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Posts posted by Dedicant.6820

  1. > @"Hashberry.4510" said:

    > Ehh, my theory (if you have to call it that) is that the devs use the environment and terrain to provide part of the challenge (there is a whole JP that alters movement to confuse you). I too found the mini map icons annoying, and at first would just look for nodes. The little mobs from a distance look just like a blood stone node. Sure felt like they did that on purpose. They may well have abandoned that approach on later maps. Shrug.


    Since this discussion is about the Living World currencies I took your comment in regards to what is relevant here, the Bloodstone and Petrified Wood specifically and their map icons. If Blood Rubies lacked an icon in order to facilitate confusion why does Petrified Wood not have enemies that look like it? Also if anet wanted to effectively hide mobs as nodes, a mimic system using similar tech to the Chak Lurkers would have been more effective while also having a fake map icon for these Bloodstone mimics.


    My take on it is episode 1 and 2 were made with no unique icons, then someone decided to make one for episode 3 with Winterberries and they thought it was a good enough idea to keep for every episode thereafter.

  2. > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > Petrified Wood in Ember Bay has the generic wood icon too. I would *love* unique icons for these!


    Ah I forgot about that currency, haven't farmed much of Ember Bay yes that would also be nice. As the other currencies use the same icon as they do in the inventory system I feel like it would be a good idea to take those for the map art of these two materials.


    >@"Hashberry.4510" said:

    > The rubies were designed to be a bit misleading. Its similar in how some of the mobs look just like a node from a distance. The game is filled with misdirection, sometimes that is frustrating, but its clear the devs consider visual cues to be part of the challenge.


    Is there a dev quote to support this statement? I've never once mistaken an enemy for a Bloodstone node since they move about and are much larger etc. Also you can tell you are going to a node cuz it's on the map. There is zero challenge here imo outside telling which one is Mithril and Bloodstone when you don't have vision but are in map range. My assumption is as these were the first 2 of their kind the unique map art idea hadn't been settled on yet until the Bitterfrost team made the Berries. It would be nice to retroactively apply these to Blood Rubies and Petrified Wood (which your theory doesn't explain either).



  3. It's always bothered me that while every single other Living World currency that can be gathered has it's own distinct map icon, the same is not true for the Blood Rubies in Bloodstone Fen. An inconsistency that is also inconvenient, as without a unique icon to differentiate the material from the Mithril nodes which share the same one, you have to guess, mouse over the map icon or hold alt/show usable items option (which turns into a lot of screen clutter). It's a tedious material to gather when you don't want to waste your time on Mithril. For me, this anomaly has been highlighted by the change to the LW dailies as I am going to these maps more often now. I feel like it would be a nice QOL improvement to add an icon for this map currency and would also serve to keep the material consistently in line with others of its category for a more coherent system overall.

  4. I worry that whatever adjustments or reworks are made would just leave the Druid in an even worse off position than it already is... but then I barely even touch my Druid these days so what the heck.


    Having pets interface with the elite spec in a way that makes more sense than just flat nerfing their stats across the board would be nice. Changing their functionality in a way that's actually fun to play with and could maybe help Druid where its hurting in both pve and pvp.


    "You infuse your pets with celestial power, enhancing their supportive capabilities while reducing their offensive prowess" instead of "Oh you neglect the poor animals cuz you just love looking at the stars too much now." if anet is very attached the lore assignment of the nerf.

  5. The way I'm looking at it is that season 5 looks set up to be an interesting story at least and it will probably be a lot of fun but without the hint of an expansion coming in the future or highlighting the alleged expansion like features that living world is supposedly able to bring to the game now, the event was underwhelming and probably shouldn't have taken place at all. There was no need to hype up and publicly present what is shaping up to be a pretty standard looking living world update. It's just more of the same content that will be played through once and for most people, never to be touched again. I will say that the strike missions do sound interesting and I do hope they serve as a good introduction to raids or are even just well received as their own thing.


    I'm not angry with the devs and I'm not hating on what they presented, it looks fine. But it's just fine. I knew I wasn't going to be, but I wanted to be surprised by something amazing. Maybe new content, maybe elite specs, maybe a mastery system on par with gliding and mounts, or maybe even just a hint at the future beyond season 5. Something that would make me believe that GW2 is sustainable through living world alone or that an expansion is on the table. Overall I'm thoroughly disappointed and I'm worried about how much more life is left in this game without an expansion on the horizon.


    Perhaps the trailer (which was really well done) and a post outlining the features would have been more appropriate for this level of content. Save hyped up countdowns to live events for expansion grade announcements.

  6. I'd say that the reason I don't play sPvP (and rarely play WvW) is because overall I don't typically enjoy PvP modes or open world PvP in MMOs. I choose an MMO based solely off of the PvE experience that it provides. If I want to play PvP then I'll start up a moba/hero shooter and play a game where the entire game design and balance are built around (a hopefully fun, varied and relatively balanced) PvP experience.

  7. I think what has been released is the perfect way to please both aesthetic style preferences between practical and impractical. Mist shard is the only non practical armour in the season with some skin showing and heels on all weights. While there has been both Elegy/Mosaic and Corsair sets which are fully covered and practical and in flat shoes. They all even take away from the buttcape/trenchcoat complaints that tend to come with the different weight fashions. If you want to expand the criteria to path of fire overall? Bounty hunter, elonian/spearmarshal, funerary and warbeast are all varying levels of practical and conservative. In the whole game it's still the vast majority of armour sets are practical/non skimpy.


    I don't understand how two out of three or armour sets can be practical and people are complaining about impracticality. This is a non issue unless your issue is any existence of skimpy armour at all. I think it's good to have as many different options available for Fashion Wars 2 and tbf to anet, that's exactly what's been provided. The only critique I would levy at the impractical mist shard set is that there is no skin showing on the male version.

  8. Zojja. It's been so long since we last saw her, a whole expansion and two living world seasons and those were pretty dire circumstances. I'd love to know how her recovery is going and maybe some explanation as to why she was so much more adversely affected compared to Logan. I think the most egregious example of her absence in the story was when Snaff briefly returned this season. I would have loved to see her reaction to that.

  9. I feel like the quality of amour skins has gone up drastically since POF and the subsequent living world updates, especially the way they fit onto the Charr and Asura models is amazing. I'm really loving the Mist Shard set so props to whoever had a hand in it's design! My question is would you consider adding an alternative version to the Blossoming version that keeps the improved textures on the armour but without the branded crystals? I love the design but the crystals make the "improved" version a little harder to mix and match with other set pieces. Currently I just use the standard but it would be a nice addition.

  10. You can cast Glyph of the Stars at the very end of your Celestial Avatar time and still get the full CA version effect I think so in that case it's actually alright (you don't have to waste half the bar casting it). I think if they allow the skill to work with quickness it will be a decent choice. My main issue with the patch is moving Glyph of Unity to the utility slot. I honestly think it's just a waste of a skill slot and it would have been far more interesting to replace Glyph of Empowerment with something else rather than a watered down version of one of the worst elite skills in the game.

  11. The only issue I see is the double standard. The female version of the set has an open helm, cleavage, mini skirt, garter straps and heels while the male version of the set is full, sensible, plate armour. IMO there's no sexism IF both male and female versions of the same set are around the same amount of coverage. I like that this game has options for both styles of dressing your character both sensible and skimpy. However, I've always felt this should be split into two sets since the versions are so dissimilar in aesthetic that they look entirely separate, but I doubt that'll ever happen.

  12. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > @"Glider.5792" said:

    > > Where is the "I like them the way they are" option ?


    > Yeah! Thought I don't especially like they are, I'm not sure the OP is aware of the PvE cost of modifying the spirits. Druids mainly exist in raid for their spirits. The first and third options kill druids in PvE while the second option will most likely add effect on the active part of spirits which still won't be used.


    OP has previously stated in other posts that they want Druid to no longer be meta so I would guess that is why they didn't include a "keep them the same" option. This poll has an inherent bias for killing Druid in PvE.


    As for turning spirits into attack spells, that doesn't fit with their theme in GW2 or the original GW. In GW2 they are supportive summons that provide benefits for the team, whereas in the original they would influence the environment for both enemies and allies. Turning them into Guardian's spirit weapon attacks with no buffing or effect beyond damage would be completely non thematic for nature magic.


    It could be an interesting change if they retained their buffing mechanic but became spells like spirit weapons rather than summons that had an active effect along with a long lasting buff. However it could be argued this would dumb spirits down with less counter play from their current passive buffing as at least now you have to consider them being killed.


    If there was some interesting change proposed I wouldn't be against it but the options in this poll seem rather simple and unnecessary. Changing them from passives takes them even further from their original implementation in GW1 than they already are but since their original form doesn't really fit GW2 ideology anyway, that may not be the worst thing anyway.


    All I know is I'm completely against taking away their supportive nature, nature magic/Druid are a supportive style of magic so any nerf/buff/rework should not change that.




  13. > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

    > The names, at the very least, are heavily influenced by the languages of the British Isles.


    As an Irish person I can confirm that some Sylvari names are Celtic such as Aife and Niamh... the pronunciation of said names are atrocious however lol. They pronounce them phonetically rather than using the actual Irish name. So Niamh which is pronounced like Neev becomes Ni-yam. I cringe hard anytime I hear them since I personally know many people with those names.


    As for the Arthurian influences I believe Caladbolg is pretty obviously inspired by Excalibur which is also known as Caledfwlch in Welsh, pretty similar name to the Sylvari sword. One of the firstborn is also called Dagonet who was a knight of the round table. And like Donari said the theme of the Sylvari personal/racial story is heavily Arthurian in nature (excuse the pun).



    > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

    > That's just an excuse for creative laziness.


    I think you've fundamentally misunderstood the difference between taking inspiration from culture and plagiarism/laziness. Tolkien was heavily inspired by many mythologies especially so when it came to Norse and Christian stories/themes but I would hardly call the Silmarillion or Lord of the Rings creatively lazy in fact the complete opposite. It's almost impossible to create a completely unique idea after thousands of years of story telling but what makes a great one in my opinion is being able to take inspiration from other stories while making your own distinct world. It's not copying or taking a shortcut it's about paying homage to older works you enjoy or being inspired by it etc etc. I'm not saying GW2's story is a masterpiece but it's totally unfair to call it lazy for taking inspiration from mythology.


  14. > @"lagrimabendita.8763" said:

    > Ohh.. sad :( ! The only way to play as support then in PVE are Druid or Chrono :( the same like 2 years ago...


    > Maybe should I go to play FF14


    > I don't really like DPSing and this game is very focused on DPS - I can't belive they have forgotten the big part of the people who like to play support roles (healers/tanks)


    Healer/support variety isn't the best here due to balance and the fundamental design of the game from launch as people have already said, also healers in FF14 from what I know are expected to spend most of their time dpsing and only a little time healing so I'm not sure that either game is exactly what you're looking for. I'm someone who likes healing/support roles and still looking for a game that fits me too.


    I've found most enjoyment as a healer recently in mobas like hots and in overwatch as recent mmos seem to want to do away with trinities in favour of self sufficient dps/hybrids. Still if you're able to find a nice guild or static group of friends in GW2 that are okay with experimenting with fun builds rather than strict adherence to the meta you'll likely be able to try out all the healers Cyninja listed out.



  15. I really think that upon entering combat effects should be changed to refresh in combat based on their internal cooldown or else they're just useless for long engagements. It just seems like a flawed design to me. If there are any runes that would become too strong because of this (I doubt it tbh) then just slightly nerf the effects down to compensate for them becoming more useful overall.

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