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Posts posted by MrKahwk.9524

  1. Hi,


    Could somebody help me find out how I can remove a certain in game texture by accessing the game's files?


    I'd love to remove the aegis visual, so I thought you could simply go to the game files, find the file for this texture and remove it.


    Am I oversimplifying this? How can this be done?


    I look forward to your respones and much needed help :)



  2. As mentioned in my post from 15.04.2020 I made a survey to find out how people feel about the Aegis visuals and whether there should be a toggle option for it.


    Here are the results:



    There were 26 participants.


    Q1: Aegis should only be visible in PvP.


    7.7 % Strongly agree

    7.7 % Agree

    30.8 % Disagree

    53.8 % Strongly disagree


    Q2: Aegis visuals should have a toggle option in the game setting.

    15.4 % Strongly agree

    23.1 % Agree

    19.2 % Disagree

    42.3 % Strongly disagree


    Q3: Aegis should only be visible during actual combat, not when drawing your weapons.

    23.1 % Strongly agree

    19.2 % Agree

    30.8 % Disagree

    26.9 % Strongly disagree


    Q4: I like how the Aegis visual looks like on my drawn off-hand weapon.

    23.1 % Strongly agree

    46.2 % Agree

    11.5 % Disagree

    19.2 % Strongly disagree


    Q5: I am a Guardian main.

    61.5 % Yes

    38.5 % No


    This concludes the survey results.


    To summarize:

    The majority of people don’t want the Aegis visuals to disappear completely.

    There are however 42.1% who would like Aegis to no appear outside of combat while weapons are drawn.

    Or that you can still see Aegis on everyone else even the people that toggle it off. The only difference is that they can’t see it on themselves. Why is that bad?

    To me personally, this would be the ideal outcome. I want to be able to look at my legendary off-hand weapon Ipos without Aegis on it outside of battle. During combat this doesn’t matter since I’m not gonna be gawking at my character.

    This survey has left me hopeless about playing my guardian with Ipos without feeling frustrated about the Aegis visual. And I was honestly surprised about how many people like the Aegis on their off-hand weapons. Flameseeker Prophecies for example. Aegis covers the entire legendary shield texture. Does it not bother you to not completely be able to see the weapon that you think looks so cool or that you grinded for really hard?


    In any case, that’s it folks. The people have chosen. Aegis stays.



  3. https://www.survio.com/survey/d/H8L6L9W4M4X0U7C5J


    I kindly ask you to fill out this short 5-question-survey so that we can have some transparancy on what people think about Aegis' visuals.


    The goal is to have ArenaNet create a toggle option, so that you can disable Aegis visuals.


    This survey helps to understand to which degree the GW2 community wants the visuals to change.


    I personally dislike the fact that a huge clipping Aegis covers my off-hand legendary The Binding of Ipos.


    What do you think? I'd love to know your opinion on this and have some clear answers from the community on this topic.


    Thank you for your time and stay healthy!



  4. Hi


    I've been wondering what you think about being able to toggle on/off the aegis visuals only for yourself but not for others?


    There have been arguments about the necessity for other players to see whether someone has aegis on them or not. Which I think is valid in PvP but with this solution there wouldn't be this issue.

    I've recently made The Binding of Ipos and the aegis just really takes away from the whole beauty of the legendary. Not only that, but also all other off-hand weapons are obscured by the aegis visuals.


    I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that there would be a huge apprection to have an option to toggle on/off these visuals only for yourself.


    If this doesn't get traction, I'll consider starting polls on the forums, reddit and other GW2-related social media platforms to show how many people really want this change.


    What do you think?



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