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Lord Warfin.1209

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Posts posted by Lord Warfin.1209

  1. I was able to get the 64-bit Windows client to install and run in a 64-bit Windows 10 bottle using Crossover on an Intel Mac running 10.14 (Mojave). It launches for me double clicking the icon and looks ok. I will probably have to upgrade the OS soon so that could change, and I haven't put it through any real testing. I just logged in and looked around a bit. I still have the Mac client installed and created a hard link to the Gw2.dat file from the Mac version in the Windows version so they share the same 50GB database.


    There is a way to get the option keys to work as alt. I've run into this same issue before with Wine and it's a matter of figuring out where to put the options. In this case the file is: ~/Library/Application Support/Crossover/Bottles/your GW2 bottle name/user.reg


    Add the following lines:


    [software\\\Wine\\\Mac Driver]




    Note: Alt-F4 closes the window and quits GW2. It's a Windows thing. I was using that combination and had to switch. I'm sure there's a way to disable it but it was easy enough to avoid.


    Update: I've been running the Windows client in Crossover for a while now and it does seem playable to me, although I don't really do WvW and I'm not a l33t PvP or raid player, more of a casual open world and story player so take that for what it's worth. After upgrading to Catalina I did get the bug where launching the game by double clicking the link in the Crossover window fails immediately. Running Gw2-64.exe directly works. Also, if I right click on the Gw2 link in the Crossover window, select run with options then hit run, with or without options, that works too. In game the biggest issue I've seen is that when I mount I sometimes end up underground. Once I ended up stuck like that and had to waypoint to get out of it. Usually I can just unmount or move out. That happened occasionally on the Mac client as well but not nearly as often. The graphics are a bit weird in that I have to set the screen to a lower resolution with a larger UI to get roughly the same appearance as I had on the Mac client. Maybe because of the retina display, although I have retina mode turned off in Wine.


    If you have Crossover you can vote for GW2 to be a supported application on the Codeweavers site. I'm not sure how many votes it takes but there were only 3 the last time I looked.



  2. This may seem like an obscure bug, but it's been quite annoying. Any time I mount (and sometimes when I dismount), any motion or mount special action key I'm pressing (e.g. forward, griffon wing flap) will stop working approximately 3.5 seconds after mounting/dismounting. If I release the key and press it again motion will resume and it won't happen again until I mount/dismount. If I wait more than 3.5 seconds after mounting/dismounting to start moving it won't happen. It also only seems to happen when I'm using a wired game controller rather than my wireless keyboard. I would be tempted to suspect the controller or driver/lack of driver except for the specific timing in relation to mounting/dismounting. If it was a hardware, driver or system issue it should happen all the time or at random seeming times not related to what I was doing in the game. It has to be something in the game or an interaction between the game and the controller that happens at that specific time. No idea how to debug this. I can work around it by knowing that I'll have to release and repress any motion or action key I want to keep working, or wait to start moving when that is practical, but it's very inconvenient when trying to follow a fast group or make a quick getaway.

  3. The first time I start moving forward after mounting my character moves a short distance and then stops even though I'm still holding down the forward key. If I let the key up and press it again I will start moving again and usually stay moving. Occasionally it does happen more than the first time and even after I've been mounted and moving around for a while but it's not as common. It always happens the first time. I don't think it's the system or my keyboard since it never happens on foot and it's usually just the first time I try to move when mounted. Doesn't matter whether it's the raptor, springer, skimmer or jackal, which are the four I have. This isn't a critical bug since I know how to work around it, but it is annoying. I'm using the Mac client under OS 10.14.6.

  4. The error messages I saw after the December 17 release indicated missing or mis-indexed high quality textures. Now the January 14 release has it crashing repeatedly again and the error messages indicate something to do with shaders. I'm still using medium quality settings to work around the Wintersday crashes. Haven't tried changing the settings yet again to see if there is a way around this one. Can we just opt out of these special events if it means we can't even run the game at all?

  5. There are already two other threads on the same subject. It seems the problem has something to do with missing/corrupted high quality textures in the Wintersday update. Try reducing your texture quality and maybe a few other graphics settings to medium or low and that might fix the crashing. It has for me so far.

  6. I was able the get through the first POF chapter by changing my graphics settings. Before I couldn't get past the first fight. Since the error logs mentioned missing textures, I changed my texture, shader and character model quality from high to medium and was able to play without crashes. Not sure if it was patched, the changes worked around the problem, or I just got very lucky. If that fixes it the issue probably has something to do with missing high quality textures.

  7. I've been having the same problems. Since the error messages in the log mentioned missing textures I changed my texture, shader and character model settings from high to medium and just made it through the first POF chapter. I couldn't get through the first fight without a crash before. Don't know if they patched it, changing the textures got around the problem or I just got very lucky, but if you are still having issues try changing those settings.

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