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Posts posted by Kodiak.4213

  1. There is a time and place. Too soon, and the hype dies down and some even forget. Plus, there may be changes to what was announced and players would claim they didn't get what was "promised."

    Trying to hype things up too late means the advertising campaign might not reach as many people or the content suddenly feels rushed and they didn't put enough time in to testing things.

    So, I voted potato - boil, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew! - because I'm all for tasteful reveals when the timing is right. You know when the potato is cooked to perfection, you don't want to eat it raw or cooked all to hell.

  2. Nobody. I'm kinda hoping I get to jump on my skimmer and ride off into the sunset (rise?) towards Cantha. Rytlock needs to help re-unite the Charr (he probably won't and will be the first one on the airship to Cantha), Braham needs a vacation, Taimi is...well, she's got that degenerative disease still, right? And Gorrik is gonna stay to look after her. Rox is all over the place, didn't she want to join the Olmakhan at one point? Canach can join me later on down the road, he's awesome. Marj and Kas need a honeymoon, they can join me after I've got an established foothold in Cantha.

  3. > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > > @"Kodiak.4213" said:

    > > I would spend hours on an instance where you "clean up" pre-searing ascalon and restore it's beauty. Call it a rift in time to a war-scarred ascalon that you have access to but won't change the course of history. Run around and do gw1 quests to slowly re-build the surrounding area. Could be fun!


    > That makes no sense though from the lore of what actually happened, unless you are forced to do it from the Charrs point of view which even then would take many years *after* they finally drove out almost all of the humans in the region.


    > The reason the searing happened is cause the humans *lost*, there was no ability to clean up as they never got the chance.


    Not everything has to be "according to lore". It was just an example. I'm sure if something like this was coming to the game - which, let's face it, will probably not happen so it's all a moot point anyway - I'm sure the writers would come up with a much better story than mine. Cheers.

  4. > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > > @"Justine.6351" said:

    > > Afaik she was rumored to be a vegetable. If she is, she probably aint gonna be slaying dragons anymore.


    > has more to do with her VA being unable to voice her than anything else. they planned on returning her earlier in Season 4 actually.


    They could hire a new voice actor...give her a raspy voice or no voice at all, with the backstory being that the event traumatized her and affected her ability to speak or damaged her vocal chords. Maybe she could even program a golem to do the talking for her!

  5. > @"joevw.1253" said:

    > Others in my clan said its gone on their mounts too. I have all graphics on High or Ultra. Pretty sure a staff reset something on my account because when I just tried to mount with my skin it mounted on a normal griffon even though my spooky skin was on, then i dismounted and remounted and the skin was there and the eyes glow again. Ill have to tell the others in my guild to look for some type of fix. Thanks


    Thats pretty normal, you might need more processing power if you want instant transitions. Also, staff dont just reset stuff on players accounts on a whim.


  6. > @"Agua.1607" said:

    > > @"Kodiak.4213" said:

    > > I'll take an outfit code if anyone has extras. I still can't get the app to work for me, :pensive:


    > I can't pm you, I hate the "new" forums. How can I send it to you?


    You should be able to click my name to visit my profie, then on the right, opposite my name should say message. If you still cant find it, i can hit u up in game after 3pm central

  7. > @"LykelRae.4627" said:

    > > @"Sephylon.4938" said:

    > > 2. Yes, and time gated.


    > What does "time gated" mean?


    > And thanks to you both for your comments so far



    Time gated means that the item can only be crafted so much within a certain time period, i.e. once a day . Meaning a full set of ascended would take a longer period of time to complete if you don't have the money to buy the ascended crafting materials from the TP.

  8. > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

    > That's already done in pve, it's called map rewards. It just doesn't have such a fancy UI as the wvw or pvp reward tracks, but basic function is exactly like that. You can use it to farm the exact materials needed for (for example) crafting your legendary gifts.


    > Seeing how low the time needed for participating in events is compared to other game modes, and the multitude of things you can do on the side (map exploration, experience gain (which potentially leads to spirit shards), achievements, harvesting, gathering materials from mobs), getting a gift of exploration just by spending 6-8 hours in open world maps tagging enough events to keep your "participation" up sounds vastly easier and cheaper (as you can advance a lot of other goals at the same time) than spending the same time getting and keeping your participation in wvw for a gift of battle reward track.


    > Personally I occasionally dabble in wvw smallscale with friends but am more of a pve open world player overall. I find both gifts in a good spot right now and have yet to see a suggestion that comes close to offering an alternative to the current aquisition methods that is as engaging (and thus meets ANet's goal of player participation for getting the gift) as the current methods instead of just being a shortcut to the gift for those who don't fancy what's currently required to get them.



    Hey Rasimir, I'm well aware of what map rewards are, i just thought that this would be a separate "global pve" track that would carry over from map to map. To your second point, the gift of exploration track wouldn't be available in open world, just WvW. Personally, i wouldn't care if WVW players managed to get it in the same amount of time as a GOB, as they wouldn't get the title or badge and it would only be a single GOE instead of the two you get for actually completing the map. Anyway, it's all hypothetical so it doesn't matter much anyway. cheers!

  9. i voted for the pve option as i am a pve player. My suggestion though would be to change both gifts. I would love to see the "reward track" carried over into pve, where completing events would grant you a certain amount of reward track experience. It would still take maybe 5-8 hours of grinding events to get the gift. Likewise, WvW could obtain the gifts of exploration via reward tracks - sure, they don't actually explore the world but they wouldn't receive the badge next to their name or the title, they would just be awarded the gift.

  10. Nothing to my knowledge. I believe you are referring to the mail sent out by ANET to deliver the rewards for the Boss Blitz event. It was a weird format to send them out, but perhaps the mass replacement format is easier to reach everybody all at once without creating an entirely new, custom message for a one-off event.

  11. 1) Just start with what you think will suit you the most. Most would recommend Necro, Warrior, ranger and guardian for their survivability and ease of play. They would also caution against starting with Ele and mesmer due to their steeper learning curve.

    2) Just follow the personal story. The beginning of the story for each race is different, but they eventually come together and continue down the same story. When I first started, I played through with human, then worked through the other four races until i got to the point where the stories come together. Eventually, I did go back and complete the story with the other races.

    3) Definitely roll a brand new character (don't delete ANY characters, as sephylon said). ANET has crafted the "new player experience" for this game in a way that teaches you the basics over a longer period of time. You don't really come out of "tutorial mode" until you hit level 80.

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