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Posts posted by WorldofBay.8160

  1. on the story side, the grand scheme, i prefer the first half of the personal story, the cultural part. the time when you're just a skillful person, a warrior, an inventor, a guard of the dream. just some above-average dude that becomes known by his actions.

    i don't like the big apocalyptic stories where you need to save the world with some plan then save the world from your plan, then save the world again because it can't do anything by itself and hey save the world another time because you have nothing else to do, right?


    but the writing of the later story is great imo. bad general story but really good excecution. i like the roles, the jokes and connections, the voice actors and the setting. it looks pretty forced to me that every group of heroes needs at least 1 of every species but the rest is good enough to save that.


    what i don't like about the story is that i'm the commander because i am not. a commander would not run into some ruins and fetch an artifact. a hero does that. i am a hero, not a commander. i don't do the decisions, maybe my character decides but not me, so just call me hero or adventurer and i'm fine. maybe champion like aurene does, also fine. but don't fake me into a leading position when i'm not leading.


    another point of critique for me is special to my character: i am an asura. not just some asura, i am the famous inventor that snatched the snaff-price with a glorious invention! i am a true intellectual! don't treat me like an underachiever in the story, i understand taimi's technobabble, i understand all those machines, why can't i contribute anything meaningful other than my blade??


    at the very end, i have to say i like it, it's good, it feels nice to play story. there is wasted potential, yes, but don't judge a thing by what it could have been, judge it by what it is, otherwise you won't ever be happy.

  2. > @"coso.9173" said:

    > Are you for real?

    > You claim that someone who didn't even log in was affected in the same way that someone who logged in and actually lost his progress? Be it items, masteries, or anything? Absolutely not the same, dude!

    > Both were affected by downtime, but the guy who logged in ALSO lost his actual progress, not just "potential progress"


    progress progress progress


    the guy that logged in could play, had fun. the guy that came a little later could only enjoy the error that something went wrong "please try it later". have you ever tried to look at a game as a source of fun or is _progress_ in a virtual environment the only thing you can think about?


    as stated multiple times: ANet is (probably desparately) trying to restore major progress that has been lost. minor progress won't be restored for obvious reasons. nobody here cares about that anyways. people that intentionally missed out or people that could not play (e.g. their last chance of daily SAB which is a really major thing if you consider the potential money off of glitch chests) get not even the chance to do their SAB daily on another day.

    you have 3 groups:

    group 1: people that wouldn't have played anyways -> will probably get a bonfire

    group 2: people that missed all their fun and progress by not playing (maybe forced as they could not log in) -> will probably get a bonfire and a mount skin if they logged in, saw troubles, logged out

    group 3: people that had their fun but missed the progress -> will get a bonfire and a mount skin


    as you see there are people getting compensated for nothing (group 1), people getting a low compensation for missing out entirely (part of group 2), people getting a high compensation for missing out entirely (other part of group 2 and the part of group 3 that only did stuff that is no fun) and people getting a high compensation for missing out on parts (rest of group 3).


    you can't easily differentiate between group 1 and part of group 2, so they have to be treated the same.

    you can't easily differentiate between the other part of group 2 and group 3, so they have to be treated the same.

    you can't treat people of the same group different, that's unfair and only possibly affects group 2.


    you can decide yourself whether group 2 or group 3 lost more but that is not the point. the point is what is a good solution?


    ANet is not obliged to give any of those 3 groups any compensation, that is a fact.


    however you try it, logic says the only fair solution is to treat the entire group 2 and 3 the same. it won't be possible to determine group 1 but group 1 won't care anyways.

    therefore any good solution tries to match 100% of group 2 and 3 and the least amount of group 1 (as compensation most likely is an item that ANet normally earns money with you want the least people getting it as possible, that if fully ok and reasonable).


    if you think about it: the solution "do nothing" treats group 2 and 3 the same and affects nobody of group 1. it is logically ideal while not exactly preferred.

    the solution "compensate any player that logged in between the rollback" catches 100% of group 3 but only a small portion of group 2. it is logically bad.

    the solution "compensate any player active around the incident" catches most likely 99% of group 2 and 100% of group 3, but possibly a good portion of group 1. it is not ideal but good and might be preferred at the end.

  3. > @"Funky.4861" said:

    > I don't think people deserve the AP attached to content they weren't around for. Instead of aiming for an unreachable target, set your sights on getting the max AP you can and be content with that. It's not helpful to envy people simply because they have been around longer and had access to content which you didn't. If the gap can't be bridged in a fair way, don't bridge it.


    i don't think it is a fair environment if it is important when you were born or heard about this game. LS1 is gone for so long there are lots and lots of players in this game that just have been too young to be eligible to play this game. it is not fair to exclude them visually. either points that are impossible to achieve become shadow points invisible in ranking or there is some other means to get them. on another side people that hunt for the ladder want competitiors and if you're the only one hunting that has been there in LS1 and gotten all the LS1 points, won't you just feel bored that nobody will ever be able to give you a hard time? it is unfair to both sides if they're actual gamers because gamers don't want to win, they want to have a close battle, whatever that battle is (and win that battle then ofc ...). there is no value in competing if you win by default.

  4. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > There's no denial because the statement clarified it


    > _We regret that we can't restore all gameplay progress made during the rollback period_


    > So taking out any support tickets for precursors or gems or whatever, there are things they confirmed they could not restore


    > That is why they compensated those players extra


    > If people disagree with it then fine, but lets not remove the facts from the official statement either


    it surely is impossible to restore the 3 trees some person chucked down or the daily one other person did. but those are thing far far far away from things that matter. they mean they cannot replay individual sessions but they can look for specific important things.

  5. i just want you people to reflect about your posts because it seems that too few people here do so. there are often the same arguments from people that don't say anything if they're involved or not and a lot of posts of people that were involved that just deny it. look at Hyrai.8720 's post saying that there has been no progress lost in a specific case yet a compensation. please add your personal story or else stop assuming and only refer to official statements as i just did.

  6. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > Yes they did. People lost progress inside that 6 hour window on Monday - they had things wiped from their account that could not be restored. This was explained in the official statement. They restored what they could from Sat- Monday morning, but after that gameplay progress was lost. Yes they encouraged tickets to be submitted, but there are things Support and the server team cannot restore - hence the compensation


    but there has also been no denial, has it? so whatever happens the compensation was at the very least too early, they should have waited until it is clear if they can or can not restore it.

  7. > @"coso.9173" said:

    > No, we are not all effected the same. There are people who did world bosses, or got a mastery, or progressed with his characters, nor got a rare item, or bought something with gems, and a long list. and others that didn't. Those of us who didn't log in weren't as affected as them at all.


    can you please just once read and understand??

    ANet stated that they wait for tickets and restore rare items and progress that happened during that time. they also said that gems are automatically restored (as they should because money transactions happen in a totally different environment). all those things you just mentioned **are not lost progress**! those people didn't lose progress (normally) so they aren't affected any more than people who just couldn't log in.


    edit: your argument could be said the other way round: while those people lost no progress the people that didn't log in lost their potential progress **and even more:** the people that get their progress restored cause additional work for ANet that has to be done case-by-case, essentially the thing you said is not feasable.

  8. > @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:

    > Threads like these are rooted in only one thing, jealousy. Truth be told nothing anet can do will be fair or equitable.


    people like you never read.


    the threads here are stating that the "compensation" is not really a compensation but a reward. it was meant by ANet to be a compensation but it was designed to be a reward instead. it's totally ok and nice and cool to compensate but the means of compensating was rushed and clearly not thought through. this is what people complain about, that NO compensation is a FAR BETTER solution than THIS compensation. ANet would be better off not doing anything, at least not that fast and waiting for community reactions, because as stated multiple times, people were happy, that the problems were sorted out, we were happy to play again. we had a good feeling. that feeling stayed one day, then ANet rushed in with bs and now there is this bitter taste of being trolled.

  9. > @"coso.9173" said:

    > Before announcing the compensation, the were already topics demanding compensation from the rollback, so I don't think they would have evaded this whole thing at all.


    those were, however, quickly shut down by lots and lots of people stating that no compensation is necessary and thgat they shouldn't feel entitled. plus many people said that a random item is the worst possible solution. ANet went for what? yes for the worst possible solution - a random item! now they have to deal with the backlash of their stupidity. that's just all of it. stop arguing about it, grab some popcorn and enjoy the show.

  10. > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

    > Every solution except spending months combing thru every account to make sure they lost something to get the mount will be unfair


    no. the best solution is waiting for tickets, restoring valuable items and doing their best to make it _as if the rollback never happened_.

    throwing out a random item is the worst solution and this exact thing was funnily posted _before_ the announcement by several people. ANet didn't read it i guess.

  11. > @"coso.9173" said:

    > > @"WorldofBay.8160" said:

    > > > @"coso.9173" said:

    > > > They gave the compensation to everyone who could have lost progress by being online at a time that was later deleted. We didn't log in, so we didn't lose any progress, for sure.

    > >

    > > they didn't lose anything, they had the fun they bought this game for. anyone who refused to log in to help actually lost something, those people lost the possible fun.


    > You keep on seeing it as punishment or reward. It's not. It's compensation to people who DID lose progress. They had to include everyone online also because they can't know for sure who got actual progress and who didn't. But they know that people who weren't online, didn't lose progress.


    i don't see it as punishment or reward, i see it as compensation adn when i look at the word "compensation" there needs to be 2 things: first thing is that you need to actually lose something which imo is not the case since valuable things and story progress are restored anyways. the second thing is the relation between loss and compensation and this point is also far off since we're talking about a game and not being able to play a game is a far bigger loss than losing progress in that game because a game is there for playing (and having fun doing so) and not for advancing in your life.


    so giving a compensation is surely a nice thing and it happened like that, done. but this just tells me i rather watch out for any trouble and get involved to get some fun _and_ a "compensation" for having fun as well!

  12. > @"coso.9173" said:

    > They gave the compensation to everyone who could have lost progress by being online at a time that was later deleted. We didn't log in, so we didn't lose any progress, for sure.


    they didn't lose anything, they had the fun they bought this game for. anyone who refused to log in to help actually lost something, those people lost the possible fun.

  13. whew this big compensation tells me i should look out for news telling me problems are going on. i would never have gotten that much progress in this time that the "compensation" is, so whatever i'll lose doesn't matter, just login, do stuff, file a ticket and wait.


    honestly this is just pure dumbness by ANet. they didn't even have to restore any progress as they clearly advised not to log in, yet they restore rare and valuable drops. that'S enough compensation from my view, at the very least the people who played had their fun doing so, the thing they paid for when they bought gw2. we meanwhile didn't log in, got no fun from this game and now watch people getting rewarded for getting rewarded. N I C E.


    to anyone talking about "progress": this is a game. if anything you play it for fun. you play it for playing it. being able to just play the game is the best you can get from a game. any lost _daily_ progress just doesn't matter the slightest. some farming was your own choice to do so even against a different advise. it's a nice move from ANet to give something for a reward, a nice move uncalled for. but it for sure tells me i better get online and lose some pretty useless progress next time to get this nice reward, no matter how much it makes it worse for them, it will make it better for me.


    btw: keep that bs bonfire out of my inbox. it is cluttered enough. i don't need any "compensation" for nothing. if you want to provide something meaningful, give us a day of SAB where we have to PLAY and HAVE FUN to get something out of it instead of a rather useless item.

  14. > @"coso.9173" said:

    > why do skills require so much exp to be able to get them? it takes forever! I've already finished all PoT skills and Icebrood Saga skills without any issues, only playing regularly. I played HoT much more since it launched and I still have 4 skills to unlock.


    i agree to others here that PoF was just done too fast. i had the shakal done long before i could even think of a beetle or griffon, had the beetle done before i started griffon, the griffon unlock process took longer than maxing it and now i have earned countless exp since completing the griffon and still i'm far from having a skyscale. sure, HoT took some time but isn't it better to have to make a decision what to skill now than getting everything granted before the next path even unlocks?


    in case you're still wondering how to earn your exp, i did ley-line gliding in 1 day doing events in bloodstone fen. imo it is a nice dense map and events happen constantly.

  15. > @"gert.7698" said:

    > Same for me. But i wouldn't say no to an extra day SAB to complete last achievements (that I planned for monday) :)


    a day of SAB (or even two, probably two daily possibilities were lost) is the only responsible compensation, if there is one. it is the only thing we lost by the downtime and the rollback compensation is going on anyways with items being recovered and such things. i don't see why we would ask for any more than that.


    honestly asking for items as compensation just tells me people don't enjoy this game where you literally can get anything just by playing (except extensions, HoT and PoF were the only things i know not acquirable by gems [and of course the main game to access the gemstore...]). i would be happy about the opportunity to fulfill my glitch achievement (i need only 4 more = 1 day, which should've been the day the servers were down) but if i don't get it it's ok, at the very least it's my own fault for starting the achievement far too late.

  16. i have 28 chests -> 4 skins (3 unique but luckily including the only one skin i wanted) and 3 of them of the 4 least valuable


    my gf has 25 chests -> 3 skins and 2 of them of the 4 least valuable


    so our drop rate seems to be above average yet the outcome might be well below if drop rates are actually even



    a thing worth mentioning about value and drop rates is that the shield seems to have quite a good drop rate yet it has been extremely valuable at the start of the event - because it is a nice skin. also consider demand if you think about pricing, a focus or pistol usually isn't that valuable because it's not a big part of your appearance while a charr greatsword could fit 2 asura in it and therefore has a really important skin.

  17. IMO the main problem is that pvp is so much different from pve in this game. every player starts in pve - at least until lvl 2 you are stuck in a pve instance (though lowlvl pve is a lot more bursty than highlvl pve). then if you go to pvp the difference is extreme, suddenly you die in an instant, a whole lot of your skillset is different and opponents heal, dodge and use other evades. in short you play an entirely different game.


    anecdotally i can take myself, usually a friend of pvp but definitely not in this game:

    i am a long-time pve player now and i am usually a survivalist in this game. i took the legendary bandit executioner almost down all alone while trapped in his bubble together with a thief i rezzed several times midfight (he did virtually no dmg because of being downed or dead 99% of the time). then i went to pvp and couldn't even survive the unskilled engagement of any other first-time pvp player.


    i would wish there was some side story leading players towards pvp, explaining stuff, offering pvp NPCs and guiding pve players towards this different game.


    on pve you got opponents with massive amounts of health that attack every 3 seconds if they're eager. stuns usually can be sit through as you won't get more than 1 hit and unless you're full glasscannon against a boss this one hit doesn't matter. blindness doesn't help you as well as other means of damage reduction as all the high dmg opponents can't be blinded anyways. so you basically learn to ignore all the useful stuff for pvp, you get conditioned to play bad unless you take on champions 1v1 and even then it's only a several minute fight of the same things over and over. the bee queen in SAB needs more counterplay than 90% of the pve bosses. world bosses are even more of a hack'n'slay and everyone here knows how many people die because they run into the mega-telegraphed attacks of the mordrem leeching thresher, refusing to move out of range even if they have only 1% of life left.

    all of that concludes to one thing: playing guild wars 2 is probably the worst training for guild wars 2 pvp you could imagine. yes you might learn your abilities but you won't learn how to use them. not to mention it differs in pvp anyways.


    apart from that, guild wars 2 pvp is probably the most newcomer-unfriendly pvp i've ever met. everything is so fast that you can't learn anything during a fight. breaking it down during a game is impossible, watching it leads to nothing other than a "wow".


    other games were mentioned here, but in most other games i clearly see what went wrong. i may not have a clue how to fix it but i have a clue where my problems are. here in this game i just end up confused how my tank died in an instant while that glasscannon survived despite me using all my evades and fighting back. for any newcomer this pvp is chaotic.

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