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Posts posted by zylo.6481

  1. I know most of the people that play ranked currently are solo's. I too have only ever played solo ques, however i would still like to see it opened up to teams as well. Which is why i propose we should open it up but change the scoring system a bit. I would guess that the reason most people would be against letting team ques into ranked is how it is scored. Nobody in ranked wants a -18 as a solo for losing to a 5 man team so i think the scoring system could be changed to something like this: If you are a 5 man team vs 5 solos the scoring would be changed at the end of the match: To make it easy lets say a win is worth 15 points and a loss is worth 15 points. So if the 5 man team wins they would only get 3 points (15 divided by 5/1). Inversely If the 5 man team loses they would lose 75 points (15 multiplied by 5/1). If the solo team loses they would get a minus 3 (15 divided by 5/1) and if the solo team wins they would get a plus 75 (15 multiplied by 5/1). For 5 man vs 4 man + 1 solo if it would be a 5 man win = (15 divided by 5/4 ) 12 points, and for a loss: (15 multiplied by 5/4) 19 points. The solo player would get the maximum points +75 or -3 as stated earlier. And you would use the same equation for 3 man and duos. So it would make it so playing as a solo and losing to organized teams is not a big loss in ranked and also makes it so solos will want to try vs teams to get the large potential point gain. I think this would also contribute to monthlies being more competitive as 5 man groups would be able to play for whole seasons and it might bring in more players as a lot of people would be more likely to join their guild groups in pvp but will not play solos. This also makes it so solos have the highest risk as well as the highest reward and teams will have low risk with low reward.I know some other things will have to get changed with this but i think this would be a good start.




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