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Posts posted by Lyttle.9426

  1. > @"Chyanne Waters.8719" said:

    > WOW hate to say this but that being can never be part of GW2, because the race is taken by the Dragonball franchise. That is Piccollo he is Namekian in the dragonball universe. Work with races in GW2 not other games or franchises.


    That's an easy fix....remove the pointed ears, give him insect like compound eyes and BAMM...new creation.

  2. Fractal oriented player looking for a stress free, pool of casual players/guild that just want to enjoy the game with like minded people. I believe that if you are not having fun when playing, then you are doing it wrong. I dont want to deal with elitist, micromanaging, DPS-counting control freak players. Ive had awesome T4 Fractal pug groups where we had FUN and didn't mind wiping every now and then as we worked the mechanics, and Ive also had pug groups from hell where speed is all that mattered and where someone keeps questioning your choice of play style or even class with open text of who should get kicked. Not very friendly IMO.


    Mail me in game. I keep my status "invisible" due to some bad texts sent to me in private chat.

  3. I run a core elementalist. In my build I put out Auras and associated protection to "allies." :

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/VPDjaln.png "")

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/kOLmRjx.png "")


    I also run multiple minor elemental creatures in a fight.


    Recently I noticed in a fractal that not all my allies where getting the aura/protection buff. At first I thought it was a distance issue. I have to be a certain distance from them in order for them to get the buff (600m). But that is not the case. The reason they were not getting the buffs is because my elemental creatures where getting the buff instead. I can run as many as 4 or 5 elemental creatures at a time. So they take up the buffs that would normally go to my 5 actual allies in a fractal.


    In the following pic you can see the fire "aura" spheres on me and underneath the fire elementals (for some reason it shows up beneath them and not on them. My guess is because they are flying around. Go figure.

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/kdCA5AH.png "")


    Now, I dont consider my elementals to be "allies." They are the equivalent of a weapon or ammo to be used and discarded. They are not even the equivalent of a Ranger's "pet." I would no more expect a buff to affect my elemental than I would a buff to affect my scepter or focus. That plus it robs the original intent of buffing my actual group allies.


    So is this a bug or intentionally designed to function as is? Seems more of an oversight IMO.




  4. > @"sorudo.9054" said:

    > > @"Lyttle.9426" said:

    > > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

    > > > a big fat NO

    > >

    > > a little skinny WHY NOT?


    > because all it does is bread negativity, discrimination and nothing but a bad flow in-game.

    > if it was up to me i would ban arcDPS from the game and ban ppl from using it, DPS is absolutely useless when you suck at the game.


    Who told you, you suck at the game?

  5. > @"Sniper.5961"

    > @"knite.1542"

    > @"Sniper.5961"

    > @"zombyturtle.5980 "


    Thank you for the advice and it's all well taken. My journey through GW2 has been something of evolution. I learn something new all the time, and it's usually something I overlooked. So we'll see where I end up.


    Now getting back to the topic at hand: GW2 DPS/Heal Meter.

  6. > @"zombyturtle.5980" said:


    > You can play however you want but to then come on forums and complain people kick you and insult them when you play in the literal least useful way for your team, in a

    > way that goes against all the fundamentals of combat in this game, is daft.


    I didn't come here to complain so I dont know how you came to that conclusion. I was just relaying my own experiences. The topic is about DPS meters. And yes, I play like I enjoy playing. If core elementalist is so useless then why bother having it as it is? I also dont have any issues receiving boons.


    The fundamentals of this game is to enjoy it, not conform to what everyone else says how it should be done. Like I've said, I am sometimes the last man standing and on rare occasion have finished the boss off so I'm not so useless after all. Self sustaining heals/cc do play a part even at the expense of super DPS.



  7. > @"Besetment.9187" said:

    > The burst capability of ele is absolutely mental. A Power Weaver with boon support can burst over 100k/s during exposed debuff (after breaking a defiance bar).





    I dont "weaver" because I dont like melee. I find melee very limiting. At ranged, I can do damage both at a distance and up close, whereas I have to be "in their face" for melee to take affect. I dodge a lot for my own survival.




  8. > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

    > > @"Lyttle.9426" said:

    > > **So now that this thread is going, how do we get the attention of the devs to let them know this is what the community wants?


    > The community was more than clear that they doesn't want DPS meters. Feel free to communicate this to any Dev you can get hold of.

    > But since we don't have a DPS meter, i assume they are already aware of the situation



    What Ive gotten from the "community" is NO, not because it's a bad idea but because of the strings Anet will attach to it, which really confounds me since we dont know what Anet will do.


    But if the long term relationship between players and Anet is one akin to that of an abused wife, then I can understand that apprehension over the unknown.

  9. > @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

    > > @"Lyttle.9426" said:

    > > Who said anything about having to "give it up?" At no point did I say, 'Anet replace ArcDPS' and never allow it again.'


    > You didn't say it, but ArenaNet would. As with loadouts, the moment they released their own version, they shut down the 3rd party iteration. There is no reason to suspect that pattern won't hold with any other 3rd party feature the company officially adopts. I have no interest in 3rd party apps or in DPS meters, but I can understand why requesting an official version would doom anything unofficial.


    > That's why people are telling you it's one or the other - because it is.


    Granted, I have not been around as long as many of you veterans so what if you say is true, then it really is a sad situation.

  10. > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

    > > @"Lyttle.9426" said:

    > > > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

    > > > > @"Lyttle.9426" said:

    > > > > > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

    > > > > > > @"Lyttle.9426" said:

    > > > > > > > @"keenedge.9675" said:

    > > > > > > > That is in the same category as 'gear inspection'. Too divisive.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Nah. An in house DPS meter can be hard-coded to give out just the account user's DPS/Heals and no one else's. Unlike the 3rd party ones that give out the entire party's DPS output from raw server data.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Which will result in "post your output or get kicked from the party"

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Like that doesn't happen now? How many parties have I been kicked from because my DPS wasn't up to their standards? No warning. No explanation. Just BOOM!! You're kicked.

    > > > >

    > > > > It's unavoidable when you PUG with A-holes.

    > > >

    > > > I used to pug lot and seeing someone getting kicked for low dps happens once in a blue moon. And if it happens it happens because the dps player is dps racing the healers. Maybe change your build if it frequently happens to you?

    > >

    > > It doesn't happen very often. I play core Elementalist because frankly, it's the underdog. Poorly survivable compared to the other core classes, and I enjoy the challenge.

    > >

    > > I want to play the way I want to play, not the way someone else wants me to play.

    > >

    > > My rotation includes DPS, Healing and CC while sustaining a steady stream of conditions. So basically a "support" rotation. I enjoy it. With this, last night's Fractal runs had me clocked at about 5 to 9k DPS. By elitist standards that is low. And over all last night's pug group was generally low in DPS (we all admitted it), but we were "tanky" and never wiped in all T4 fractal runs. I dont understand the rush to get through a fight....you are only going to be doing it again.

    > >

    > > So my goal is to enjoy the trip, not so much get to the destination ASAP.


    > Yes thats just super bad gameplay. Cant expect every t4 group to carry you.


    Ironically I am often the last man standing in a wipe. So who is carrying who?



  11. > @"Taril.8619" said:


    > Even better, is that in theory, ArcDPS could utilize the inhouse DPS tool as its source of data, allowing it to provide more accurate logs due to being able to access a source of data that includes all the various factors that the current ArcDPS cannot find.


    I like how you think. Excellent point. It may even improve ARC.



  12. > @"TwoGhosts.6790" said:


    > And so, you see, **I am not 'raining on your parade', you are potentially raining on mine.** Because I don't want to have to give up using another tool I value for an inferior, in-house Anet money grab.


    Who said anything about having to "give it up?" At no point did I say, 'Anet replace ArcDPS' and never allow it again.' All I asked for was an in house version with more stability and better data.



  13. > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

    > > @"Lyttle.9426" said:

    > > > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

    > > > > @"Lyttle.9426" said:

    > > > > > @"keenedge.9675" said:

    > > > > > That is in the same category as 'gear inspection'. Too divisive.

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Nah. An in house DPS meter can be hard-coded to give out just the account user's DPS/Heals and no one else's. Unlike the 3rd party ones that give out the entire party's DPS output from raw server data.

    > > >

    > > > Which will result in "post your output or get kicked from the party"

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > Like that doesn't happen now? How many parties have I been kicked from because my DPS wasn't up to their standards? No warning. No explanation. Just BOOM!! You're kicked.

    > >

    > > It's unavoidable when you PUG with A-holes.


    > I used to pug lot and seeing someone getting kicked for low dps happens once in a blue moon. And if it happens it happens because the dps player is dps racing the healers. Maybe change your build if it frequently happens to you?


    It doesn't happen very often. I play core Elementalist because frankly, it's the underdog. Poorly survivable compared to the other core classes, and I enjoy the challenge.


    I want to play the way I want to play, not the way someone else wants me to play.


    My rotation includes DPS, Healing and CC while sustaining a steady stream of conditions. So basically a "support" rotation. I enjoy it. With this, last night's Fractal runs had me clocked at about 5 to 9k DPS. By elitist standards that is low. And over all last night's pug group was generally low in DPS (we all admitted it), but we were "tanky" and never wiped in all T4 fractal runs. I dont understand the rush to get through a fight....you are only going to be doing it again.


    So my goal is to enjoy the trip, not so much get to the destination ASAP.

  14. > @"TwoGhosts.6790" said:

    > > @"Astyrah.4015" said:

    > > > @"TwoGhosts.6790" said:

    > > > > @"Lyttle.9426" said:

    > > > > This is not a matter of "need" but of want. If you dont want to use it, then dont. Me however, I "need" it because it tells me of my output or lack of, at a glance.

    > > >

    > > > I already have that.

    > > > You can, too.

    > > > Why do you need Anet to sell you an inferior option?

    > >

    > > i think the reason why the OP and others want a built-in one so whenever there's an update, there's no need to wait for a compatibility update to our addons, it'll just work out of the box... and a built in one has more data it can metre/parse for you since arcdps also has limitations on what it can read off of the game since it's an external library just hooking to the game's process and i guess lastly, just incase deltaconnected/arcdps stops development suddenly (real life/work/family/health/etc.) we'd still have something to use.

    > >

    > > but the great fear is if Anet botches the job of making a built in one, like what they did with the build templates.... should they ever make one.


    > Oh, I know, I commented back and forth earlier with him about the issues you raise.


    > My big problem is the 'I need', or worse 'the community needs' idea he's purporting. I'm a member of the community, and the last thing I need,, as you say, is Anet stuffing up my enjoyment of the game with another fail as bad as their so called templates garbage.


    Dude, you DONT have to use it. For example, I wasn't even aware there was a Template issue because frankly I dont use that feature much. So why rain on my parade? Just dont use it.

  15. > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

    > > @"Lyttle.9426" said:

    > > > @"keenedge.9675" said:

    > > > That is in the same category as 'gear inspection'. Too divisive.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Nah. An in house DPS meter can be hard-coded to give out just the account user's DPS/Heals and no one else's. Unlike the 3rd party ones that give out the entire party's DPS output from raw server data.


    > Which will result in "post your output or get kicked from the party"




    Like that doesn't happen now? How many parties have I been kicked from because my DPS wasn't up to their standards? No warning. No explanation. Just BOOM!! You're kicked.


    It's unavoidable when you PUG with A-holes.

  16. > @"TwoGhosts.6790" said:

    > > @"Lyttle.9426" said:

    > > > @"TwoGhosts.6790" said:

    > > > Because we have a good one already.

    > >

    > >

    > > ArcDps limitations:

    > >

    > > *some things, in bold, because that makes them super important*


    > I'm well aware of the limitations of arcDPS.

    > I can read, and I visit deltconnected's page on a regular basis to check for updates - which he provides often, btw, and almost always within 24h of a gw2 patch... good luck with that if Anet ever makes and breaks their own version; we'll be waiting with broken kitten forever, as always.

    > And yes, I agree that one of the most frustrating limitations of arcDPS is the lack of heal monitoring, etc.

    > That's a shame, but I would much, much rather live with those limitations than suffer the consequences of any trashy, ham-fisted attempt by Anet to monetise an in-house meter... which would probably have even more limitations than arcDPS anyway.

    > And, apart from the lack of heal monitoring, if everyone who wants to is using the same meter (arc, for example, as they are rn), then it doesn't really matter if everyone's numbers are all equally fudged a bit... it's a useful tool, but mainly its a useful comparative, approximate tool, not an absolute one. It doesn't matter, as long as everyone is comparing the same data.

    > So, no, it's limitations (notwithstanding the lack of heal monitoring) are not a justification to ask Anet to make an in-house one.

    > Because I fear we might get what you wish for, and that it would be kitten.


    I think one thing everyone is overlooking is that if the developer of ArcDps ever decides to stop supporting it, that is the end of it. When I first started playing GW2 about 8 months ago what I found was a list of defunct addons no longer supported by their creators. So it is a very real possibility.



  17. > @"Kulvar.1239" said:

    > > @"Lyttle.9426" said:

    > > > @"keenedge.9675" said:

    > > > That is in the same category as 'gear inspection'. Too divisive.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Nah. An in house DPS meter can be hard-coded to give out just the account user's DPS/Heals and no one else's. Unlike the 3rd party ones that give out the entire party's DPS output from raw server data.

    > >

    > > It's not all or nothing.

    > >

    > > Dont know why it hasn't been done.


    > There's the training grounds.


    > > @"knite.1542" said:

    > > Please no. If Anet made this it would have less features than arcDPS, it would cost an arm and a leg, and they would explicitly disallow the use of arcDPS.


    > Are you trying to promote the idea to ANet ? Because it sounds like it.


    Sure, why not? Anet, just like any other business is profit oriented. If they produce a product I like and want, I will buy it.



  18. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > > > @"Lyttle.9426" said:

    > > > > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > > > > > @"keenedge.9675" said:

    > > > > > > That is in the same category as 'gear inspection'. Too divisive.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > I think gear inspect would be an excellent QoL feature

    > > > >

    > > > > Only with permission of the inspectee. Generate a temp inspection key and post it in chat that can be used for others to see your gear.

    > > > Why?

    > > > Just about every other major MMO I have played allows this kind of functionality without some form of silly consent mechanism.

    > >

    > > GW2 isn't every other major MMO. And IMO it shouldn't be.

    > I'm not sure this is a good argument against such a useful QoL addition.


    Im not sure what it means. It's like the Amish in the US not using automobiles because "they are not like any other community."

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