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Zin Dau.1749

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Posts posted by Zin Dau.1749

  1. note that berserker+valkyrie stat combo can only be found on ascended trinkets. This can be seen as a bonus if the below criteria can be met.


    If you can max out crit chance with other ways, berserker+valkyrie is better than pure berserker. Note Fury boon grants +20% crit chance. Some classes may have fury uptime 100% and other ways to boost precision and crit chance besides gear. So the loss of precision from gear wouldn't impact your damage.

  2. The only way to not have enough mastery points is if you waste them on superfluous masteries before you can afford the luxury. For PoF, it's recommended you only train up to the third mastery of each mount (and that's if they really help) for all mounts. Then finally train the fourth masteries after you have acquired all four basic mounts.


    If you follow the story in timely fashion and don't waste mastery points on the fourth tier masteries (or even some of the second and third tiers), completing many of the story chapters will give you plenty of mastery points. Also bonus mastery points in open world.

  3. A group of 5, 10 people isn't Massively Multiplayer by any stretch of the imagination. If you think group content must be compelleed, then all group content should be designed for huge squads of 50, 100, 1000 people.


    I (and probably many other players) do enjoy group content in the open world, but not instanced tiny group content. Many reasons these instanced unmassive group content in MMO are avoided. Repetitive, claustrophobic, linear, instanced, and (perhaps most importantly) not massive. In fact quite opposite of what MMOs should strive for; arguably holding back the genre.

  4. Why can't it be free? They create new episodes and make it free (for limited time )


    This is not even content. It's just Data of combinations. Each class has over half a million of combinations just from traits. Not even counting the skills (probably similar ridiculous high number ). Yeah they are "So Generous" allowing us save 3 whole combinations! We really should prostrate ourselves and kiss their boots for such Magnanimity. (What a joke )

  5. Use pinky finger to strafe, so you can freely use other fingers for other actions while pinky is held down. With or without action camera.


    Thusly key setup would be like this:


    e = move forward

    d = move backward

    s = turn left

    f = turn right

    a = strafe left

    g = strafe right


    Then you can strafe indefinitely by holding down 'a' with pinky. While in this mode, turning directions is done by the mouse, for precise aiming and facing. Furthermore Index finger being most mobile while pinky is held down, the weapons skills should probably be assigned to keys reached by index finger.

  6. Since you have PoF, you should unlock their elite specs because they are all great classes.


    Never use PVT/Soldier because they're useless and gives the wrong impression that you can tank from that alone. In reality you still die just as often because you don't eliminate threats in a timely manner. Hence you don't learn the right approach.


    What really matters is studying the enemies' attack pattern and behavior, and find ways to counteract that. For instance, raptors always attack in packs. Thus you want AOE and cleave. Some mobs can disable you frequently; thus you bring lots of dodges, evades, stability, stunbreak, etc. Against ranged attacks, bring skills that reflects or block projectiles.


    I find Mirage one of the best survivors. Honestly I never felt more daring, invincible, confident with another class. I would jump headfirst into any encounter--packs, bosses, whatever. And know that they can't touch me.

  7. > @"powetng.1024" said:

    > Traitlines, Gear and weapon choice?


    This is my former build:




    To be honest, that build lost quite a bit of sustain ever since they removed regen from Inspiring Battle Standard (now called Doubled Standards). It's not as smooth sailing as before. So I'm still looking for ways to compensate.




    So just started to test a new build, below. Even without all the ideal sigil and runes yet, I can already feel much better sustain without losing DPS.





    Whereas the first build focuses on fury uptime, the second build will focus on generating might as often as possible. Every time you gain might, will trigger Might Makes Right for recovering health and endurance. Thus we abuse as many might procs as possible. A major source is critical hits, which will proc Forceful Greatsword multiple times per second and Sigil of Strength once per second. Also Sigil of Battle will grant might during weapon swap, about every 10 seconds. Battle Standard grants might every 3 seconds; this will emulate the former regen from banners which we recently lost.


    Weapons of choice are simply the fastest available for the Warrior: Dagger and Axe. Their #5 skills hit multiple times, granting lots of chances to crit, and thus trigger Might Makes Right for massive healing. Dagger off-hand offers additional healing via Sun and Moon Style that scales with crit damage.


    All in all, you rarely have to use active healing because there is so much automatic passive healing. And we don't have to give up DPS for this form of sustain.


    Arms trait-line doesn't seem to offer much. Nevertheless, Dual Wielding is solid boost to DPS, and makes the already-rapid weapons even rapider. As a small bonus, Burst attacks will grant Fury every 15 second--to keep crit-chance topped up. (If in a party that bestows quickness and fury, can replace Arms line with something else. Probably Discipline for Axe Mastery and more frequent weapon swap and bursts.)

  8. It could be interesting if a war broke out between the three Orders. The battle takes place in an instance of Fort Trinity. Only characters who are aligned to one of the Order can enter this instance. That means they must complete their personal story up to that point of choosing an Order (and be able to travel to Fort Trinity or the Straits where the Fort is located). When the war starts, mail is sent to each character from their respective Order.

  9. > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > I wonder why a game developer wouldn't want players to be able to stand around passively and ignore enemy damage ... there can't possibly be any good reasons for that.


    OP has created many such similar threads. The last one was only 1 or 2 weeks ago. We try to explain why there is no such thing as ideal stats system that balances offense and defense. Most importantly, it's human nature to want battles to end as quickly as possible, to waste as little time as possible. Hence, players themselves will always choose to maximize offense--regardless of how the stat system works (or seemingly fails to work.)


    QED There is nothing to fix, because metagames are ultimately driven by human behavior, not math. And if you believe math is important, then understand that duration of combat is the most important factor. Not whether offense and defense are "balanced" on a statsheet.

  10. > @"Levetty.1279" said:

    > Thinking about it Renegade has alacrity but doesn't have IP so maybe they are on to something here.


    Really now? stooping to direct class to class comparisons? Ok to make it a fair comparison, Renegade can't swap legends without any clones. Also Renegade damage is reduced by half unless they have clones out. Nah let's make all classes not able to use F abilities if they don't have clones out. Now all classes can be compared to mesmer.

  11. The player's job is to find the best build. They didn't design the "degenerate" skills or this situation where stunlock build is top tier. Any designer worth their salt knows that over abundance of griefing skills together is not fun. That's why it's fine for several years, because the former design teams knew to keep it in check. In particular, this build won't work without good control. So particularly baffling is a recent patch when they buffed up an instant cast daze to 50% longer duration.


    It was after this new "grand vision of design" ideology sprang up that healthy Mesmer builds were in neverending flux. That the designers left players no choice but to seek alternative builds. Unfortunately for other classes, this build happened to be super effective at griefing and degenerate gameplay.


    In a way, when devs try to mess with mesmers, the mesmers get the last laugh.


  12. GW2 is among the top 5 western MMO, and has generally favorable rapport in MMO circles. Unfortunately it doesn't have a rabid fanbase like the other top MMOs. For one, the other franchises offer offline single player games, especially for consoles, that don't have the stigma of MMOs.


    Also disappointed is PVP balance has always been and will continue to be terrible. Hence it could never compete with Lineage for the Korean market. or esports market in general.


    On the upside, GW2 do offer plenty of shiny pretty skins. Fortunately humans are mostly materialistic, facetious, so that market is where GW2 exploits expertly.

  13. > @"Blocki.4931" said:


    > Or, and hear me out here, something that was previously not problematic rose to become a large issue as other builds left the spotlight. There are always many things like that in any game, but they simply aren't an issue because of how rarely they're seen or because something else, that is then later on nerfed, used to keep them in check. Stop crying about your class being nerfed.


    Or hear me out here, they removed all the fun aspects of a class, leaving the "degenerate" aspects, such that players have no other choice than to stack up and rely on the narrow playstyle by devs 'grand vision' . So thanks for removing the fun aspects as long as losers cry enough.


    And hear me out here, sore losers will always complain about this or that class or ability. Complain until the only viable build to remain Is the stunlock build. So good job on complaining about the wrong things.

  14. LMAO took them 4 years to notice a "degenerate" trait.


    What really happened was they nerfed Mesmer entirely to the ground in the last few months, that so few traits and playstyles remain playable. Now the devs continue taking away the last toys for Mesmers, even as Mesmers scrape the bottom of the barrel to try to stay competitive.


    Ironically the more they nerf Mesmers, the more "degenerate" they get. So how healthy and successful were the other "rebalancing" acts? As they continue to break Chronomancer into unplayable mess, expect many more Mesmers to switch to the more annoying Mirage that people hate more.

  15. I played an unconventional Arms/Discipline/Spellbreaker, with a major emphasis on fury uptime and ferocity inflation. All berserker gear with Rune of Rage. Super fun and fast. My health is rarely in danger.


    Spellbreaker is excellent for soloing, as it plays both offense and defense superbly. Obviously Full Counter whenever possible when facing groups of mobs, and when anticipating big attacks from bosses. Sustain is further assisted with multiple sources of health-over-time: Healing Signet; Sun and Moon Style trait in SB line. I love Stomp for its versatility and synergy (can grant multiple stacks of Insight for SB), but mainly to get out of trouble.

  16. Actually the journey was super fun. Revisiting many zones and contents across Tyria (except HoT and LS3 zones).


    > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

    > It was a grind and if you arent a veteran player thats been saving up charged quarts for years it was expensive also. The cost of the skyscale was 257gold if you didnt have all the food etc you needed not to mention the 35g to buy the saddle. I dont play BDO because i dont like those kinds of games for that reason.


    In this situation, maybe acquiring the skyscale shouldn't be your priority.

  17. > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

    > Yeah, why chrono? Mirage have this problem of infinite invulnerability, not chrono. This change should be made for mirage, not chrono.


    Because people still play Chrono, taking away the monopoly of support roles occupied by their pet classes, Guards and Revs.

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