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Posts posted by Anzriel.1398

  1. Personally I still believe in ANet. They may have to reorganize and change focus but that isn't necessarily a bad thing for the game itself. I kind of got the feeling they were running GW2 itself on a skeleton crew and perhaps now they'll work on making GW2 a success while just investing a bit in R&D. They still have plenty of talented devs at the studio and probably have a reasonable amount of content already planned/laid out. I do genuinely feel sorry for the devs, but I don't -completely- blame NCSoft. Based on what I've seen/heard the biggest issue with ANet was that they lacked a vision, and invested too much in things that didn't pan out financially. 300ish devs is still probably enough for GW2 to keep going, at the very least, at the pace it has been.

  2. Honestly I'm expecting them to nerf herald dps and make it a full on support spec, then have the next elite spec coming out be one that supports power dps, but we'll see I guess. If they don't do something to give them some kind of burst I personally feel like it's kind of moot though.

  3. > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > @"Zoop.1360" said:

    > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > snip

    > >

    > > You make very good points. Although it's not the first time something like this happens so I think Arenanet really needs to look into the situation. I get the idea JP is very stressed, so it might be worthwhile to have her go on leave for a bit to get some rest and properly destress and clear her mind.

    > > I'm more critical of Peter Fries, who poured fuel on the fire. He should know better than to butt in on an already volatile situation and should have left the situation to be handled by the PR team or community manager.

    > >

    > > People are saying Anet apparently contacted Deroir and asked him not to say anything about the situation, so I guess we'll hear from Anet soon.


    > I don't know. I've defended coworkers before, because I know them and understand their point of view. Just as the dev over-reacted, so has the community. This is, at this point, nothing more than a witch hunt. The dev felt she was being singled out because she was a female dev. It's not likely but that's what her experience has taught her. The fuel on the fire isn't going to teach her any different.


    > Peter Fries did what anyone would do for a friend. He wasn't trying to throw fuel on the fire. He was helping a friend. We've all done it. In all of this, he's the guy who's reaction I understand the most.


    Yeah, I think ultimately he was standing up for a coworker and a friend, but I still think what he said showed, at least to a degree, that he agreed with her. He said something along the lines that he hadn't had comments like that even though he'd been on the team since 2012. What he doesn't seem to realize is that people have been crapping all over his work for years they just didn't know which parts he was personally responsible for to criticize him specifically. Deroir probably saw someone actually posting something publicly and thought "hey a dev actually being open to a discussion, this is great!"


    The dev team has done a better job communicating but are still fairly behind when it comes to these things so I think certain people (particularly WvWers, sPvPers and Raiders) are kind of chomping at the bit for more information. Unfortunately she took this as him talking down to her because she was a woman. Whether this is because previous experiences, a bad day, or simply political ideology I don't know, but it's clear she saw something no one else seemed to.


    Whether or not either one of them are punished, and how is ultimately up to ANet. At this point I'm curious what, if anything they would or could say that would settle things down any way and I think it's somewhat of a sad situation all around.

  4. > @Tzozef.9841 said:

    > > @EremiteAngel.9765 said:

    > > > The bright side is guys, whether in PvP, WvW, or PvE/Raids. Scourge (Necro) will only get buffed from here on out.

    > >

    > > Buff 5%.

    > > Uproar from non-necro players that Scourge is now OP again.

    > > Nerf 10%. :/


    > We should just get a new elite spec and call it Hamlet.


    > Because... you know... Tragedy.


    Or we can just call it Piglet, since it'll be as useless as all of our other traitlines.

  5. > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

    > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > >...This app can be used to monitor my account without my consent or even knowledge...

    > > You give consent when you accepted the EULA/Privacy Policy when you installed and everytime you log in. If you cannot deal with that, then you should uninstall.

    > >

    > > The info is already public. Just like you can't complain about someone taking your photo when you are in public, you cannot complain about public information being arranged in a format that is easier to read.


    > arcdps and deltaconnected are not parts of GW2 User Agreement


    Third party user agreement covers things like arcdps iirc, but what he is saying is that noone can steal something that isn't truly yours. Data on things such as dps are public, meaning it is not an issue of privacy. You seem to approach it as if someone is taking something from you, he's saying data on damage in a raid/fractal is public, therefor it is not something that needs your consent, since it does not belong to you.

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