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Ray Koopa.2354

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Posts posted by Ray Koopa.2354

  1. Hey there,


    there's a quite annoying bug which leaves some kind of trashy collisions remaining in the GH after removing decoration which was placed around it.


    I first thought it's a GH map issue when I first experienced it after removing SAB decoration, but there are a lot more and bigger invisible collisions going on now where I removed loads of Halloween deocration:

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/UkJr804.jpg "")


    - Every guild member is experiencing this, not just me.

    - I made sure there really is no _actual_ decoration nearby causing this to happen.

    - I placed decoration around the buggy spots in the hope of "recalculating" the collisions there, did not help (despite not even being _able_ to place decoration there anymore as the buggy collisions are picked up by the placement cursor).

    - This does not seem to ever fix itself, neither through leaving the GH, not entering it with guild members for a day (forcing it to create a new "instance" or something). The initial buggy SAB collisions are still there.

    - In case this _would_ be fixed by using the "Remove All Decorations" button, this is not an option for us, we have loads of other decoration placed with a lot of love and hard work, and don't want to erase that aswell.


    I fear the place may be flooded with buggy invisible collisions eventually.

    Can you please have a look at it? Thanks.

  2. This change was something between useless and disrespectful.

    As mentioned by the OP, an option was introduced many years ago to move the compact menu item away from the deposit materials one _for a reason_.

    Whoever implemented this change should've realized how wrong it is by the time they simply removed the checkbox from the Option dialog. Or they really didn't care about why it exists in first place.



  3. > @"Pifil.5193" said:

    > ArenaNet said it was OK. It's OK. And TaCO uses the mumble API they put in place for these kind of overlays.


    Can you link to where they explicitly state it's ok? Just for reference. Not like I doubt it after they explicitly share information for 3rd party apps in memory mapped files.

  4. > @"Pifil.5193" said:

    > Yes it's still non-bannable app as it only reads the memory and doesn't change anything.


    Just by the way, that is incorrect, this is what the [user Agreement](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/legal/guild-wars-2-user-agreement/) says:



    You acknowledge that You may not, without signed written consent from a legally authorized representative of ArenaNet, do any of the following:


    (i) Use, obtain or provide data related to operation of the Game, including but not limited to:

    (i.i) software that reads areas of computer memory or storage devices related to the Game;

    (i.ii) software that intercepts or otherwise collects data from or through the Game;"


    At first sight it quite clearly prohibits use of both Taco (reads memory mapped file) and ArcDPS (reads process memory) as a catch-all clause - but, and this is the big but, both were "okayished" by devs a long time ago. ~~Devs even recently extended the memory mapped file contents Taco reads (from what was originally needed for just the sound engine iirc?) to include minimap information so it can display overlays in there.~~ In fact the memory mapped file [explicitly shares ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/API:MumbleLink)in-game information to make it available for use by 3rd party apps, and was extended just recently to include mini map information which Taco makes great use of.

  5. By Gadd don't disable them. There are people requiring to do world completion which are thankful about this gift of speed. But nerf their power more in starter zones like it has been done before.


    About the sound effects, I wish the skyscale would just belch less. It's like belching every 3 seconds. Did they not grow a proper stomach or are our characters feeding them trash?

  6. This question is silly. Even if it is getting "banned", some people will still use it and just kick without saying, and hey they may have a reason.

    Banning automatedly depending on which processes run on your PC? Yeah, because that worked so "eagerly" last time. And because people daring to use it won't know their way around it.

  7. IMHO by now I personally just stopped caring.

    Rather invest in a (successor game based on a) battle-tested engine to allow graphics looking like the Steam trailer at "industry standard" FPS and be done with it at the end of the decade.

    Upgrading the clunky GW1 engine was a silly decision to begin with and at least they made the best out of it even if it's the worst at today's expectations, years after release.

    Until then lower your character limit, use fan made graphics API proxies to lower your CPU station, waste money on a speedier CPU if you can, or just enjoy the dia show.

    Good luck though in the next two-hundred threads about this, who knows, maybe they do surprise us out of nowhere.

  8. I recently replayed this instance with a friend and experienced it too every time I got into an updraft. My workaround was to just immediately close the glider while falling into an updraft from above.


    But honestly, this doesn't even need "proper" fixing, just a quick map edit - add an invisible ceiling and increase the instance height above it so people don't get kicked anymore for nuts reasons.


    Don't get why nobody is touching this, since it's definitely broken. Sad.

  9. So according to those notes, it apparently _is_ possible to remove sigils of unbound legendary weapons, but even while they will not display "account bound", they become unlistable on the TP - which creates a new question if you can still send them via mail?

    That's quite a messy state they're in and I wonder if the game would show a proper warning if attempting to do so. Well, luckily it just displays this generic error message at the moment. Maybe this functionality is indeed disabled because of what a weird state it would create?

    It's still not really clear to me, and nobody else I asked (in all my guilds and map chat nobody knew).

  10. I just noticed I have a sigil in an unbound legendary weapon I wanted to remove with right-click > Remove Super Sigil of Kittens.

    However, attempting to do so just displays "That content has been temporarily disabled. Please try again later."


    Since that message usually only appears for buggy content that will be fixed later, I'm confused if removing sigils from unbound legendary weapons is actually intended to work or not, and if it would bind the weapons in the progress. It works fine with account bound legendary weapons. Can anyone clarify?

  11. > @"Rukia.4802" said:

    > > @"Ray Koopa.2354" said:

    > > Thank you for making this thread. I thought the same. Twitch seems to be a trollhole.

    > > People mostly spammed "dx12" and "This stream cannot access the login server" and other bookah stuff while telling the devs to shut up.

    > > They want the devs to fulfil their wishes? Then they better stop being a disrespectful brat right into their faces. Those people should feel ashamed, they were extremely disgusting today.


    > Lol that's actually pretty funny, and tame to be honest.


    It may be funny the first time but not if spammed throughout the whole stream between messages of "bla bla bla talk about the game or shut up".

  12. Thank you for making this thread. I thought the same. Twitch seems to be a trollhole.

    People mostly spammed "dx12" and "This stream cannot access the login server" and other bookah stuff while telling the devs to shut up.

    They want the devs to fulfil their wishes? Then they better stop being a disrespectful brat right into their faces. Those people should feel ashamed, they were extremely disgusting today.

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