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Posts posted by Amara.2186

  1. Hi,


    I have recently returned to GW2, never really seriously played it so I still feel like a newbie even though I have been playing on and off since launch. At the moment I have mostly just been trying to actually finish the story (only LW3 to go!), level some alts, find my perfect class and looking to fill some of my guild slots so I can socialise more.


    Looking for a guild that runs casual content. Things like guild missions, metas, maybe the odd dungeon/fractual. I've never done WvW before but if you are on Dragonbrand and willing to let me come along an explain what I am meant to be doing, even better. Also really looking for active chat, whether in game or out of game on things like Discord (voice or text). I'm in Australia (+8 GMT) but since I am working from home, I tend to jump in and out of game during all hours of the day.


    So yeah, if you are a chatty lot (with lots of pet photos) that sometime do stuff together, please let me know :)



  2. First time I felt young being only 38 :bleep_bloop:


    I just returned to GW2 a couple of weeks ago and besides some mega lag issue the last few days, have been enjoying it. Grinded out my Griffin and Skyscale mounts and hoping to finally finish the HoT story (if lag stops long enough to stop killing me).


    Looking for some nice, friendly, social, casual guild and although I don't speak spanish (would love to learn!) you guys sound like what I am looking for.

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