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Joey Lanuza.1479

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Posts posted by Joey Lanuza.1479

  1. After reading the latest about the Jormag Rising episode that comes out in two days, I can't help but wonder if a certain Durmund Priory member won't be there. I know it's hardly iconic, but it's a bit of a meme from core that I really hope to see.

  2. > @"Dheeraj.2481" said:

    > > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

    > > Silverwastes RIBA, 250 Obsidian Shards per week easy, plus about 50g/day casual, (much more if you're hardcore).


    > What is Silverwastes riba


    Silverwastes is the final "Core Tyria" map that you can play in before you hit Heart of Thorns territory. I put it in quotes because it wasn't around at launch and was I think added in LS2, like Dry Top. RIBA stands for the four camps that you fight to gain control of and then keep control of through the meta; Red, Indigo, Blue, and Amber. Whenever you see in the Central Tyria squad LFG SW RIBA, that means the commander is taking part in the major meta of the map.


    If you see SW RIBA + CF, that means they will be running the chest farm after the Vinewraith meta is over, and you should stack up on Bandit chest keys to maximize loot when you enter the map.

  3. I'm on the same damn step and I just can't fathom how they haven't just put a replacement vendor somewhere on the map for it yet. If it's been this buggy for over three years, then have an Npc on standby to ensure that people can actually complete the collection. Put the replacement where the vista is in the jumping puzzle at the bottom for all I care, but just give us a way to make sure we can get the damn food if the event won't start.

  4. I have all the LW scrolls in their tomes, but I whole heartedly agree that they could be further condensed into a singular tome. They could 100-200 gem it, or restrict it to only being able to accept a completed tome instead of scrolls. Each season could be a chapter option, which opens the menu we're used to seeing.


    I would also kill to have a lounge pass book to store my passes. I've got two now (Airship and Lily of Elon), but I'm going to get the Armistice Bastion pass too. Yes, they all share almost all of the same stuff, but for me it's location, location, location. If I need to get to the PoF maps quickly on a budget (crafting legendaries does this to me. RiP mat storage.) I use my Lily of Elon pass. If I just want to make sure that I don't suddenly log into combat, I use my airship pass. When I get the WvW one, obviously it will be for when I want to see how active my team is before jumping in. Better planning and better patience makes better prepared.


    We just need something to hold the different types of passes together. One tome for permanent passes, one for 2 week passes, one for living story tomes, and one for city scrolls. The rest are less of a hassle once the ones I listed are condensed. I would even gladly pay 200 gems each for them just to help make space in my shared inventory.

  5. Barons or general shenanigans are both possible, but it's more likely the barons as they stated in the video with Wooden Potato that MC are the new currency for them. It's not a mistake that the price has been inflated, it's them getting the most bang for their shiny, golden buck. This is a similar scheme as to De Beers diamond selling scheme. They inform the public how to make gold, that they want people to make gold like them, then artificially restrict the item to bloat prices higher. The sudden high orders is them restricting the supply to only themselves to help drain the general public, which in turn will only drive up the prices higher of the damn things. While right now is the best time to sell, it's one of the worst times to buy.


    However, my qualm with this tactic (a bit scummy, but otherwise brilliant from a playing the market view) is that it's really screwing up the ability for some people to actually craft legendary items. You think I'm going to buy coins at this price? I'm sorry, but hell no. I'm not made of gold, and my want for Ipos is outweighed by the fact that I want to enjoy this GAME and not play a stock market simulator. Now that's me, a person who is over five years invested into this game. What do you think it looks like for new players who are looking to finally, at long last, make their first legendary? God help them if they want to do any of the gen 2 ones.


    We need more sources of coins to level the market out. They USED to be 50 silver each. The gold sink of legendary weapons were the icy runestones/mystic tributes at 1 gold each once upon a time (And we were floored by that price, believe it or not!). The economy might never get them back to that price, but they shouldn't be this expensive. Put them as a guaranteed reward for t4 fractals of 1 per fractal, 2 if you do a CM. Raid bosses could drop one each. PvP and WvW reward tracks should have one of the tracks give maybe 5 as part of the final reward (Gift of Battle track would be perfect for this as it also drops clovers). Daily Anomaly is nice, but to balance the market in a meaningful way, we need alternative methods so these cursed TP barons can't artificially inflate the market like this. It's restricting the ability to get new people to make their own legendary weapons, or even armour if they don't have clovers.

  6. > @"Zephire.8049" said:

    > Agreed that the marketing for GW2 is pretty terrible but cinematic trailers would be a bandaid trying to fix a broken limb. Creating a cinematic trailer several times a year for updates won't attract that many new people—far fewer than active marketing would—and be hugely expensive and require a dedicated team to work on.


    > All the trailers and cinematics for GW2 are either purely in-game (the cutscenes that you mentioned are in-game, just with custom animations, camerawork, and post-editing) or their signature painterly style. And I can tell you that as a gamer, I prefer that over cinematics like WoW, LoL, and even Proph and Factions use. I'd rather know what's possible than be fed a lie, especially when it's so common for studios to pour money into a high quality cinematic only for the game itself to look a decade or two old at max settings. And while GW2 looks good for its age (especially given the engine), a cinematic would end up making it look bad in comparison. Especially for new players who spawn into a starting zone and interact with textures and animations from 2012 after seeing a cinematic from 2020.


    > Also Anet does not have a good history of trailers that don't use the in-game engine. There's some that are good (I'm a particular fan of the Rytlock one for the first SAB), but then there's also the one that shall not be named and those that have seen it likely know the exact one I'm talking about :p


    > I'd just prefer Anet focus on the game itself instead of putting resources into cinematic trailers that aren't needed and have no small chance at being a money pit given their history with marketing and trailers.


    That's pretty fair. I'm personally a fan of the trailers as they show more hype, but you brought up a great point with the issue of the game graphics being less than against the trailer.


    I think that while there would be a downgrade of sorts, like you said it holds up really well regardless.

  7. Something I've noticed over the years playing is that while the game is a ton of fun and honestly a feast for lore lovers like myself, it really lacks dynamic teaser trailers that properly sell it to new players. Even in game, it relies on an almost moving static artwork for many moments in cutscenes, which is fine, but that doesn't grab new players. The game is spread to new people generally by word of mouth. "Hi friend. I see you like ______. Well have I got a game for you!"


    I am NOT saying the game is dying because it's not. The game is thriving, in PvE, but PvP (the saltiness of many who flame is to blame) and WvW (which hasn't had a meaningful update since 1803 aside from warclaw) are struggling. I know it's a it of things. WvW isn't feasable until 80, and PvP is where many go to hate themselves in a competitive setting. But young blood comes in much more sluggishly than it should. The game is solid, and there's something for everyone, so why are we not getting people in larger numbers?


    I think that marketing has let the game down. Cinematic trailers were used for Guild Wars Prophicies and Factions, but with Nightfall it was switched to gameplay footage and it really never fully switched back. Updates are a mix of cutscenes and gameplay footage for their teasers, which for us vets is great. W know the game is great, so show us the parts we wanna see! But to attract new players? You see all this games with cinematic trailers? How do we compete against those for our proverbial sempai to notice the game?


    Cinematic trailers for major releases (xpacs, living world seasons starting up, etc) would really draw in more fresh meat. I mean... New friends! Yes. _New friends_. This isn't the only mmo on the block competing with Blizzard games anymore. It's competing with dozens of studios, and new players are what keep this place fresh and awesome! Or extra salty in PvP. Tears or rants, your choice.

  8. I don't mind the various ideas and points here. But I don't think having WvW items being able to be converted into anything other than coins, karma, or WvW currencies (of indeterminate nature) is wise. You can't get raid tokens in Fractals, PvP, or WvW, and it's best that way. Keep endgame modes separate to allow them to be their own agencies.


    But what do I know? I'm just the dork on the forums moaning about an emblem. XD

  9. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > I would rather some kind of rewards we can use them as currency for... some new weapon skins... something really high quality... charge me 100 Emblems each.

    > Either that or let me vendor them for a gold each. Would go a long way to putting some profit in the game mode.



    Love, love, LOVE the idea of trading in large amounts for unique skins.

  10. If you're like me and semi-seriously do WvW on any semblance of regular basis, you probably also have a number of the Emblem of the Avenger sitting in your bank. Or you did, but you deleted them. The sheer number of player kills you do in a squad ensures you get a bunch of them, and they do nothing but sit there unless you plan on making untold numbers of Conflux.


    The idea: the Skirmish vendor that sells the triumphant hero/mistforged hero armour/weapons also allows you to trade in your vast numbers of emblems for WvW currencies. As each emblem is 100 kills, it should trade for half that.


    So,1 Emblem = 50 Memories of Battle, OR 50 Badges of Honor, OR either 50 of the Heroic tokens, OR 50 skirmishing tickets. Or maybe even a jug of karma, or reward track boost for whatever.


    This ensures that even the most diehard players of WvW can trade the surplus for something useful to them. All I know is that I personally won't be evolving 10+ Slumbering Conflux to the ball-wielding full Conflux.

  11. I've been playing for about five years now, but I'm unable to properly train/understand PvP. I know "kill before they kill you" and all that, but my reaction times and ability to know what animations I'm looking at is always the downfall of me.


    I might not bring "mad skillz" to the table, but I am able to bring a stubborn streak that will make me smash my face against a wall over and over again until I improve.


    If you think you'd be willing to put your sanity on the line and have me on to help me, I would greatly appreciate it.

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