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Posts posted by arrgy.6105

  1. All these posts on these forums boil down to a single thing...


    Everyone thinks their profession sucks when compared to another. 1% of forum posts start with "Hey I love my profession". It just as bad here as it is in any other MMO (BDO with its what 17 classes is now really really bad).


    And if you think about it, its all rather silly. Whether you swing a stick, a sword, cast a spell, shoot an arrow, use a signet or a pet, whatever, the goal is the same...kill your target(s) OR keep your team alive with heals, buffs, or tanking. That's it, not much else. The only real difference is what you look like doing it (light, medium, heavy armor). If swinging a stick kills something quicker then casting a spell, well you have a choice of what to play, but to come on forums and state the obvious and expect something to change is also rather silly. Your like someone in a casino, getting beat in blackjack by the dealer 10 hands in a row and complaining the deck is stacked against you...well go play at another table.



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