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t sakacs.7568

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Posts posted by t sakacs.7568

  1. > @"XatraZaytrax.2601" said:

    > I talk all the time in chat. I love to share silly insights, answer questions, and step into others conversations--just because. When people talk back, it makes me happy, makes the world alive. I also think it balances some of the toxic spewing.


    Pretty much the way i am haha

  2. > @"Pirogen.9561" said:

    > Even if you want to learn, GW2 refuses to cooperate. Reasons:

    > - so much GFX bling I can't see kitten

    > - even if I am really solo(so less GFX bling), I have no bloody idea what monsters is doing and when

    > - you can pick 1st utility skill at 11, 1st specialization at 21 ... why? Really, why?

    > - Oh, and 3rd spec tree is at lvl 71. So for most of leveling I am not allowed to learn how to make a build.




    What do u mean by" so much GFX bling I can't see kitten" ?



    > @"Anemone.5320" said:

    > This is one of the most social mmos I've played. Granted I'm in an active guild, but even in map chat and /say people talk. Especially if there's something to talk about, like an event, etc. Racial cities and Lion's Arch won't shut up.


    haha yeah. I remember it being like that.

  4. > @"Tren.5120" said:

    > > @"t sakacs.7568" said:

    > > > @"Weindrasi.3805" said:

    > > > I come to GW2 to get _away_ from social interaction. It wouldn't occur to me to respond to a "Hi" in mapchat--if I even noticed.

    > >

    > > Well i suppose that is where we are different. I play a Massive Multiplayer game to NOT be alone. Just saying.


    > You're still alone. Those pixels on your screen aren't real people. They're no different than randoms in an AOL Chat Room circa 1998.


    > When I don't want to be alone, I get out of the house and go visit some friends.


    Well yes, Physically i am alone unless there is someone beside me.


    So you are saying that npc pixels on a screen are the same as a player's avatar on a screen? Hmm, i guess we see things differently when it comes to certain things. No big deal.


    As far as getting out of the house to go see friends, that is great. When i talk about playing MMORPGS to play with other people i obviously mean IN the game. You seem like one of those people that would argue with a rock.

  5. I am not too familiar with this game anymore really. It seems like when i played this game last it was grindy as far as collecting materials and gaining currencies etc etc but i never minded because i had a good guild to play with and getting mats to complete a project was fun ( but grindy )

    So when yall say this is not a grindy game, in what aspects do you mean? :D

  6. I have been trying for years to capture the same experience i had in Dark Age Of Camelot. I have not been able to find it, not even in GW2 but i do like GW2. I keep flip flopping between a few MMORPGs. I get kinda bored real easy now and that is due to being so far behind everyone usually and then i switch again to another game haha. I would have to say my second favorite behind dark age would be Star Wars TOR. I still play it off and on also.

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