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Posts posted by Legendofzelda.1278

  1. arcane brilliance:

    Reduce CD to 15 seconds to match pvp-this skill is an OK skill but under performs compared to other heal skills and is better in very few situations. Making the cd lower will help it be useful while not giving the feeling that you should probably just use a different heal skill.


    aquatic stance:

    Remove the cast time-this skill is out stripped by most other heal skills in terms of just heals being instant would give an option to help with stability if traited and could add a tiny bit of support for groups in terms of raids. Without the change this skill will be mostly unused because other skills are just better.


    cleansing fire:

    Reduce CD to 20 seconds this skill though a nice cleanse, but with how much condi is out there it is not a very good option. Reducing the CD will open up the option to not rely on water trait as much. Fire trait also has condi removal but considering you are giving up a very valuable utility to just have a condi cleanse it is under performing.


    Conjured weapons:

    Reduce CD to 25 seconds, FGS 75 seconds, instant cast, remove second conjure, make your equipped conjure available to pick up by others not the one that conjured it after dropping it.-one of the problem with conjures is accessibility most of the skills are ok or good but not very good in any situation other than raids and pve, and in those not optimal but its pve. PVP WVW they are lacking and very underperforming. Making the suggested changes will make them accessible in more situations where the utility will be useful; they will still be good for pve can still be a "support" for those who care and wont be a short enough cd to make a huge dps increase in raids and constant access in other areas.


    in pve I raid often and have a good amount of experience with this. If you miss time or are unable to get your second conjure in the 1-2 second window you are losing dps making other utilities better its a big timing issue. I normally just don't use conjures because its a waste of utility most the time.



    Make it a 1200 range ground targeted ability that lasts for 10 seconds 90 second cd shoots out damage every second blinds every 2 seconds and knocks back every 5 seconds doing all three on impact maybe even make it shoot out from your current location going to where ever you are placing it for tell so people can move out. Lets be honest maybe not all but most engies when using that elixir elite want rampage for a good reason. tornado is not a bad skill but under performs, it is not good for dps rotation its not very useful in pvp or wvw the suggested changes would make it feel more like an elite and would be useful in allot more situations. Yes there are people that like it as it is but its overall utility and usefulness is lacking.


    Glyph of lesser elemental and glyph of greater elemental:

    Make them last until killed or changing utility and give them a stop button. This would make them a decent pick for many situations.


    Glyph of renewal:

    Lower CD to that of pvp version and cast time to 2 seconds or what ever to match other classes similar utilities. its just a really long cast time and cd those two things make it a very hard thing to even consider.


    now for just a weapon skills



    Increase radius to 300 no longer a projectile and regen is also applied to the ele that casts it increase CD to 20 seconds. When you think about what a monsoon is a tiny little thing that does not do very much is not what comes to mind but on top of that you would not consider attuning to water and air normally to try to use it because its just under performs this change will make it more considerable.

  2. 1. add to the wardrobe section of your character screen like to the side of backpack items or what ever. A slot for things like wings or other body part type items that way you can have your backpack as a backpack and also have wings.

    2. Add tails to the game that can go into the additional skin slot; especially nine tailed fox skin

    3. add to the novelty's an option to have then auto apply when re spawning and zoning into a map.



    The main reason I suggest the first two is because I like the shrine guardian outfit but it was disappointing when it did not come with nine tails like the jackal mount skin. This would be a wonderful addition for appearance and something new like tails added for anyone who is interested in those items. (I think it would be cool to make my character look like Ahri)


    the third item would just be a very nice quality of life improvement so you don't have to push any of the items you want on anyways.


    it would be great if these could be added to the game a small improvement but something worth adding I think.

  3. I agree that ele risk vs reward needs to be looked at but ele does have a really high sustain potential unfortunately that potential is locked behind barriers that if you cross those your damage is going to take a huge hit just taking water over fire or air is a very large damage reduction. What could they do to make this better without making ele op? I could give lots of suggestions about what would be really nice for ele and help in many areas like conjures lower lighting flash cd and such but what else?

  4. ya allot of those old traits are not getting looked at is kinda sad however what they did was pretty good for ele in general. Well the aura change was kinda what ever cool but unfortunately not much in the line of useful enough I would be interested to see if anyone can make a good build from it though sounds kinda hard. I have noticed a trend they seem to make small but impact changes to skills and traits and only one large overhaul per balance patch. they look at what happens with it and then continue.


    I am still hoping for that conjure rework for qol improvements. I already posted it and its in many locations on the forums probably one of the most asked for changes to ele. please anet :)

  5. This a general suggestion that I hope the devs were thinking of with the nerfs to ele.

    I have seen several people in this thread talk about reversing the nerfs to ele. I would suggest instead of reversing the nerfs; make the mechanics of skills and utilities better so that we can do a bit more damage and be more useful in all game modes because mechanics are better not just bigger numbers.

    An example of changing mechanics to make ele better instead of just bigger numbers: Change to conjures like has been suggested many times instant cast or all low cast time, cd 30s 2 ammo to all conjures except fgs which is like 90 or something no second conjure on ground maybe even if you are holding one the skills become a ground target to put second on the ground. Make conjure elemental skills better to be more reliable and controllable maybe even permanent until killed. These two and more are good suggestions how to make mechanics better (also smaller after cast on allot of skills would be nice to make them more smooth).

    so ya please don't just make numbers big make skills fun to use, and not feel clunky and then numbers can be tweaked to change to be balanced.

  6. most of this is for pve. The conjure and trait reworks are also for wvw.

    one who is an ele main for almost 6 years now. There are allot of good things about ele. I like how complicated and diverse it is. For almost any situations I can find a build for it. One of the possible problems is that if you want to do any one thing really well everything else suffers for it. you do good damage means you have bad survivability, team support and so on. Same thing any which way you go. I still like playing ele because when I get on other characters ya they are strong, (easy) but it just not as fun; like playing deadeye where you are basically doing the same or more damage with basically auto attacking; same goes for most other professions engie being the one exception where its close to same complexity (or more so with condi engie). Problem is there is little reward for taking ele over anything else especially now that we are no longer top dps.


    possible ways to improve ele:

    1. conjures of them selves with their utility could with a big rework which many people have given feed back on.

    2. Other skills/traits so fire is not the only way of doing dps so other options are available (that being said it makes sense fire is the main dps). Allot of these things I would think would be kinda hard as it would require some major reworks. Also if you do it wrong you could make ele do too much making other classes unviable which would also be a bad thing.


    I don't want ele to be the only top of anything I just want it to be top with the others, and not feel under powered playing my favorite class especially with more work required.

  7. what I think would be nice for elite skills is

    1. fgs cast time and cd reduced.

    2. glyph is permanent until killed and you can ground target where it uses them and they instantly leap or what ever to the location (goes for minor glyph too).

    3. tornado is a reflect and makes you move faster while using it lower cd in pve would be nice too. also lower cast time would be good.

  8. we will have to see what happens and as for meteor shower I run around in wvw allot on glass ele and I rarely go down to a meteor shower because I know to get out of red circles its actually easy to dodge most of the time. very rarely are there situations that you just cant get out of them. I am one of the people eles would be hitting for 16k which I have 12k so that would not end well for me lol just need awareness most people just like standing in circles and feeling like a boss tanking damage which does not work so well with the current bug (or need better awareness). I do agree the bug needs fixing so not saying anything against that.

  9. So now that ele is getting nerfed to one of the lowest dps in the game I mean after the "bug fix". Will this open up the ability to change skills to be better? like conjures and things? conjures being fairly useless outside pve and a few builds that in high end anything tend to be sub par to other builds. Remember bench dps for ele right now before the bug fix is about 37k on large hit box (1k below thief's right now). Any thoughts on this? anet thoughts maybe? probably not but who knows. There have been lots of suggestions that are really good for ele utilities and skills maybe some of them will become reality after all the devs did say "we are listening to your feed back". This huge nerf just might put us in the place so that can happen heres hoping :D.


  10. Because there are problems with conjures I don't see the need to make them exactly like kits with no cd but they should have more access and I am also in favor of them not having a second on the ground if it means better ability to use them.

  11. they could even give it ammo system and then make it so only people other than the ele that casts it can pick it up or something. Not sure how hard that would be to do though


  12. I like roaming in wvw and I also like pvp. Recently sense I got back into pvp started hearing allot of how ele is trash in pvp. I was wondering why and as I play I seem to do ok and have fun. I did however learn why though. weaver has good survivability and can do decent damage but we have little take down ability. anything moves a bit too much and we cant catch up to them.

    My suggestion is make polaric leap 10cd and instant cast there are allot of things we could do abilities we could use and swap to air to land them if it is instant. I feel this would go a long ways in making ele good for pvp. its not an insane change but it can have good implications.

  13. Hi so about everyone who uses weaver has probably looked at unravel and in the end made a similar conclusion that it is like training wheels that really is not that good. Not that there is not some possible use for it but its really underwhelming of a utility. I was trying it again just so I can really think about it and see if I could make use of it. There is a use that makes it....ok because it does let you get to skills that you let go of and when traited it gives stability which is nice. However its still really underwhelming even though the cd is relative to most ele cd's short. That being said what it does seems to not be much even though its one of the lowest cd's ele has.


    Thoughts how to make it worth using.

    1. lower the cd so you can change at will almost maybe 10s but only swaps once for instant use of skills

    2. or make it do more when using it you get a boon for each full attunment while it is active. air quickness 3s, fire might 5 stacks 10s water resistance 2s earth stability 2 stacks 4s


    anyway these are my thoughts on it.


    while I am at it I would like to point out monsoon. I do not want to be rude but my goodness what kind of a joke that skill is lol. I saw the description launch a HURRICANE and and what actually happens is you go to cast the spell and your character kinda sneezes in a direction and forgets to cast the spell. when I first saw this anet must have put it in as a joke or something lol.

    the actual problem with the spell is its sooo small that you don't really hit anything and when you do it does very little damage. but it has decent regen but you are not going to use it for regen and if you go healing build you will go tempest anyways so it wont matter.


    way to fix it: radious 360 unblockable. that way even though it does small damage it will be on people long enough to do something and they might actually want to get out of it.

  14. I would say get a full rework that make it do something like this

    base skill 20sec cd 360-600 range

    gives 10% crit damage to 10 people for 10-15 second ele recieve 5ish seconds skills unblockable. no more extra per strike

    traited adds 2-4 stacks of current condi placed to you and 2 to allies. thought with decrease of cd probably 2 to everyone or 2 to ele 1 to everyone else.


    this would make it usable in allot more situations for power and condi builds


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