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Posts posted by VixusIrine.9013

  1. Honestly Renegade would really fit the bill for a minion oriented type skillset. Kalla summons as they currently are are kinda awful, they're stuck in this weird limbo of being wells and actual minions and it just leads to scenarios like them getting CC'd and not doing anything, summoned to only die immediately or nobody actually standing in their AoE's so they don't end up doing anything in the long run or straight up not summoning them at all because of terrian issues. I'd say just rework the Kalla skills into full fledged minions, that way they're more useful and you can have an actual spooky charr warband fight with you, it's a win/win.

  2. Swipe just needs it's own set of stolen skills to help compliment it like Deadeye does. I feel like it'll make daredevil a lot more fun an interesting with some new skills to play around with.

  3. I'm leaning more towards having it redesigned. It's only got one specific niche which is just for PvE bosses, it's easy to use there since everyone bunches up and focuses on the one target which maximizes its damage output. Can't really make good use of it in PvP or WvWvW unless you're running super cordinated teams since most people won't be within it's AoE due to the nature of the combat being more mobile and position reliant. But what it should be reworked too I'm not entirely sure really. I was thinking it could fire 5 long range bullets that bleed and pierce it's foes over the duration of 10 seconds, so around 1 bullet every two seconds, bump up it's radius or something and there you go.

  4. I kinda like the new changes, especially the healing orbs. It might be worth running Kalla on healing Rev too with Wrought Iron-will and Generous Abundance. Darkrazor's Daring can pump out a hilarious amount of healing orbs since it can daze up to 5 enemies six times each.

  5. I think holo for the most part is fine but I'd like anet to look into the viability of main hand sword. It's kinda inferior compared to running hammer on scrapper. Hammer gives you a tonne of damage as well as heaps of utility like reflects, blocks, barrier and a lightning combo field. Even the trait associated for it is pretty good too since you gives extra damage on top. It really needs more burst damage to help it compete against other power weapons like hammer and rifle or perhaps giving it some extra range like Crystal Configuration: Storm for holoforge.

  6. Nah, I don't really see the point in it. removing the entire elite for just grim specter would be very lackluster and frankly just plain unecessary to simplyfy it. Just look at what anet did to warrior banners. They became even more boring after the rework. They had every oppurntunity to rework the banner skills into something much more enganging but chose to gut them into the most passive thing ever. That being said, Lich Form still has some other great skills to it but it's just fallen victim to power creep over the years with the new specializations. Honestly they should just buff the duration to a whopping 40-60 seconds. The elite has pretty high damage output but you never really get any time to use it to it's full extent. You might think it's overkill but Lich Form makes you the biggest target in the vicinity, you have one very slow mobility skill and locked out of your healing and other utilities too, it's basically trading utility for raw power. Just bump it's cooldown back up to 180 seconds and there you go, problem solved.

  7. As long as you're not building like an absolute tart most people really won't be bothered about you're running as. Most open tags will let you join along and do your thing, just help with the building and you should be right. Most serious wvwvw groups usually run private groups without tags so just avoid those groups and you'll be right.

  8. I like it. Although I think they can be reworked into the All for one trait to make it more attractive. It's pitiful compared to Sudden Reversal and Heartpiercer. Having a trait that adds a new kind of functionality to the Kalla legend would probably entice a lot more people to actually use it instead of just taking Renegade for the traits alone.

  9. It's kinda funny since Renegade's release it was Herald that ended up getting the rework last year and a pretty good one at that too. I like Renegade but I do a lot of pvp and wvwvw so naturally the spec also annoys me a lot as well. Personally I'd still be for a rework, especially around the summons themselves. They're static and boring and might as well just be wells in their current state. I'd prefer to give them the necro minion treatment. Make them actual summons that fight with you and turn their current effects into secondaries with associated energy costs. Although I don't think we'll see anything like that since anet has been trying to get away from summons lately with the current reworks of spirit weapons and whatnot.

  10. Thieves Guild. There's a nice variety of them in terms of weapons and skills. As AI goes they're pretty capable fighters and can hold their own. They even got their own racial lines too, they're probably my favourite thing about thief. The only thing I hate about them is their pitiful lifespan. 30 seconds is such a waste. I'd be willing to slash their damage if I could keep them as permanent minions though.

  11. Most of the traps serve their own niche and don't really have problems in my opinion. The only one that stands out in need of changing is Ambush. It's not really an *ambush* all things considered. A thief will show up on your position to fight with you for 20 seconds, nobody actually gets ambushed from the trap. I'm not dumping on the skill I actually like it a fair bit but it could be better. I got a few ideas on how to prove it though, not anything exactly well thought out but just ideas. You could either have Ambush spawn an extra thief. It's not a lot but it'll make the skill feel more like you're ambushing someone. Or the Ambush trap reveals enemies on the map that triggered it for 10 seconds as an added effect or something, kinda like how sentries in WvWvW work.


  12. > @"tiraniko.3087" said:

    > it would be fun if kalla skills works like real summon. not like now... killible aoe buff totem


    I don't think Anet are so keen on doing like that again considering how much people hated the gyros for scrapper. That being said I do admit it would be kinda cool having a ghostly warband follow you around and fight stuff. You can go the way of the necro and give them secondary skills on their utilities that activate their group buffs.

  13. I'm not entirely sure if this counts as a bug but I've noticed that the mini awakened asura has been added in since Bug in the system but there's no way to obtain it? The wiki doesn't say there's no known way of obtaining it but you can preview it in the mini selection menu. I'm just wondering if it's a bug that you can't get it or if anet never intended people to get it in the first place.

  14. I do miss the old traits like peripheral vision, it made condi deadeye into an interesting alternative compared to condi daredevil. I felt it was kinda weird of anet to say that the trait was pretty useless when it worked so well if you ran condi. Being able to condi bomb a group of people from far distances in wvwvw was pretty nice.

  15. I can kinda see what they're going for but it only leaves you a very small window to get the extra damage off and that's if the enemy doesn't just stun break as soon as they get feared. In terms of choice, Chill of death is a lot more useful and way more nastier than dread and hell awaken the pain is a pretty good option too if you're going power scourge. Dread would only work out in PvE where you can have multiple necromancers stack fear on a boss to get an acceptable damage boost out of it. PvP and WvWvW is just out of the question considering how much condi cleanse and stunbreaks people run, it's far to unreliable. Unless you're going core fear necro then it isn't worth it.

  16. I voted Revenant. In particular, Renegade. Kalla utilities are completely dependant on AI pathing working properly and the traitline is just mostly just passive stat increases, might generation and little utility or defense. It really offers nothing new for Revenant other than slightly improving condi builds even though it's already pretty lackluster in the first place.

  17. Interesting changes although I'm somewhat worried about the changes to be honest. I'm probably in the very small minority here but I rather enjoy playing condi Deadeye. I do hope that the traits like Peripheral Vision and One in the Chambers aren't changed around in such a way that it makes condi deadeye unviable.

  18. Am I the only one or is this trait somewhat underwhelming compared to the other Master Traits? Heartpiecer would be a must if you're running condi bow because of the extra bleed damage and target coverage while Sudden Reversal works better if you're playing more power/bruiser oriented builds. I'm on the impression that All For One is more of a support/utility kinda trait but I think it could be a lot better than just having 4 seconds of protection on nearby allies. What I propose is that instead of warband members giving protection to nearby allies on summon they instead give nearby allies 1 stack of Lesser Kalla's Fervor at a 1 second interval to allies within the Warband summon's AoE. So long as the Warband summon is actively using their ability it'll apply the stacks of Lesser Kalla's fervor to nearby allies.


    Functionally Lesser Kalla's Fervor is identical to it's regular counterpart by stacking intensity and refreshing it's duration, having a maximum of 5 stacks that last for 8 seconds however it'll only provide 20 Ferocity and 1% condition damage per stack instead of it's normal amount. I want it be Lesser Kalla's Fervor so I can keep it completely seperate from interactions on the traitline to make things easier for the sake of balance. The reasoning for this change is to give Renegade an extra oomph in it's supporting capabilities and with Lesser Kalla's fervor it might incentivise people to gather around your summons for an extra damage buff. Especially for Razorclaw's Rage as people really don't get any benefits to within it's AoE other than minor bleed damage kinda like how venoms work but not mobile at all.


    But I guess the biggest concern I'd have about it is that whether or not Lesser Kalla's Fervor should apply to the Renegade itself or not. I'm kinda leaning more towards the idea that it shouldn't apply to yourself and other Renegades but I'm not entirely sure if that can be programmed into the game since I don't know much about how the engine works and whatnot. The only other ideas I have on how to make the Warband summons more interesting is if All For One applied extra or improved effects or if you wanna go with the most simple change, maybe they can apply super speed to yourself on summon keeping up with the whole theme of Renegade being a "mobile skirmisher" spec that anet originally stated. (I may not be right about that statement, if so feel free to correct me.)


    But these are just my thoughts on the trait itself really, if you got any criticisms or any other ideas on what you think All For One should do by all means post here. I just wanted to get some discussion on it going. This is just my attempt on improving Renegade without going into completely reworking the spec.



    > It's imho impossible.

    > I know that everybody would like to play whatever they want in every game mode, but there will always be a meta setup for everything.


    > I would like instead to have they focus on a single build for class, in order to balance everything in the best way.

    > To make an example, they won't have to balance all possible revenant builds with other classes builds,


    > but something like


    > * Herald S/Shield + Staff, with specific legends and traits/runes/sigils/neck


    > balanced with ( one random example )


    > * Thief ( which will be d/p with flat traits/skills/runes/sigils/neck ).


    > Then you will have 9 fully balanced classes, and when you find a specific class you will always know their skills/weapons/attacks patterns.

    > It would be imho, other than completely balanced, way better and fun.


    I'm aware there will always be meta builds and that's fine, people will always want to use the best builds but I don't exactly agree that they should just focus on one specific build for each class every game mode. If there's already a good build for a particular class there's no reason for anet to promote other builds or look at different things to promote more playstyles, sure it makes balancing messy but that's something you gotta expect with these kinds of games. It's not like there's a lot of new content in pvp to go around so having some kind of build diversity to keep people sticking around, if pvp were solely balanced around one specific build for each class it'd be balanced, sure but it'll get horribly stale after a while.

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