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Posts posted by Anemone.5320

  1. My warrior is about to hit 80 and I was wondering what people run these days for power open world/dungeons/etc? I've been searching for a while and some people say condi berserker, others spellbreaker in general, others advise to stay in core. Also, what weapons do you like most?

  2. I can only take on champs in pof with condi tbh, but.


    Try invisibility, teleportation and something that counters whatever the champ does (eg condi cleanse, reflect, etc). Aside from what the others have said, you have to take into account what the champion's skills are and if you have something that can get rid of them. Also the classic asking for help on map always works xD

  3. Depends on the mood, but if I'm running around core Tyria, I stick to the classic sword/sword and gs. Sometimes core, sometimes chrono, sometimes mirage. All berserker, all fun. I go condi in all the rest tho, mirage is my favourite.

    Edit: For condi mirage I use axe/torch and staff.

  4. As stated before, people usually chat in guild, saying the usual small talk of "good morning" and stuff. Map chat activity depends on the map, eg meta/farm areas won't shut up (looking at you auric basin) while mid-level areas are deserted. And of course racial cities if you want to goof around.


    Also keep in mind that f2p accounts don't have access to map chat.

  5. I second viper, especially if you're running staff which means you can keep firing from a safe distance. As stated, rabid is a lil bit more tanky but imo it's not worth the dps loss, because mirage has enough evades/distortion/etc to take care of itself. I can solo some champions with full viper staff so imo go viper.

  6. > @"Norcelia.4520" said:

    > > @"Anemone.5320" said:

    > > Anet coming into the office in the morning will be like that pizza guy meme haha

    > > Don't worry too much, something similar happened in 2016 and everything was restored, though we can't know if the cause was the same.


    > I started playing before the 2016 rollback happened, can you report what they did afterwards? Like did they give back loot and progress that happened during that time or did they just let it stay like that?



    I didn't play back then either but that time they managed to return everything to normal items, gold, achievements, etc but we don't know if it's the same problem this time

  7. Thematically it doesn't fit, but I'd like to see more classes with rifles too, the skins are so cool! I hope we get some new elite specs with rifles in the new expansion, doesn't matter the class.

  8. What's your favourite pet regardless of how "useful" it is? I really like the birds, but I can't justify getting locked with them in combat when there are better/more optimal for my build options. I've been thinking how more diverse rangers would be if they weren't forced to have a smokescale/wyvern/ gazelle in combat.

  9. Scepter is better used for a shatterer build rather than a condi one imo, while axe is perfect for condi. Sure, it's melee but it has gap closers while staff has a blink to get away from stuff. Axe 3 also breaks targeting so it forces a npc enemy to target your illusion(s) instead. Axe 2 is an evade on a short cooldown. Staff paired with axe is my favourite combo, since they cover for what the other is lacking.

  10. Obviously everyone at everything but my favourites are:

    * Asura necromancer, based on this guy who had the brilliant idea of combining necromancy and golemancy. I like to think the minions are lil undead golems instead of 100% organic.

    * Norn ranger, mostly because they look real nice in medium armor. Also they can become a bear as well to keep company to their pet bear.

    * Sylvari elementalist, I find the idea of a pyromaniac plant hilarious.

    * Sylvari necromancer too, with a theme of decay and the mushroom hair.

    * Charr engineer is a classic, but charr thief is better. Ashe legion forever!

    * I was gonna say charr revenant but honestly, revenant doesn't have any strong themes for me that aren't covered by necromancer :/


    I don't care about humans tbh. My main is sylvari mesmer, but mesmer looks good on anything haha.

  11. I don't think those points matter much to a new player, especially if they're playing with you/not alone. Just the fact that it's not subscription is enough for initial interest. As for the extra purchases, all I ever bought was one (1) character slot for a chonky charr. Let the player decide if they want to buy the Living World content, but it's by no means mandatory or necessary. It does have one of the best stories in the genre, yes, but the competion isn't fierce. The full voice acting is very nice and I like hearing the different interpretations of the same lines, cause it gives each commander a different feel (male asura sounds kinder, while female asura is maybe more arrogant for example).


    New players don't care about the problems older players might face. They'll experience everything for the very first time and the game is very exciting the first time you run through it. It just becomes more and more dull with each new character you make.

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