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Posts posted by Dexstar.1425

  1. For anyone looking for an active, friendly guild head on over to the [RoH website](https://www.remnantsofhope.com/front-page/) and give it a look! If you are looking for a guild with not only diverse members but diverse events definitely take a closer look! We are always looking for new members to hang out with and have some GW2 fun.


    **Here's just a couple events happening this week:**

    * Monday night fractals.

    * Wednesday guild missions, always a fun, relaxing time.

    * Friday night WvW reset havocs.



  2. Im still pretty new to RoH and GW2 and i honestly believe being in RoH has made my GW2 experience so much more enjoyable. I applied to RoH when i barely knew anything about the game and have learned so much form them just over the last month and a half. Their leadership is unlike any iv seen in a MMO community, they put the members first and never turn someone away when they ask questions. If you are looking for an active, friendly guild with lots of fun events to participate in definitely give RoH a look! (Dont be intimidated by the trail process because its actually alot of fun and really helps getting you involved into the guilds events and gives you a chance to meet everyone fairly quickly.)



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