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Posts posted by Technosapien.7342

  1. So, I have been wondering what they are going to do for the end of LWS5, since there isn't a piece of gear for a given build (except infusions) left without a legendary option. Leg infusions sound kind of sketchy to me, and I would be disappointed if they took that route. I haven't bothered with them except for my toon I do my daily fractals with, pdps and cdps for raids, and visual effects for fashion wars and the lulz.


    However, given the timing of the fact that every important piece of gear in a single build just became capable of being legendary literally a few weeks ago, the capstone to it all would be this Armory. Finally ending the tedium of swapping gear would make the legendary ecosystem complete and provide more than enough utility to justify a grindy LWS goal, imo. Do you think it is possible they will make the LWS5 end of season goal the Armory? Like some lore with a questline and/or collection to unlock it?


    I could also see the argument that the armory wouldn't be that useful unless you multiclass and isn't a good standalone reward like the rest of the LWS rewards were.

  2. I have some empty shelf space that I would love to fill with raid bosses, specify Deimos and Samarog. Any ideas where I could find some 3D models to slice -> print? I do not see figures for sale anywhere, but that would work for me if I am missing them. Thanks!

  3. Please help me out with understanding this. For Astralaria IV you need to kill the Legendary Risen High Wizard at the Gates of Arah. Okay cool. So I've been coming here every day for a while now, and I can't make sense of what I need to do. I've waited about for 5-10 minutes before reading the wiki page, getting confused , re-reading repeatedly, before giving up and leaving. Should I wait longer? How do I get this thing to spawn? Most events in this game have a timer or a pre-event to start it, but I do not see anything like that for this. (also what's up with the magnifying lens, but less worried about that one atm) Also, this is a Lengendary Enemy. will other people come? I don't think I can solo this.


    edit: got a fresh map and got it. the defend event spawned but did not have the wizard.



  4. I am a bit late to the party with completing Aurora, with the Armory around the corner it seems worth the grind. However, I am stuck completing the Druid stone stuff in Draconis Mons, because it seems like no one ever wants to kill the champions required for the collections. I have tried posting on LFG and spamming map chat, and guild chat. Any ideas on how I can get this done?

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