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Posts posted by Rohkta.6057

  1. Hi GW community,


    As the title says. I want to know what the estimate time is to complete all (3) the twilight volumes to obtain the twilight precursor?


    Some years ago I started crafting the Twilight creatsword and I stopped just before the precursor part.

    I hoped to get it in a drop but as for most players I am not this lucky.

    A few months ago I started playing Guildwars again and I want to pick up the Twilight crafting again. My brother told me about the parts that you can complete to get the precursor.


    I don't have that many time to grind since I work so I want to do either two things. Complete the precursor achievement via the Twilight volumes or just buy it of the TP.

    Do you guys have experience with the precursor volumes? How was it? Was it fun or mostly just grinding? Was it worth and how long did it take?

    I have seen the Wiki. I hope to hear your personal experience.


    Hope to hear from you.


    Kind regards and thanks forward,



    PS: Sorry for my bad English since I am not a native speaker.

  2. Dear community members,


    Since a few years I am returning to GW2. I just completed the living stories and the Path of Fire expension.

    The last couple of days I am enjoying myself in WvW on my Guardian (main). Wvw Is a part of the game I never played a lot but I find now more and more interesting.


    I am currently searching on the internet for a correct build that suits my gameplay. I am aware of the fact that everyone has other needs for his gameplay but I found myself a bit in the dark here. All the time I invested in PVE my Berserker build suited me quite well. But in PVP or WvW you need way more survivorbillity to stay alive.


    I am a kind of support/tank kind of player who enjoys playing in large teams to get to objectives. I try to stay for now more in the backline because of the fact that I still learning and get finished of quickly. Because I don't know al the team maneuvering not to well.


    On Metabattle I discovered a [build ](https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Firebrand_-_Support_Firebrand) that I like. But the armor that is required is Ascended. Because I don't want to invest to much (crafting) in one thing not knowing if it suits my needs. So I would like to start with Exotic armor. I try to match the stats (healing, toughness ect) of the Ascended armor in the Exotic armor, but I don't know what to eleminate since that stats on Exotic are less then Ascended.

    On the internet there is much information avalible on what you can take. But players always talk about the small advantages (1,5 percent extra healing, or 2% extra damage). I am not yet on this level or a hardcore Guild Wars player to get into this part, yet.


    I hope to see your vision on my needs and hope to get some kind of starting point to play with.

    As I said, I am a returning player and not yet to invested in all the small advantages.


    As a summary:

    * Class played: Guardian (Firebrand) - DH is a possibility to

    * Role: Backline support/damage dealer. (PVE style was tank/dps)

    * Starting point: Exotic armor

    * Want to buy the armor/jewelry of the TP


    Kind regards,




    *Sorry for my bad English as I am not a native speaker.



  3. Hi guys,


    Since a few weeks I am playing Guild Wars 2 again. I leveled my last missing class; the warrior. To level 80. I am now playing on my main; a guardian (84 mastery).


    Since I havent played for a couple of years and just bought the last expension I feel a bit lost in everything they added in GW. Mastery hunting, the new areas, getting the second elite specialization and mount or getting back to farm that legendary greatsword..


    Now of course you can do what ever you want in the game. But i feel like I am missing some kind of path, mission or goal that i can work towards. Since there is so much to do. And every area or mastery needs some kind of little research in how to complete it.


    Since I work quit a lot I can’t afford grinding all day. But I am curious to your vision. Are there any of you guys who are in the same situation as me? Or do you guys have any tips or cool advice? Hope to hear from you.


    Kind regards,


  4. Dear fellow Warriors,


    This last weeks I returned to GW2 to start playing again. I started a warrior (the last missing class) and have reached level 80 by today.


    I still have some gold to spare and i am currently searching for a PVE Solo Build. I would like to play with Axe/Axe / GS. I am aware that websites such as metabattle offer builds. But I can’t find a build that suits my needs..


    Do you guys have any builds or tips that i can work towards to?


    My preferences:

    - For solo content

    - PVE gameplay

    - Great damage

    - Decent survivorbility

    - I would like to play with Axe/Axe and GS.


    Thanks in advance!


    *sorry for my bad English.

    Kind regards,


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