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Posts posted by Shaikul.5047

  1. I can't understand what [this](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Damage_type) wiki article is trying to say, so I am asking here for help.

    What exactly is physical damage? How do I know which weapon or skills do physical and which do non-physical damage? Does it show in tooltips?


    Warrior has a trait [Peak Performance](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Peak_Performance), which influences physical damage and physical skills. I imagine physical skills to be skills in utility line called "physical", but what is physical damage, aludes me. At first I thought it's the damage done by only those utility skills, but that top wiki article and meta builds I've seen for warrior suggest there is something more.


  2. I am thinking of buying infinite gathering tools. I don't know which ones (ordinary unbreakable or some special with bang) but I am already wandering how exactly that would work.

    Do they work per character or per account? Do I have to manually change them from one character to another?

    Can I put them in shared inventory slots? If so, can I use them from there, without having to manually put them into or out of character's slots?

  3. I imagine it has been asked and answered before, but I couldn't find and relevant (new) posts on the forum. So, according to others (and personal experience), when you stay too long in a certain area and farm NPCs for loot, you only get "good" loot for some time. After a while, your farming will aword you with less and less "vauable" loot, so my question is: "how does that work?" What are the parameters to decide if my loot is or will begin diminishing. Is it the entire zone (Queensdale, Mount Maelstrom, ...) or areas inside the zone, is it the type of the NPC, is it the characterr I am playing with.


    What do I have to do and for how long in order to reset this diminishing loot return?

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