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Posts posted by xAtri.9378

  1. Would it be possible to publish some kind of End of Ranked Season reports.


    1. Which classes got played and their Win Rates

    2. Which specializations got played most within each class and their Win Rates

    3. Which Amulet got used most

    4. Which Rune / Sigil got used most

    5. Average Match Length


    Would be interesting to see.


    This bug occoured after the escorting waypoint to Crystal Bloom Camp. This champion spawned with the Phase-Shifted bounty status only allowing it to be attacked during the blue ring being present. However breaking the boss's defiance bar caused the blue ring to dissapear, which made the boss evade 100% of the attacks until the bar was back up and it was able to cast the phase shift skill. Not breaking the boss defiance bar allowed us to kill it as the blue ring lasted longer, but I think this is effect should be fixed so players are able to attack when the defiance bar is broken and or have the blue rings be independant of the boss's defiance bar.



  3. A way to dismount already mounted players should also dismount you, it could be implemented such that it dismounts you and any mounts (upto 5) near the target in a certain AoE (360 / 480).


    A dismount trap i think would be pointless unless it applied some sort of condition / put people in combat otherwise people just mount back up. But this has other issues where in theory one person could probably hold an entire zerg in combat (if that's the implmentation that's chosen) and it just feels like unnecessary.


    Re: Breakbars to mounts, I don't think it's necessary since the mounts are too fast that most ranged stuns are unable to track the mount well not to mention the 3 evades puts them out of range. So I really don't see a point in adding this.




    Mount related suggestion that's not in the list.

    I would like if the movement speed was constant irrespective of territory as it becomes extremely annoying to chase down someone who is on their "home turf" because they are at a camp that they own and can get away from you while you are still mounted.

  4. **General:**


    * Make the rotation speed faster so you can turn and fire siege faster, Catapults, Trebuchet, Mortors etc.

    * Make Mortors, Trebuchets use PvP system with birds eye view so that it becomes more friendly to use.


    * There are situations where you are a bit laggy and you tap F to move away from the siege you're controlling but since it's not responsive you tap again causing you to get back on the siege. Converting siege to 'mount' system so there's dismount button instead of just F.


    * Allow the use of utility skills such as stunbreaks and teleports to dismount you on use so that you aren't stuck when using the siege.


    * Reduce cooldowns on some of the skills so they are more proactively used instead of being not used at all.


    **Flame Rams:**


    * Mostly fine but addition of barrier being reapplied everytime the player uses the fire vent skill (barrier is removed if the user disengages from the ram) would be a nice counter measure for people ramming under heavy AC fire.


    **Arrow Carts:**


    This is a tough one as it comes in super handy when defending structures when you are outnumbered however it just becomes plain annoying when trying to take an enemy structure with even numbers as stacking arrow carts coupled with the 50 player cap per Arrow Cart makes the damage dealt every second to the zerg extremely high.


    Either reduce the number of targets a single arrow cart can hit or make it so that a person can only be hit by 1 arrow cart at any given time, but increase the damage they do.


    Give skills 2-4 a purpose.


    2-> Cripple, make it chill and maximum duration 2s.

    3-> Make it apply weakness.

    4-> Reveal, Poison that drains supply since it's on a fairly long cooldown.




    * Add an expanding circle or line to help the player using the catapult to know if the shot will hit a given target.

    * Add an AoE ring (similar to pvp treb) to help players know that there's an incoming catapult shot and it's splash range.

    * Reduce the maximum range a catapult can hit as it defeats the purpose of watch tower completely if people can just build and fire catapults from outside the range on almost every single tower. Increase the damage on the catapults to compensate for loss of range. If people want to siege from outside watch tower range they should be forced to use Trebuchets.

    * Make Gravelshot useful by making it deal additional damage to players and siege and minimal but not insignificant damage to the wall.




    * Convert the treb into pvp style treb giving players a bird's eye view and an AoE circle to use trebuchet in an alternative mode (replace the throw oasis skill). This change is to mostly address people / bots afking on trebs and punching holes in various outer towers from 3rd floor of SMC or punching holes in SMC from red keep by just putting something heavy phyiscally on keyboard 2 and letting max range do all the work.

    * Add condition cleanse every second to Oasis and heal for every condition removed on top of an initial heal and it being a water field, Convert it to an AoE skill instead of a charge.

    * Add an AoE ring (similar to pvp treb) to help players know that there's an incoming trebuchet shot and it's splash range.


    **Shield Generators:**


    * Add a debuff so that a shield generator cannot be protected by its own shield as it's extremely frustrating to counter 2 shield generators and 5 rams placed in close proximity where they can shield themselves indefinetly.

    * Increase cooldown on skill #1 and allow for targetting on top of walls and increase it's arc height so that it can be used to knock people off siege.

    * As someone defending 2 shield generators is all it takes to indefinitely protect a zerg of 25+ from any number of arrow cart fire, making it impossible to defend.

    * As someone defending the splash damage on the catapults and trebuchets makes very hard to protect a wall from being hit by catapults as it's impossible to block the proectiles as they are hitting the ground far away from the wall or under the ground. Completely defeats the purpose of shield generators with no drawback for the attackers.


    **Siege Golems:**


    * Both Alpha and Omega golems are clunky and out of date, most of the animations lock you in animation and prevent you from moving.

    * Remove fall damage while piloting a golem so that they can be moved more effectively.

    * Slightly increase base movement speed.


    *Alpha Golem*


    * Skill 1 is fine the way it is

    * Skill 2 should be similar to the omega golem, it should spin you in place without burning, allow the golem to freely move while it's being casted.

    * Skill 3 create a bubble that lasts for 8 seconds and moves with the golem.

    * Skill 4 vacuum pull 10 nearby foes in a 600 radius towards you

    * Skill 5 self destruct: eject the pilot and destroy the golem dealing large damage to nearby enemies, structures and siege. Damage dealt depends on the health of the golem.


    *Omega Golem*


    * Skill 1 fire rockets, but remove the action cam + fire over walls and siege destruction part of it.

    * Skill 2 is fine the way it is, allow the golem to freely move while it's being casted.

    * Skill 3 create a bubble that lasts for 10 seconds and moves with the golem.

    * Skill 4 fire rockets that find and deal heavy damage to 5 enemy siege in 1000 radius around the golem and deal splash damage, knocking down nearby foes.

    * Skill 5 self destruct: eject the pilot and destroy the golem, dealing large damage to nearby enemies, structures and siege. Damage dealt depends on the health of the golem.



    **Structural Siege:**


    * Cannon, Burning Oil and Mortor should give 90% damage reduction and permanent stability while using it to the person using it, make people use siege disablers to get people off them instead of scourge spam. This makes them useful instead of it being a noob bait that results in repeated deaths.

    * Convert the Mortor to ground targeted AoE similar to PvP Trebuchet, the various skills on it are fine.

    * Burning Oil, the skills on it is fine but replace the cripple from the Pour Tar with chill so that the rammers have longer skill recharges.

    * Cannon, Skill 2 should add bleed poison torment 3 stacks each, increase cooldown.



  5. I am unable to fully complete the latest iteration of current events. Before the patch I had completed all Awakened threat and had stored my Phasic Distortion Reader in my bank. Since the patch came out I have done 4 current events 2 in Southsun and 2 in other maps. However Mechanist Ninn still talks to me like I have not yet completed my Phasic Distortion Reader.


    A few days later I decided to destroy my current one hoping to re purchase the same from Sarettokk (Skritt in LA) however he doesn't seem to be selling it. (Screenshot attached). Any solutions?


    I've completed Portal Breaker 15 times.




    i.e. Lost in Transit and Awakened Aftereffects






    After Deleting my old Phasic Distortion Reader, I redid that 'collection' for mechanist Ninn and I was able to continue my collection.


  6. > Reduce effectiveness of offensive instant cast skills/traits


    > Instant cast spells don't give players an opportunity to respond. While we don't want to remove combos utilizing instant cast abilities, we wanted to reduce the impact they have.


    Shatter Mirage / Mesmer has not been addressed at all. The shatter build offers 0 tells and stealth 0-100 is possible with no counter play. Even without stealth, the difference between a summoned clone chasing you to attack vs a clone going to shatter on you is too subtle.


    The daze from the Mirage Thrust (Sword Ambush) is as annoying as Guardian's Trap Daze trait, except that mirage has a lot of traits that can function with interruptions making it extremely annoying.


    I'm glad their evasion has been nerfed by the addition of exhaustion. This was required as the mirages especially in wvw could just disengage by running endurance regeneration food and high uptime of vigour.




    Necromancer, this is more or less to address the QoL issues regarding necromancers and the change that was introduced in the previous patch, the addition of a 0.5s delay on Shade Abilities was added to address shade-dhuumfire interactions and Desert Shroud, Manifest Sand Shade and Nefarious Favour when coulpled with the trait Path of Corruption, I feel it helped with dealing with the scourge menace however it added a terrible QoL issue for scourges by the addition of a delay on self cleanse, barrier (from both Sand Cascade and Desert Shroud) is really annoying. As there's no reason why the defensive capabilities of the shroud should have the 0.5s delay.


    I suggest reverting the 0.5s delay at least on the defensive capabilities but preserving the delay for corruption / dhuumfire application etc.




    Resistance -> Immobilize should have a much lower base duration as it's way too powerful in WvW and due to the nature of many skills removing / corrupting resistance first it goes from an annoyance to frustration. A 1s base duration or 0.75s base duration will still have the intended effect while benefiting high expertise corrupters (mostly scourges)

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