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Posts posted by thehipone.6812

  1. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > Another thing that I noticed is that you need 30 of those prismaticite crystals per weapon. At around 20 min on average, and only getting one per mission, this means it’ll take 10 hours for one weapon and 150 hours for the rest. The recipe achievement gives you enough material for one weapon.


    There's the home instance node too. Which (as if they couldn't figure out enough ways to aggravate players) only drops 1 crystal per gather over the entire node. i.e., got the prismatic crystal on first strike, butsecond and third strikes gave junk items - one gravel, one stone.


    But good grief, those missions were snoozers. Boring grind isn't content.

  2. Taxi wars to get into an active map combined with “do the meta event 25 times” type achieves just led me to nope right on out. Especially with the seemingly ever increasing duration of the meta events. Drakkar was a long fight. Drizzle wood part 1 is long enough, but drizzle wood 2 and chest farm tacked on after? No way. I flat out don’t have the chunks of time to commit to that, so any of the recent achieves related to the drizzlewood part 2 are simply out. This has has a knock on effect as well - I used to 100% each story chapter, and have since ls2. But now I just don’t care because I know I’ll have chapters incomplete, so why bother.

  3. > @"Lithril Ashwalker.6230" said:

    > > @"Infusion.7149" said:

    > > If you like PvP/WvW the end chest for the reward track gives 100 jade shards.


    > thats fine and dandy but for those that dont, how many times do they go to a jade shard node and get only bloodstone dust. they need to guarantee at least 1 shard...sometimes they dont even do that!



    > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > With how many nodes there are on the map, getting a guaranteed 1 every time would be too OP.


    > Just an FYI, there are 35 nodes per map instance up to a cap of 50.


    I've taken data. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/User:Thehipone

    There is approximately a 1/3 chance to get a jade shard from each swing. Thus, the average is actually about 1 shard per node. But you will, in fact, get 0 from all three swings on the node quite often. About 30% of the time (2/3 ^3). This is counteracted by the times that you get 2 or 3 per node.

  4. In short, yes. Costs you 1 gold + VM. You can sell the t5s to recoup ~ 17 silver at current prices. You'll be left with 8 t6 mats at a net cost of 83 silver+ VM, or 10 .4 silver/per t6. The avg TP price of all of the different t6 is about 18.5 silver, so you generally come out ahead.


    You can toggle detailed view here https://gw2lunchbox.com/IstanShipments.html

    The column total adjusted to drop rate on the front gives you an idea of the comparable value of what you get if you're going to use the mats.

  5. A bit out of the box - try tool kit and run Tools as your initial specialization. In tool kit, the wrench and pry bar are a bit slow, but they hit hard. You get gear shield for a long duration block, 2 seconds on a 13 second cooldown if you take the power wrench trait. The permanent swiftness with kit refinement will go a long way towards speeding things up until you get the raptor. When combined with the cripple from the wrench autos you can kite as needed if things get hairy. But they shouldn't, because with easy access to vigor (which also gives 10% dmg boost with minor trait) and adrenal implant you get dodges for days. Or you can take AED and just facetank stuff, relying on the "on death" AED trigger to heal you up and give you a second life.


    When leveling characters I like to use stuff that is underutilized at level 80, just for the fun factor. Getting to prybar things in the face every 10 seconds is my kind of fun.

  6. > @"Kuma.1503" said:

    > The posters above have put forward some great suggestions. I'd like to list a few Off-meta options that might be a bit less talked about.


    > ## The Legionare


    > You are the legionare of the renowned **Prybar Legion** All who know of your name fear you. You will show them what happens when your rod of cold, hard, steel meets their puny skull. All other utilities are irrelevant. The only thing that matters in this build is _prybar_.


    > Your objectives are simple:


    > 1. Prybar

    > 2. Prybar

    > 3. Prybar


    > I hope this was helpful to you.




    This is truth. Prybar legion is legendary. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/engineer/The-TANKCAT-build-Prybar-some-faces


  7. I mainly roam and happily fight 1v2 or 1v3, with lots of camp defending and general harassment, so I like no downstate. I can sort of see both sides of the argument in larger battles though.

    I'd be happy with:

    -No more rally off of guards. This is the primary reason that I like having no downstate

    -Full dead = wp. At least if a smaller force is getting a few full kills they can whittle down the larger one, possibly intercept returning fighters, etc. instead of just having a few OoC people rez up the kills and keep the zergball rolling.

  8. Sandswept. Ticks so many boxes. Variety of scenery. Has a "chain-type" meta. Various inquest shenanigans and some unique events (e.g. fishing and 3-golem monte) and heart stuff (magnetics lab). Has a loot fiesta meta with decent boss fight. Map offers tons of unique loot, from the inquest skins to the hydra head minis that give you a reason to come back and try to get them all. Related to - reasonably fun bounties. Plenty of stuff to gather, with decently valuable stuff all around the map. Volatile magic and karmic ret drops that mean you can just do whatever and kill stuff and you'll at least get some guaranteed profit. Access to ascended trinkets and 20-32 slot bags. Puzzles. Arguably the best heart vendor item - prototype position rewinder.

  9. I'm having similar intermittent framerate drop behavior in wvw, notably leaving blue spawn in Desert BL towards Crankshaft Depot and then near air keep whenever there is one of those little "updraft bounce boxes" with the air blowing out of it. Fights and everything else away from these couple of spots are super smooth, but fps cratered consistently at those spots. Today was first time ever having issues. Temp and load and everything else seemed fine.

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