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Posts posted by anninke.7469

  1. > @"Vyr.9387" said:

    > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > > @"Vyr.9387" said:

    > > > > @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

    > > > > While they seem dressed, their plant clothes are technically part of their bodies. Does this mean they are nude or not?

    > > >

    > > > Are they a part of their bodies?

    > > > I couldn't find any mention of it, and the cultural armor certainly looks like it's growing out of the body itself, but there might be a way for a sylvari to attach more flora to themselves, especially considering it's easily removed on demand, like, say, humans do with piercings or simply other animals' leather in the form of clothing and adornments like bracelets and chokers.

    > > >

    > > > Thankfully, we all know only certain parts of human(oid) anatomy are evil, and we seem to be safe from the unspeakable horrors hidden beneath!

    > > > Despite the shower.

    > >

    > > It's addressed in an earlier season with Canach who changes clothes and appearance from what he looked like at the beginning of LS1 to what he looked like later in the same Season when he went on a bit of a rampage. Something to do with mindset/mood/behaviour and I think is also why the Nightmare Court look the way they do


    > The Wiki points to an old forums' (https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/archive/southsun/Canach-s-Mutation-Radical-Change/first#post2076148), claiming:

    > _"Being on the run, fighting for his life, and killing the killers sent after him have weathered Canach; plus, he made a concerted effort to change his look (hairstyle, etc.) so as not to be recognized and arrested by the Lionguard. It’s quite a come down from the high position and status he enjoyed as a secondborn (even if that status was never as high as he thought it should be), and his new, grimmer look is meant to reflect the psychological toll he’s had to pay as well as the physical one."_


    > Has there been anything else said relating to the topic from the official sources? Because a "concerted effort to change his look" may be interpreted as a plethora of things, and how much a sylvari is able to literally chisel their features into what they like goes back to the anatomy question from before.


    There's an NPC in The Grove wondering "How much should I grow?" to have enough foliage and be properly covered for interaction with other races.


    Edit: Or at least I thought she was there, but I can't find her... I'll try a bit more.

  2. This is a great thread about my favorite GW2 crafting and it even has a dev reaction, holy kitten!

    Thanks for brightening my saturday morning.


    > @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

    > Thanks for the very interesting response. I hope someone finds a place to put this in the wiki.


    > I think a Tyrian cooking show online would be an interesting way to lure people to the game. Sort of a come for the food; stay for the adventure.


    Or maybe a Guild Chat episode? Please?

  3. > @"Kossage.9072" said:

    > > @"TeeracK.3601" said:

    > > It's just a thought I had. Jormag always lies and manipulates people. Jormag said they and Primordus are twin dragons. Baladazar had lyssa's mirror and was kind of crazed with vengeance over killing the dragons. What if what he meant when he said "they've dimmed my light" he was being metaphorical meaning they killed the person he loved Lyssa? :open_mouth:


    > Regarding Jormag and lies, interestingly narrative director Tom Abernathy tweeted this a few months ago:


    > > **Tom Abernathy:** Said it before and I’ll say it again: Jormag is 100% sincere in saying they love Tyria and want nothing more than to fortify and protect it. Jormag doesn’t lie. That’s part of their strength. [(Source)](



    > So if Jormag has not lied, or at least perceives its persuasive words as not lying, it makes Jormag's past interactions with mortals most interesting as we have to look at its words and actions from a new point of view. Then again, this revelation has not yet appeared in game where several characters still believe Jormag to be a liar, so it remains to be seen when and how it gets addressed. :)



    But Jormag could still be lying about everything else but loving and protecting Tyria (is how I understand the quote).

  4. > @"Touchme.1097" said:

    > **I am sorry but I have to disagree with your flawed assumption** before Anet chooses to consider it canon for future references.

    > The commander has suffered serious burns, cut wounds and ultimately been skewered by a huge big greatsword wide enough to split the body in two, the reason why you see no such conditions on the commander's body is because this game is PEGI 12 and it's not supposed to be too graphic on gore and violence. This doesn't mean the commander's body was resurrecction-worthy as you assume. For instance we don't know which race or gender the commander belongs to in canon so it could perfectly be an asura and the body ending as badly as Vlast or a Norn with a 30 inch hole on his/her body.

    > ...

    As much as I like some of your points... Right back at you there. Do you have any relevant source of information about precise state of the commander's body to support your claims? After all, regardless of race the commander is quite a capable fighter and supposedly has a decent amout of magical support from their equipment, so the level of bodily damage is not as easy to guess as you seem to think.


    Also, please don't do the "you don't have the authority" thing just because someone says what you don't like. Of course Anet has the final word over their game, but I hope they don't overuse it at the cost of lore consistency (too much).


    And last but not least - please leave Trahearne alone, he's had his much-more-than-sufficient heap of kitten so the rest is well deserved.


  5. > @"Fenella.2634" said:

    > > @"Stephen.6312" said:

    > > The optimist in me, though, would suggest that the missing firstborn are either in Cantha or exploring the Mists.

    > Wouldn't that be really something, though? :) Consider how extremely early they left.

    > It was at a time the firstborns were still acting like they were in a fairytale, Riannoc playing the Chosen Knight with a magic sword, everyone else barely leaving home. Even the future diplomats and Trahearne, who would later be absent a lot, were still very unfamiliar with the world outside the Grove.


    > So what on Tyria would have been so extremely urgent and important to send the two that far away that soon? If it was related to Mordremoth directly, there likely would have been a link to the Malyck story. Which was not there. Malyck was a surprise for everyone, including the Pale Tree.

    > Maybe something Mist-related? Or something about the cave with the seeds?


    > Yes, I know, most likely it really was related to HoT and just one of the scrapped stories. But maybe not?


    Maybe they even came across Malyck's tree and somehow were behind his appearance in Brisban. And now, Laranthir is (on his way) there too on a mission of crucial importance for the Pale Tree and all sylvari and we'll eventually join him and learn more.

    /wild dreaming

  6. > @"Hypnowulf.7403" said:

    > My partner had some interesting titbits to share regarding this apparently controversial topic too, I think I'll try and pass those along. I'll try and best explain their words as my own—they have even greater social anxiety than I, so I do this because they're often quite insightful.


    > They brought to the fore women's suffrage—they made the point that the charr being unable to change their political systems would be akin to claiming that because women couldn't vote at one point, they shouldn't be able to vote now as all is immutable and nothing changes. The imperatorship system is a social construct—the charr becoming an ever more increasingly progressive race will soon turn away from tradition ever more toward pragmatism instead.


    > The charr are incredibly pragmatic. I've pointed out prior—admittedly just to see how deep the Ascalonian fetishism runs—that the charr fahrar system is an incredibly clever, practical, and sensible one. Their flaw is separating children from their parents. However, if their parents aren't fit to raise a child then even _that_ is a worthwhile endeavour. I'd say though that if a couple can raise a child, they shouldn't get cut off. If you remove that particular aspect of the fahrar system, what you end up with is socialism. You have well-trained teachers and nannies whose job it is to raise young charr.


    > There are aspects of charr culture that are absolutely prepped for evolving into systems highly reminiscent of socialism. If you look at how their social structures work now—even the lowest rank, plebeian, has entitlements. I'd say that a person without anything might do far better for themselves in the Black Citadel than in modern America. It's a hot-take but the treatment of people in America is poor. Whether it's healthcare, handling homeless people, or what-have-you. Very little spending.


    > The point is is that there's a certain kind of care and sense to charr culture that doesn't have much truck with tradition. It's often tradition that leads to ritual sacrifices, drilling a hole in someone's head to let the evil spirits out, and other forms of foolishness. In most cases, tradition serves little to no purpose other than being a toxic factor within any culture that degrades its sense.


    > I feel that this is a topic being discussed within The Icebrood Saga now and how the Spirits of the Wild (who _eat children_ I might add) have brainwashed the norn with all of this brain-rot about dying to become a legend. They've over-expressed the importance of traditions and superstitions as a means to control the norn. I think that this is why—now having been given the choice—Jormag chose a charr champion. Jormag seems to be fond of sensible, rational thinking and they do not like tradition or superstition. Yes, I admit they can be helpful tools for learning but their importance is always so excessively over-emphasised in any culture that relies on them. They're a crutch.


    > Traditions are what you do if you don't have any better ideas than those a thousand years outdated, which is a little...


    > Hm.


    > A woman not being able to vote was a tradition that made little sense. It's since changed. The charr forcing women into kitchens made little to no sense, so that changed—Effram sees the sense in this as the women of his branch of the Flame legion are free to choose for themselves, you hear their thoughts being shared regarding this in Grothmar and the general consensus is that they're very happy about having basic free will.


    > The charr aren't biologically compelled to obey someone of the khan-ur's bloodline. It's not biological. It is just a social construct. A tradition. They change, laws change, times change, people change, everything changes. The charr are better than needing traditions like that to decide their leadership, so this would be a good time to discard those very pointless old traditions in favour of better systems.


    > Riddle me this: If the outcome of choosing by bloodline results in Bangar and Smodur, what worth has bloodline? Frankly, I wouldn't even be surprised if Malice isn't of the bloodline, either. Being Ash, she could've easily fudged it. I really want that to be a thing and I hope it is, that young Malice snuck into the legion's records rooms and added herself to the list of charr supposedly derived from that bloodline in order to give herself a shot at imperatorship. That's a very Ash legion thing to do. I'd love that.


    > The point is is that the blood of the khan-ur might not be quite the hot kitten it's cracked up to be. So choosing leaders via other means going forward would probably be better. This isn't a retcon, that's like saying women's suffrage was a "retcon." It's the charr peoples changing as a society, as a culture. It's progress. Progress isn't a retcon. Progress is life. If you're not moving forward, you're dead. Yes, there's definitely a good case to be made for not rushing things, but after the amount of time the charr have been using this sytem I wouldn't exactly say they would be rushing into something different.


    > For me, this is actually really cool! I mean, how often do we get to see the evolution of a species in a video game? Often, they're very one-dimensional and one-note. I mean, look at any Elder Scrolls race. ESO did a little to fix that but it's still leagues behind what Guild Wars 2 has achieved. It's tiring to have nothing change—In World of Warcraft, nothing's relaly changed and they keep retreading old glories, that's how it is in most of these games. It's nice to have one that does acknowledge that change exists.


    You and your partner make several interesting points (although you seem to like socialism a bit too much for my liking, me being a person from a post-communist coutry), however I dare say that you miss the point here a little. The main problem (IMO at least) is not Crecia becoming the Imperator. The main problem is IT HAPPENS OFF-SCREEN. It's far too interesting to not see.

  7. > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

    > Just drop food when you're about to start, not when you're still gathering people lol.

    > As for the other suggestions, idk, it's food, shouldn't Chefs do that?

    > I needed to level up Huntsman on another character to make Oils for my Mesmer, and while having it be a simple purchase with guild commendations, it would kind of defeat the purpose of some of the crafting disciplines. Especially Chefs... Other than that, i have no problem with it.


    The thing is - chefs can put ascended food into guild storage as guild consumables and guild member with the right permission can take and place them. Therefore it would be nice if thus placed food got a guild tag just like guild banners do.

  8. > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > @"anninke.7469" said:

    > > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > > > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

    > > > > The way this is released, it doesn't make sense for the Ebon Vanguard to be here without the story and dragon response to be available.

    > > >

    > > > There is a number things in this episode that don't make sense.

    > > > Everyone, except the on-the-way-to-be-redeemed boy Braham, being ok with suddenly siding with Jormag.

    > > > The commander _not_ murdering Ryland on the spot for being responsible that Jormag is awake.

    > > > The business decision behind releasing such minimalist content, which obviously had no chance to be liked by most players.

    > > > The Destroyers reverting back to being fire-only, rather than making use of the dead Elder Dragons' magic.

    > > > The new Destroyers being able to take damage from Burning.

    > >

    > > And Crecia being Blood Imperator just like that.


    > Well Bangar went AWOL, so Crecia took over, her title went from acting imperator to the actual imperator.


    The problem (as I see it) is that it happened sneakily off-screen whith no official announcement, no ceremony, no explanation. And no one, including Bangar when she calls herself the imperator right in his face, has a word to say about it. With her camped in the Eye I hoped we would be able to at least ask her about it. But no, she only offers more blabbering about Ryland...

  9. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

    > > The way this is released, it doesn't make sense for the Ebon Vanguard to be here without the story and dragon response to be available.


    > There is a number things in this episode that don't make sense.

    > Everyone, except the on-the-way-to-be-redeemed boy Braham, being ok with suddenly siding with Jormag.

    > The commander _not_ murdering Ryland on the spot for being responsible that Jormag is awake.

    > The business decision behind releasing such minimalist content, which obviously had no chance to be liked by most players.

    > The Destroyers reverting back to being fire-only, rather than making use of the dead Elder Dragons' magic.

    > The new Destroyers being able to take damage from Burning.


    And Crecia being Blood Imperator just like that.

  10. > @"Smoosh.2718" said:


    > **TLDR:**Alternative armour skins showing battle damage and the addition of bandages to be worn in place of armour parts.


    I'd very much like that. It's true there are a few skins that look worn but nowhere near enough. And I'd really like to have a ragged version of as many already existing sets as possible. And (if I go totally wild) maybe even two versions - slightly worn and totally ragged.

  11. > @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

    > > @"anninke.7469" said:

    > > Anyone else getting slightly hopeful that Laranthir's absence may have an actual reason after all?


    > No.


    > After what they did to the Spirits, the norn aspect of the Saga in general, and to my boy Smodur - zero faith in ANet's narrative capabilities. I'd prefer they not ruin Laranthir somehow as well.




    Might be the wise thing to do. I'm afraid it will end up like that but I still can't not get my hopes up. Oh well, the dissapointment to come is my own doing I guess.


    And slightly off-topic, I was not pleased by Aife coming all the way to the EotN and tell me almost the same thing we've been told for FIVE KITTEN YEARS about the Pale Tree's health.

  12. "Rise my minion!"

    Alright, this minion is not really mine, but I'm necroing it again anyway, because we've had "development" in the Truce chapter. Anyone else getting slightly hopeful that Laranthir's absence may have an actual reason after all?

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