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Raistlin el shalafi.7628

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Posts posted by Raistlin el shalafi.7628

  1. Hi!


    For a good start this year, here´s something I've been working for a while:



    Yes! It is a Funko Pop Zojja. And there will be more in the next few months :) .

    I will update the post with new miniatures of Guild Wars. My goal is to bring to live our favorite heroes in the saga.

    If anyone wants more information, feel free to contact me on: guild.wars.universe@gmail.com In addition, you can find me on social networks at the signature.


    See you in Tyria!


  2. Not if in the end to solve that your app is bad bad, Kung fu tea has modified the conditions, once you have extracted the information from the accounts of the people, now it is no longer valid outside of NA ........and Anet doesn´t say anything about it.


    It is a shame what is happening. A great way to waste a good promotion, to despise those of us who are not from NA and to divide the community. Reddit and other social networks are burning. You can do something soon because it gets out of hand.


    For my part or distribute it to everyone as it should or will not have a euro more, and enough of contempt for the community, which in ES we all take them .... neither translated the voices, nor the books, or CM, nor can participate in contests .... in order .. And there are things that can not solve them alone or to do so they have to fight a lot and it does not come out profitable, but this is not the case.



  3. Hi guys!


    I've been playing Guild Wars since 2005, I've always liked the game and usually the economic policies that have been followed. I think they are quite successful, compared to other games, but ...... .not this time.


    I don't think that throwing 400 gems to get a mount that you don't want is appropriate. There are people who want all, right, it's a good price for them. But it is a bad price for the one who only wants one.

    In my opinion, it is better to offer the possibility of obtaining them in two ways. For example 600 gems for a specific mount and 400 for a random mount. I also think that it is interesting to maintain a balance between the skins that are paid and those that are achieved by playing.


    On another way, 2000 gems = 25€. The last expansion costs 30€ ...... .. Is it the same or similar work to create a 1 skin vs 1 expansion? : S. I believe that you must maintain a consistent price relationship. Otherwise you do not value your work in the expansion and confuse the players, making us believe that it costs the same to develop an expansion than a skin. It is not true.


    Finally I want to say that it is fantastic that the company asks the players. To fall into errors is human (... charr, norn, asura and sylvari xD), but knowing how to rectify is wise. Guild Wars are not built only by workers. Guild Wars are all, workers, managers and players. When something is loved, you must fight for it. Do not cry, do not believe unconditionally, do not look the other way. To fight is to think, to dialogue, to criticize constructively and together to be able to improve.

    I would like this discussion to be positive and establish precedents to face together the future of the game.




    P.s: Sorry for my English, I am Spanish, but I wanted to try to contribute in the best possible way and it is in this forum.

  4. Hi!

    I'm Raistlin Shalafi, i´m a spanish player. I've been playing the Guild Wars saga since 2006. I have always liked to have everything related to the saga, from books and collector's editions, to everything I can find in digital format. Now I intend to share this digital content with you all!


    Channel / person name:

    I'm active on several networks. On YouTube as "Guild Wars Universe" and on Twitter as "GW_Universe".



    I currently work with the game's soundtrack, Trailers and Ads, ALL the videos of the game, starting with the GW2 Base, with all its options (yes, I will try to cover the 308) and continuing with the living world and the rest of expansions. In the future I would like to upload more types of content that I have in mind, but time to time.

    ALL the content tries to upload it in the 4 languages Spanish, English, French and German, so you will find each video in its corresponding section. Regardless of the language, which is something important especially at the level of history and lore to get a good immersion, I believe in a united and equal community for all, so I would like everyone to enjoy the same content on the channel. In the same way I encourage other creators to use fragments of my videos, if they need it at some point in time. Unit.


    Frequency of uploading content:

    Mainly one video per week, will depend on the time available and the content available in the game (although for the latter I do not think there are problems).


    Sorry for my bad English (google translate power!), but don’t worry in my videos I don’t speak or writte! :)

    Thanks for reading my post! Our time is now!!


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