nothing of the sort, it was just t4 dailies, if it had "LF DPS" in the title I would never have joined in the first place


    I've run T4 fractals for years now, and I've never had anyone tell me I need to completely change my build, sure once in awhile "can you switch to "X" skill for this" and I happily obliged but the "can you fundamentally redesign your build" has never come up before

  4. If people want to have THAT smooth a run, they shouldn't be PUG'ing, I'm fine with a slower run and running with other people who run less meta builds, apparently though the "Community" at large has decided that everyone should run a meta build and if you aren't your playing the game wrong and shouldn't be running T4 fractals, also the entire reason I play fractals and not raids is because I don't have 4 other people to play with so the "make your own group" thing really doesn't hold as much water, I have tried making my own groups before with...mixed results, most of the time you get people who stick to the everyone welcome thing, but sometimes you get people who come in and still expect a super smooth run where everyone is running meta, hence my original question, has the community decided that T4 is the realm of the try-hard raiders and T3 is for people who want a more casual run with homecooked builds?

  5. I keep running into this constantly, people requiring I provide a link to my ultra-meta pre-approved build before we start T4 fractals, I guess I'll just play T3 but this seems to have only come up in the past month...am I crazy?


    If it is this way now, that's fine, just must have missed the memo where the community at large decided that T4 is only for pre-approved builds, not homecooked ones that a player finds more fun even if its not quite as powerful

  6. I think the sword makes sense, but the rest of it, especially "drunk" awakened literally doesn't make any sense at all, The ghost Army I think the reasoning before was that Joko had Ghost-eaters, and we could maybe safely assume that Kralkatorrik has something, but even then, they would be super useful fighting along side us all the time since we can just kill any type of Ghost-eating creature, Kralkatorrik in the mists REALLY bothers me, like you said, why would he ever want to come back to Tyria? Unless Arenanet are going the "its his instinct to devour Tyria" which would be really lame because it reduces the main villain to nothing more than a beast driven by instinct which was the problem back in Vanilla and to a lesser extent HoT

  7. Yes because that's why everyone plays GW2, to be pigeonholed into Meta builds and a role! This is the problem that people like me have with raiding and why we consider it an elitist cesspool of toxic players, especially considering that you have guilds that are running GREEN equipment that have cleared the raids before, but nonono, screw you you will play and run the build that WE TELL YOU


    Look I get that you are trying to explain to people what raiding in GW2 is, but most of us that consider raiding toxic already know, we know what the raid scene is about and we hate it

  8. I don't play guardian anymore but I love the idea of avenger, Guild Wars 2 is STILL lacking the dark knight archetype, the closest its come is Reaper, Revenant I thought was going to be that but turns out no considering they can only channel 1 proper villain and another "villain" who I would categorize closer to an anti-hero, also I love elite specializations that run completely counter to other ones, a dark knight themed guardian would balance out the Firebrand and Dragonhunter thematically

  9. This is something interesting that WoodenPotatoes recently pointed out in a GW2 mystery, the gist of it is that during a personal story step (assuming you joined order of whispers) you can talk to Preceptor Velazquez and he has some...interesting dialogue that was never elaborated upon, while its not on the wiki he did mention a wi...partner that he lost and ever since he's stopped being a field agent and then there is this:


    Kryta? No, no...I mean, yes! Of course. The human nation, right? Kryta. Yes.


    — Preceptor Velazquez


    Do the devs have any plans to elaborate on this? He did mention "Perhaps another time" or something to that effect and the story is dealing a little bit with the order of shadows

  10. Just something I've noted very recently since this last patch, the game will load in fine but everything will be "invisible", by that I mean the NPC's are all there and all the collision and such is there but the walls, floor and other solid objects are invisible, they do load in but it can take a long time to do so, It might just be my computer I suppose but this never happened before the few recent patches came out


    EDIT: The problem fixed itself so it must have been just on my end

  11. Okay, I'd appreciate if I can avoid spoilers but I'm confused by this story step, I'm on "The Road to Rata Primus" and my objective is to disable the comms, but I don't have a map marker and the story info isn't telling me anything, a tower with an underground tunnel was mentioned but I don't know if that has anything to do with it, anyone know what I'm supposed to do? XD


    Okay so I found a cave by following the arrow at the top right, but the cave is blocked by rocks, do I need to be inside the specimen chamber?


    Well, I figured it out, just with the story gave more direction lol, for anyone else confused, your supposed to go through the area with all the security doors (the puzzles where you hit the red buttons)

  12. Just something that has been consistent that would make for a nice quality of life, add an option to merchants that lets you dump your inventory and sell it all, the main issue I'm having is all the green runes that I have to go through and sell one by one, is their a reason this has never been implemented? Could have a confirmation and then of course the buyback option is available if someone makes a mistake

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