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Raolin Soulherder.3195

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Posts posted by Raolin Soulherder.3195

  1. Well, I can only speak about my own experience, but I have had the game since launch and have about 80+ people on my friends list. Nowadays, I generally only see 3-4 of them online when I login for the daily. So most are inactive now & moved on to other games and life.


    Granted, most on the list are from the days I was active in WvW, so maybe things are better if you’re a PvE player. And I’m sure new players replace a portion of those who leave, though Anet year-over-year revenue has often been declining since HoT.


    But you can still probably have a good time in the game. It’s a ton of content for the B2P cost, and I would bet many of the people who no longer play still feel they got good value out of their GW2 experience. Mega-servers makes it so that you can still run into people in the open world, even though the player base isn’t what it once was.

  2. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"Raolin Soulherder.3195" said:

    > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > > > It is _both_ badly designed and overpriced. You can't blame only one of those things for its lack of popularity.

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > I never blamed only 1 thing. I disagree that the vast majority of disapproval was only due to cost, since many people love to throw all discontent together. Not all of it was based on cost, and yes, the system can and should be improved.

    > > > That's the problem - most of its core problems are inherent to its original design and thus cannot be improved. You'd basically need to redesign the whole system from scratch. The current system is simply designed for other purposes than functionality, and there's no way around it.

    > > >

    > >

    > > yup. and I'm sure if they changed anything now (ie. character-wide to account-wide) that would upset the people that already paid for things thinking that they are character-wide, so that's never going to happen. Best I would hope for is them packaging some free slots with the next expac.


    > Could always refund the gems spent on duplicate template purcheses.


    right, but I'm not sure if that is realistic. It would displace gem sales, taking money out of Anet's pocket. they're probably not in great condition to do that due to the shrinking quarterly revenues. People would still complain, saying they had only spent money on the condition that they get the template slots, and not the gems, and would demand a refund. The vast majority of businesses are incredibly resistant to offering money refunds, and would much rather offer coupons or discounts on future products to address any customer dissatisfaction.

  3. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > It is _both_ badly designed and overpriced. You can't blame only one of those things for its lack of popularity.

    > > >

    > >

    > > I never blamed only 1 thing. I disagree that the vast majority of disapproval was only due to cost, since many people love to throw all discontent together. Not all of it was based on cost, and yes, the system can and should be improved.

    > That's the problem - most of its core problems are inherent to its original design and thus cannot be improved. You'd basically need to redesign the whole system from scratch. The current system is simply designed for other purposes than functionality, and there's no way around it.



    yup. and I'm sure if they changed anything now (ie. character-wide to account-wide) that would upset the people that already paid for things thinking that they are character-wide, so that's never going to happen. Best I would hope for is them packaging some free slots with the next expac.

  4. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > No, boring and unoriginal. It would be just one more “something that looks mostly human but with a slight difference.” If they’re going to add a new race I’d prefer they add from this game world’s existing lore, such as Tengu or Skritt, rather than shoehorning in a race from other game’s lore.


    yep, if there is a new race, it should be distinct. not just a different flavor of human. I'd vote tengu. And from what I understand, there was already work done towards tengu being playable, but it was cut relatively late in the game's development.

  5. Lol, they’ve had 2yrs+ to get templates right, and possibly longer than that, since we know they were at least discussing it in 2014. If that wasn’t enough to get it done, I doubt another few months of troubleshooting will.


    I’ve come to the conclusion that the game, as initially designed, must have just been incompatible with templates, absent some arcdps-like workaround. And I doubt they’d switch to something like that because then they’d have more trouble justifying charging people gems for it. And they couldn’t offer it for free because that would piss off the people that have already bought gems to get more slots

  6. Thanks for the communication. Hope the Alliance system revitalizes WvW.


    I am primarily a WvW player (or was when I was more active) but I don't think it's fair for people to compare LW content to updating WvW. There is no design complexity to LW. It's just a case of repeating a proven construction formula of writing story and rendering artwork rather than inventing something new. It is understandable that they churn LW out alot faster than restructuring WvW. The WvW restructure is essentially an attempt re-invent and redesign a whole game mode while trying to balance a ton of different incentive structures of alot of different people. I mean, it's not like there is some other RvR game that has solved all the issues that you can just point Anet towards and say 'do it like them'.


    That being said, it is hard to maintain enthusiasm and positivity as a player, given the long time frames involved and lack of any concrete carrot to point to.

  7. The main thing caused me to disengage from the game is lack of build templates, but maybe that will be addressed soon if the rumors are more than lip service. I wasn't even gonna buy HoT due to that, but a guildee arm-twisted me into it and I held out hope maybe they would add that as a post-HoT feature. When that didn't materialize, I stopped spending & reduced playing time. But if they eventually release one, it would definitely tempt me to return.


    Also another factor was the stagnation of wvw development. Maybe the delays in Camelot Unchained will give Anet an opening to make improvements to retain that community.

  8. I don't remember much about it from the first iteration, but I know I enjoyed it and was really looking forward to its return. This time, I enjoyed my first couple matches. But it feels very buggy. the strongest skill (#5) is soo inconsistent. It only works like 20% of the time. If there is any hint of elevation difference between you and your target, it will fail and hit the dirt in front of them or shoot over their heads. if there is an ant hill between you and your target, the skill will be blocked. sometimes you can shoot a target dead-on point-blank and it will hit them, but other times it will shoot through them even if aimed properly. sometimes it seems to work like an aoe, and other times might only damage the first skeleton it hits, even if there are others are very close right behind them.


    another thing I'm not sure whether is a bug or game mechanic, but sometimes when you try to throw your pumpkin in your mausoleum, the ground-target skill will stop at the edge of the doorway (as if by an invisible wall) so you can't aim for inside. And if you throw it in this situation, the pumpkin might look like it hits inside the mausoleum, but it won't spawn any skeletons.


    also I've been disconnected from the server about 3 of the last 6 matches, usually at the end of a match when the game is trying to switch you to a new match.


    Just not a very fun experience right now, and I agree with the poster above that mentioned that map seems too large for 5 v 5. half the time you're just hitting the enemy structure unopposed.

  9. > @"Mikali.9651" said:

    > Because I can't bring myself to play that profession, I just can't, it is killing my eyes. Can there be, in any way, an update or a way to change the colors of that profession? It is too mesmerizing and makes me confused.


    well, if you have Windows 10, you can apply a color inverter filter on your computer screen :)


    * Open Windows Settings panel by pressing Win+I

    * Click "Ease of Access" tile

    * Click "Color & high contrast" on the left sidebar

    * select a color filter from the dropdown list, such as "Protanopia" , which seems to make things more blue-tinted, or "Inverted" for the full psychedelic experience, which makes the mesmer stuff look green & blue :p

  10. > @"Brother.1504" said:

    > Cantha. Non dragon or gods antagonist. (No not inquest) Tengu new race. Build templates please.


    My thoughts exactly, especially on the build templates.


    Cantha was my favorite part of GW1 and really hoping for a return, & Tengu have well-laid groundwork if Anet ever creates another playable race.


    While I don’t mind fighting dragons and deities, it does feel a bit tiring to be fighting a long chain of [insert consistent being] one by one.


    One of the other main things that have felt tiring was how often nonsentient “monsters” are the opponents you hack through in the main story. Even the dragon minions seem to be more like mere conduits of the dragon’s sentience than having their own mind. It’d be refreshing if the new opponent was some other civilization that legitimately had different views, and are not just thralls to some overlord god/dragon/idividual. That other civilization could even be composed of multiple races (human/tengu/etc) whose individuals decide to support a different culture/value-system (so they’re not just bandits/criminals looking for money). There would be alot more intrigue.

  11. this feature has been greatly needed since launch, but I doubt that it will ever be implemented. every now and then, anet devs pay it lip service as far back as 2014, but nothing has ever come of it.






    At first people hypothesized they were waiting until the trait rework (back when traits had stats tied to them) to develop a template system. Then devs mentioned there were some complicating factors with such a system in gw2 but solicited feedback as if they were going to start working on a system at some point. But after waiting years, I've reached the conclusion that either they have unsolvable technical issues that prevent templates, or they have made a design decision and simply have no intention of making templates. I'm leaning towards the latter since some non-anet individual apparently slapped together their own 3rd party template tool without too much trouble.


    Possible reasons they don't want to make a template system:

    -it would reduce the incentive for people to buy character slots to make new toons that have the separate builds

    -they have some delusion that it would decrease build diversity since it would be easier for people to share and copy meta builds

    -they actually want less build diversity so the game is easier to balance. no templates means less people experimenting and less chance of someone finding some op edge build that they'd need to balance

    -they want to save it as a carrot for the n'th xpac in the future.


  12. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > @"Raolin Soulherder.3195" said:

    > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > > > @"Grim West.3194" said:

    > > > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > > > > I wouldn't be for this in wvw. I can imagine some tryhard coming in, realize he cant beat his opponent, run away to switch builds, then come back. that would annoy people to no end.

    > > > >

    > > > > Quick switch only after disengaged from combat for a certain amount of time (30 seconds?). A "tryhard" can do it manually anyways. This is for convenience.

    > > >

    > > > in that case it would be quicker to do it manually and a build template would be useless. I don't want to encourage that type of behavior, but I'm all for trying it out at least. although I'm almost certain that if people tried it then it would go thru. ah well I guess we would just have to beat them after they build switch as well lol.

    > > >

    > >

    > > It would be simple enough for them to add a cooldown timer between swaps if it really became an issue. Or a timer (for pvp/wvw modes) requiring them to wait X minutes after exitting combat to switch. Not a big enough concern to nix the whole concept.


    > lol, I addressed this idea in the first sentence of my post.

    Not really, but ok.


  13. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > @"Grim West.3194" said:

    > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > > I wouldn't be for this in wvw. I can imagine some tryhard coming in, realize he cant beat his opponent, run away to switch builds, then come back. that would annoy people to no end.

    > >

    > > Quick switch only after disengaged from combat for a certain amount of time (30 seconds?). A "tryhard" can do it manually anyways. This is for convenience.


    > in that case it would be quicker to do it manually and a build template would be useless. I don't want to encourage that type of behavior, but I'm all for trying it out at least. although I'm almost certain that if people tried it then it would go thru. ah well I guess we would just have to beat them after they build switch as well lol.



    It would be simple enough for them to add a cooldown timer between swaps if it really became an issue. Or a timer (for pvp/wvw modes) requiring them to wait X minutes after exitting combat to switch. Not a big enough concern to nix the whole concept.

  14. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > It's not a priority for me. I'd rather resources are spent on something else.

    > **Regardless, I believe the Devs have stated they are working on it, or investigating how to implement it, so that should please those that desire such a feature.**


    > Good luck.


    Lol they’ve been saying that since at least 2014. It’s ridiculous to say people should be happy just because they give some lip-service occasionally.



  15. I’m well aware of this third-party program. That’s still no excuse for anet to still not have their own build template system. Evan Lesh hinted that they were looking into this way back in 2014, and they’re always paying lip-service, acknowledging and sympathizing with fan requests for it. To still have nothing 4 years later is ridiculous when 1 non-anet guy can make one (albeit a non-supported one) by himself. I don’t remember all the details on gw1 but I’m pretty sure we had templates by the time Nightfall came out, which was only 1.5 yr after gw1 was released.


    This feature positively boosts literally every game mode. Yea, maybe there are some complications with the way the game was coded (supposedly), but I don’t buy that this is more complex than trying to balance 27 professions/elite specs or building whole new maps.

  16. I absolutely would love Cantha! Shing Jea Island & Monastery were probably my favorite location in GW1. It was so tranquil there and there was a sense of wonder, especially with all the new year festivities and the setting of these beautiful buildings covered in colorful lanterns nestled among the mountains and the starry sky. Kaineng seemed like this massive hub of intrigue and excitement that could provide endless exploration. Both the Jade Sea and Echovald Forest had such interesting lore and unique aesthetics. The story tying everything together was fantastic and the place is also home to many Tengu, a race I am fond of. What more could you ask for? Prophecies, Nightfall, and EOTN provided fun, but I think Factions was superior to them all. Games like Jade Quarry kept me engaged with the franchise during the long content drought between EOTN and GW2.


    I'd be very disappointed if Anet didn't allow a return to Cantha in an expac.

  17. yea, I'v been an avid dragonball player for a while and the changes to these skills has made them more difficult to land and quite useless. it's already a simple game to begin with, but now even more since everyone's sticking to only 3 skills. Not only are these 2 more difficult to land, but the long animation/cast time makes you a sitting duck, so it's better to use no skills at all

  18. > @Mercury.9784 said:

    > > @EriskRedLemur.7153 said:

    > > Then DONT go by copper


    > Copper pieces, not copper ore.


    > Also my suggestion would almost certainly not affect copper ore. Even raising the price one or two copper is a substantial percentage, which means it would pass. Most users wouldn't notice a thing, because they're not going to high ticket items and raising the price by a penny with no intention of actually paying more, just to jump the queue.


    Nobody's talking about copper ore. He's essentially saying you're probably leapfrogging other people by 1 copper yourself. If you want to put a bid in, make it it drastically higher than next one. Then people will be less likely to leapfrog you because they don't even want to match your price. Staying in front of the line comes with a price.

  19. > @Corvus.2831 said:

    > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > Well yes, as more characters are created, more names are taken. This is natural way of game getting older. You are not entitled to any name in the game.

    > Exaclty why they should be released from inactive accounts. "YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO ANY NAME IN THE GAME." i win you loose can we do this then? since you agreed.


    > >

    > > > And mounts will never happen either right!?

    > >

    > > They never said there will ever be mounts in game so your example is absolutely irrelevant. However, they clearly stated they are not going to purge "inactive" names and you are well aware of it and their reasoning. Your whining is going to change nothing, especially that you are getting more agressive with every post here.


    > I specificly remember they did say no mount becasue itll interfere with the events appearing etc. I am aware of their incorrect faulty reasoning. I dismantled it in the opening post. People who didnt play for 5 years are not active players. You cant argue that.


    For someone that is worried about their character names sounding pretentious, your forum posts certainly sound pretentious.

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