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Fang Wolfika.6820

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Posts posted by Fang Wolfika.6820

  1. again I say no, as what you are asking is for anet to sell achievements. All mastery points are tied to achievements, even the insight ones that are basically free points in the maps. Levels are not tied to achievements neither are the waypoints. if you can not get the hard achievements then don't go for them and just focus on the easy points or go for the points that you are willing to put the work in for.


    The only masteries that actually block any kind of progress only cost 1-3 points if that and are at the very beginning of any of the mastery lines. Which you get the points for by either doing the story, the insights or just given to you by exploring the map. So all of those are basically a give me as you can get them extremely easy and unlock them real fast. All other masteries after those initial ones are secondary and are not really required to do anything else. So by you wanting Anet to sell mastery points, which are tied to achievements, means you want them to sell achievements in this game. Whatever happened to players actually playing a game to achieve a goal in the said game?


    So should mastery points be sold in the gem store? No, as by doing so, would be selling achievements aka something that is achieved by performing a certain task. This would be like asking Anet to sell legendary armor, backpiece, or a legendary whatever on the gem store. It would be a slap in the face to those who actually put in the effort to "achieve" these things. So selling any of the mastery points, would be a slap in the face to those who put in the effort to achieve that particular mastery point in an achievement.

  2. How is this even a discussion? The answer should be no as this game already has too few things that actually feel rewarding. Unlocking the waypoints use to feel somewhat rewarding as it meant you were unlocking new areas or "content" with that character you are playing. It gave a sign of progressing in the game, but now we can buy all the core waypoints in the gem store so that rewarding feeling is now gone.


    The same goes for the Gen 1 legendaries as they don't feel legendary or rewarding as anyone can just buy them on the tp. Mastery points should only be unlocked by actually playing the game as it shows accomplishment of the time you put in the game. It gives players something to work towards in the long run and can give that rewarding feeling for doing something you normally wouldn't do or for playing content that you normally wouldn't play as it shows that you as the player are willing to go above and beyond to accomplish that goal.


    Do you need to get every mastery point to unlock everything? No, just look at the ones you are willing to do and go for those ones instead. Let me end this with a question, when does the quality of life systems or items make the game no longer fun or rewarding? How long would a game or the community stay together if things that are supposed to be rewarding can simply be bought with money? Anet has already stated years ago that the gen 1 legendaries being tradeable was an oversight and that all legendaries, starting with the gen 2 legendaries would be account bound upon creation to give the sense of a reward after a long journey.


    Do you need legendaries? no. Do you need all masteries? no. the same goes for the griffon mount and the skyscale mount, as they are the rewards for the players that go out of their way and invest their time into accomplishing a specific goal. By allowing these things to be bought with money would be a slap in the face to those that put in the effort of actually playing the game to get them.


    I would like somethings to be easier since I only play one character really, but I also know that if really want a particular item or whatever that I am going to have to work towards it, even if it means creating another character, redoing map completion, or playing content that I am not a fan of. Because in the end, I know my time invested will be well rewarded.

  3. we don't need a home node really, as was previously stated there are 3 nodes per lane without the meta. So all that is needed to do is do a run on one character, switch to another character and do the run again as the open ones are only bound to the character that opened them. so you can do a decent run and get quite a bit of the mat's, then after the map resets after 2 hours you can simply do the run again with all your characters.

  4. > @"Galmac.4680" said:

    > You philistine! You don't know Sinead??? Go and listen to her music! Shoo! Shoo! =)


    Just listened to Sinead's version of the song, not a bad singer. I personally like the duet version by Prince and Rosie Gaines better. =)

    Anyway, to the subject at hand, Anet being silent is nothing really new as they have already been this way for about 8 yrs now. Last I heard it was time-gated to a week, so I'm personally gonna try again later. Starting to wonder if it is gated until the very hour or minute that the story was completed in a week's time to access the next dialogue part. Or are they just waiting to put voices into the game to make Jormag more ominous as (s)he talks directly to you? who knows at this point though.

  5. The current method of getting the Gift of Battle is fine as it currently is. I'm not a big fan of WvW or Pvp in this game, but I still do them to get these items, do to the fact that legendaries in a sense show mastery of the game as a whole and not just a particular part of it. That's why legendaries are mostly just cosmetic and just as powerful as an ascended item. They are meant to be made over time; not to be rushed. Take your time getting this Gift and by the time you make that legendary, it will feel much more rewarding.


    The only gifts I personally think need to be changed are the map completion gifts or they should release a gift that can be bought with in-game currency that is character bound, which can only be bought with a character that has finished the map completion. That's coming from a player that mostly plays one character, but that is a discussion for another day. So just do WvW little by little, do the big spender daily when it appears, and you will get it eventually. Struggle through it and it will feel much more rewarding.

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