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Posts posted by Martt.5123

  1. Hello! How are you?

    So, since I started playing gw2 I wanted to find a support class that I would truly enjoy, and turns out it is Healing Scrapper, I just love to use med kit and spam healing on my allies.

    But I have a little bit of a problem with the second skill - bandage blast. I can't almost see them... and sometimes (actually most of the times lol) I totally forget to use it because I know it won't hit my allies, since it is not really a cone, but 5 fine lines ahead of you, furthermore it has a 1/2 seconds skill cast, which is enough to your ally just dodge the healing (and is not really their fault tho, everyone keeps moving in PVE modes). These things said, I want to know what do you think about this skill, I might using it wrong or just seeing problem where does not exist, but I think this skill need a few changes, especially on the visual effects, some blue glow around the bandages would help a lot already.


    Also, I know...Healing scrapper "is not" a build for PVE, but I'm enjoying it, some Fractals party accept me and everything runs smoothly most part of the time :)

  2. A guild apresenta uma proposta muito única, o combate a toxidade a princípio entre os membros, mas de modo que os ensinamentos aprendidos desencadeie do membro para todo o jogo. Inclusão, empatia e solidariedade são as palavras chave dessa guild. Os convido para, ao menos, experimentar a vivência na guild, aposto que adorará e será muito bem acolhido!


    The guild presents a very unique proposition, combating toxicity at first among members, but furthermore lessons learned unleash the member throughout the game. Inclusion, empathy and solidarity are the key words of this guild. I invite you to at least experience the guild, I bet you will love it and you will be very welcome!

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