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Posts posted by Manasurge.4312

  1. Hello! I too am interested in your guild! I'm a kind of... new-ish player? I've played on and off in the past, and I'm still learning and getting used to everything. I love that your guild has everything I was looking for, from the minority rep (as I fit a handful of categories), friendly, accepting, not strictly one thing (but mostly pve which I prefer), welcoming, etc. And I've been shying away from joining a guild for the longest time until recently as I too have been feeling a bit lonely playing in game, despite being a pretty hardcore loner. I get really anxious trying to ask be apart of any requested group, but I have wanted to experience the game while being in a guild as well, and I feel most comfortable asking here, and I'd love to be able to make some friends, or at least know that I can have a bit of company and do things with them every so often!

    I am a casual player so I'm not on everyday, but I am on a lot more frequently I used to be, especially these days haha (since I do love playing with completionist tendencies, but I try my best to behave and do responsible things irl lol).


    Anyways sorry for my ramblings! If you do have a spot, I would be most interested to join. I have 3 lv. 80 toons and have gotten through most of the story (still working on that now to unlock everything). Anywho even if I can't, I'm happy to bump the thread up one more time!


    Edit: Ignore that part in the last bit, just realized now that "CD" in the OP meant "Crystal Desert" and not "Cooldown". AHaha oops

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