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Holy Vengeful.3615

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Posts posted by Holy Vengeful.3615

  1. I play a solo Zerker build and usually switch between Defiant Stance and Healing Sig/Might Makes Right for heavier damage areas. Never have issues surviving, but my build is always focused on high damage output. I usually end up killing anything attacking me way before it becomes a health concern. In between bursts if I feel my health is declining too quickly I just stand still for a few secs and activate Defiant Stance. Let them hit you then Whirlwind away and attack again.


    Imo if you make it too easy to keep up your health and never feel like you could get downed the game loses it's charm. This has worked for me for soloing Champs as well.

  2. I play a solo Berserker Dual Axe/GS build often and I am very happy with it. There are better builds out there for PvE currently but for me this one is fun and delivers tons of damage. [http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKxAEdflNwuYNMKWJOyW/tOA-zxYYhwEBZsjaUeZEYKURFYyA-e](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKxAEdflNwuYNMKWJOyW/tOA-zxYYhwEBZsjaUeZEYKURFYyA-e)


    Berserker armor with Super Rune of the Eagle (there are better choices, this one is cheap and offers great stats)

    Assassin Amulet, jewels and back, Soldier Rings for extra durability

    Sup Sigil of Strength and Force on both weapon sets (cheaper alt to Force is Sup Sigil of Bloodlust. If you get used to the build and don't die much, it's a great way to add a solid damage boost and get yourself hitting 25-30k with Arc Divider on a consistent basis.)


    The skills and traits you can see in the link above.


    _**For Great Justice > Signet of Fury > Rush**_ to enter battle and activate Berserk right away, while having Fury on you.

    Immediately hit Arc Divider > Weapon Swap > Whirling Axe.

    Hit Sundering Leap to extend Berserk, then Cyclone Axe, switch back to GS and hit Arc Divider again. During this you should have a minimum of 15-20 Might stacks, longer fights (more than 15 seconds) you'll be able to upkeep 20+ for the duration of the fight.


    Keep up "For Great Justice", and use Signet of Rage to upkeep Fury for longer fights.


    This build is designed for Burst/crit damage using Fury. Healing skills can vary by area, but for POF and HOT areas I have found Defiant Stance to work great.


    Vengeful Return for PVE is solid but can be subbed for Warrior's Sprint if you feel that suits you better. Dead or Alive trait comes in handy in sustained Boss fights.


    Keep a Rifle with Berserker stats for harder Bosses and swap it for Axes. Use GS for bursts and quick damage, then Rush or Whirlwind away and switch to Rifle to upkeep adrenaline and kite.


    Whirlwind and Rush are great for mobility and evading damage. Not much in terms of stun breaks, condition removals or immobilization removal but I haven't found it to be much of an issue. If certain areas give you trouble, put in "Shake It Off" for Sundering Leap.


    Might Makes Right can be subbed for Berserker's Power if you feel like you need more healing and endurance. Despite being nerfed, at the rate that this build can apply Might you can receive an extra 1K healing every few seconds from it.


    Lastly, do some research of food items and boosters that can benefit your style of play.


    Good luck! Feel free to reach out if you want some tips.

  3. I got this achievement a couple years ago and from what I remember it was 2 areas in central Kryta that were underground or tiny caves. They are not POIs or anything, just small areas which usually spawn a boss or are part of an event that leads you to them. When I found them, it was super painful because it was before they made it so easy with the area breakdown. If you click on the achievement it should show you all areas required for the achievement. Can also be found here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Explorer


    You can search whatever doesn't have a checkmark or if you're feeling adventurous go to the area and find it for yourself. Good luck!

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