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Posts posted by Seppuku.8360

  1. Hey, I lead the GW2 subset of the Polarity Gaming Network [PGN]. We're a small-medium sized Guild that's part of a larger online community with a focus on fostering a social and inclusive atmosphere. Most of us are primarily PvE players, but we have some dedicated PvP players as well. We'd be happy to help you on your way in GW2. Just hmu on discord, dhayes#8555 or in game! Hope to hear from you.

  2. Hey man, I lead the GW2 subset of Polarity Gaming Network [PGN]. We are a small-medium sized guild that primarily does PvE, but we have several dedicated PvP players as well. Our PvP officer is a plat player as well so you may have someone to duo queue with! The other officers and myself are also putting together a raid static as well as fractal static, and we run open world PvE daily starting at reset. Hmu on discord, dhayes#8555 or in game.

  3. Hey man, I lead the GW2 subset of Polarity Gaming Network. We're primarily a PvE guild, but we have a few dedicated PvP players as well. There's a core group of us that are very active in voice comms and online daily. If you're interested, hmu on Discord. dhayes#8555 or msg me in game.

  4. Polarity Gaming Network is socially active guild looking to expand the GW2 subset of our community. We are currently a small-medium sized guild with a core group of very active players. As a group, our primary focus is on raiding/fractals, but we play a wide variety of content including open world, PvP, and WvW. Our overall goal is to foster a social and inclusive atmosphere that helps both new and veteran players alike succeed at their in game goals. Any and all are welcome to apply; please contact dhayes#8555 on discord if interested.


    Polarity Gaming Network is an ever expanding online community that plays many other games besides GW2 as well as hosting regular events like our "Community Game Night" every Saturday. If this all sounds like your cup of tea, feel free to reach out.

  5. @"Jayballz.9542" i'm the leader of a small-medium size NA guild that's part of a larger online community. We have members that do just about everything. Myself and several officers are currently working on forming a raid static as well as a fractal static for weekly runs. On top of the aforementioned, we have one officer and a few members dedicated more to the PvP scene. We also run world bosses and do other open world shenanigans on a daily basis. Hmu on discord if interested, dhayes#8555

  6. Three guildies looking for two more people to run Fractals with every Friday from 8-11 PM CST (times still tentative). The goals of the group are to increase our personal fractal levels, farm fracs for gold, and run CMs. We are specifically looking for a power boon chrono and another power dps. Requirements: full ascended and at least 100 AR; those under 150 AR will be expected to get there ASAP so it won't be something we ever need to worry about. If interested, message dhayes#8555 on discord. Feel free to reach out for a guild invite regardless of whether or not you want to join the fractal group.

  7. We are 4/10 thus far and looking for more. The four of us already in the group are guild mates and looking to push into the raid scene. A few of us already have some raid experience in GW2 (I've done spirit vale). Understand that if you apply and are accepted, this is a learning experience, and we are not expecting to speed through all raids. However, we do want to see steady progress, and we expect to see individual performance to match that. Moreover, the most important thing for being part of this group is consistency, i.e., showing up on time every time. We understand that sometimes life gets in the way and will cause you to miss a night here or there; that is fine. If the aforementioned is the case, simply let us know; that's what subs are for. What is not fine is applying for the group, doing a few runs with us and then dropping off without any notice. Aside from consistency, the most important things to us are that you are learning mechanics steadily and are able to keep up. Aside from performance, we ask that you bring a positive and ready-to-learn attitude when showing up for raid. Keep in mind, all applications are just that, applications. All prospectives will be on a trial basis to ensure that they mesh well with our core group of guildies. All applicants are welcome to join our guild, and good fits for the static will be encouraged to do so but not required.


    Our tentative raid schedule is as follows:

    Monday, Wednesday, Thursday from 7-9 PM CST

    As soon as the group is filled with prospectives, we will plan to start the following week.

    Current roles we already **have filled**:

    1. Main heal druid (able to off spec Power and condi slb)

    2. Banner warrior

    3. Quickbrand

    4. Our fourth member is flexible and will fill based on what we end up with.


    Specific roles we **need** filled:

    1. Boon chronomancer

    2. Secondary healer (prefer firebrand or renegade but will consider others)

    3. Alacrigade

    4-6. Power/Condi dps (need to have builds ready for both)


    If you are interested, message dhayes#8555 on discord with your ign, class/desired role and any prior raid experience whether it be in GW2 or not. All relevant experience will be considered. Whichever class you aim to raid with, we expect that you have it geared properly, and by applying you are indicating as much.

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