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Posts posted by kraven.9578

  1. > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

    > I'm not sure they would ship elite specialisations with the new expansion. And of course there is a million ways they can do it wrong. I didn't say a new expansion WILL save PvP, I said it CAN, meaning it has the potential to do so. Only a huge content release would attract enough players to revitalise the gamemode.

    It doesn't have to save it, but new ESpec will be a breath of fresh air and most definitely break any meta for at least couple months.


  2. If we consider Staff to be thematically a "chaos" weapon (as in unpredictable) yet still usable, I would go for 2 changes.

    Staff #3: functionality unchanged, but instead of procing Vulnerability, the beam applies Confusion AND one additional non-damaging condition, Cripple, Weakness, Chill at random.

    Staff #4: Protection baseline; Chaos Aura instead of procing random boons and conditions, it trades them between the Mesmer and the attacker (like Arcane thievery)


    Chaotic Dampening: Remove Protection on acquiring Aura, instead extend the duration of Chaos Aura by X. Retain the CD reduction.


    This would retain the overall "feel" of the staff, increase it's power and still provide counterplay.

    An argument can be also made for increasing #1 projectile speed and/or making it unblockable, but staff AA is hardly the problem.


    edit: The change to the Chaos Aura (and not Chaos Armor) would also indirectly buff Chrono wells as long as there are blast finishers around.

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