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Dyed Dollie.6470

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  1. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said: > And what did PayPal have to say? Nothing, because I did not contact them. This whole issue was fixed with your "clear cache" suggestion! so thank you very much :3 managed to get gems a few mins ago! The issue was in buying gems not the gem store itself but your suggestion still solved it. If there's a way to mark my thread as **"solved"** lmk so others can see it.
  2. > @"sitarskee.5738" said: > > @"Dyed Dollie.6470" said: > > > @"sitarskee.5738" said: > > > I had it for around 2 weeks few months ago and even though I contacted Support, it was Tuesday patch which fixed it for me for some reason. > > > > 2 weeks! > > for me problems started after the new episode, game started lagging horribly. > > then today there was an update and that's when the gem store issue started. > > Well, yeah, I remember I was pissed because of it I missed Vermilion Wings in the BLC which was my main aim. Now it's back though for statuettes so we goo'. yep i also have my eyes on a couple of things and it's frustrating they might be gone when/if this is fixed, their response wasn't satisfactory either :s
  3. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said: > Is the issue buying Gems, or the Gem Store has issues? > If the latter, you can try clearing the GW2 cache; instructions found in the Knowledge Base accessed via the 'Support' link and searching, 'Troubleshoot Trading Post'. > > Good luck. this is their response after i submitted a ticket: **After reviewing your account, we have found that your purchase attempts were declined by PayPal®. When this happens, we are not given a reason of the decline. Please contact PayPal for information about the refusals. Once you have resolved the issue with PayPal try to make your purchase again. You should have no further issue.** kinda doesn't make sense, i've used paypal to buy stuff right before using it to attempt purchasing gems in-game, so it's properly working.
  4. > @"sitarskee.5738" said: > I had it for around 2 weeks few months ago and even though I contacted Support, it was Tuesday patch which fixed it for me for some reason. 2 weeks! for me problems started after the new episode, game started lagging horribly. then today there was an update and that's when the gem store issue started.
  5. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said: > The solution is for you to contact the CS Team via the 'Support' link above/below and 'Submit a Ticket' for assistance. > > Good luck. i have submitted a ticket but i'm concerned it might take a while to be resolved so i thought of asking here c:
  6. As the title says, my gem store doesn't work as of today. i checked on my game and another person's game from their pc, both don't work. also seen a comment today on a separate forum. The error message i get is **"unfortunately an error has occurred. please try again later!"** and it pops when i choose paypal payment and before i get redirected to paypal website (meaning that hypothetically it's not because of my paypal account?). Any thoughts? solutions? thank you. :)
  7. Tried to buy gems today, got this error, I'm unsure why is that.
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