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StrangeSelcouth nz.9256

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Posts posted by StrangeSelcouth nz.9256

  1. I honestly enjoyed this episode, DRMs increased in quality, and it is always satisfying going into the lore of the game. I just wish we get into more depth, I love the guild wars universe. What happened in Ebonhawke for example was a relief to experience some of the cultural dynamics within guild wars.


    Thank you Anet !

  2. > @"Tseison.4659" said:

    > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > >This isn't like adding a new profession, adding the Revenant made no sense lore-wise, as the "first Revenant" was supposed to be Rytlock, after he entered the Mists. But at least that wasn't a big development problem, as adding all the dialogues would certainly be.

    > >

    > > If Tengu are added to the game, their story will begin with the content they are added in. This includes voice lines, and probably armor sets too.


    > 100% agree with this.

    > If the Tengu were to let's say start in the Cantha, they're story can revolve around whats happening in Cantha which is what the rest of us will have to deal with when we get there. The deep sea dragon and then they can perhaps have us visit the capital city of the Doman of the Winds. Tengu don't necessarily have to have some sort of relationship with Aurene and not every Tengu knows about her since majority of them kept to themselves or some tribes are in the Cantha region. So whats to say that some tengu allied themselves with the deep sea dragon. :)


    Maybe if Tengu gets a separate story line, they may be the champion of Kuunavang. Players coming from tyria, i.e. the commander and aurene, would join forces with the "tengu commander" and kuunavang to fight against bubbles?

  3. I want to clarify that I love Guild Wars 2 and the whole franchise, been playing since GW1, so the game has a special place in my heart. I would also like to thank the team to still provide content to a game that we ALL LOVE.


    But please, can @ARENANET explain what's going on with this Living World release? I mean seriously this is a HUGE downgrade. I can understand that sources might be limited, due to Covid / lack of funds / focusing on next expansion.


    but PLEASE Arenanet, COMMUNICATE with the community! I for one prefer an explanation of what is going on, and receive feedback about the community's feedback about this release! Like tell us what is going on, don't leave us in the dark. At the end of the day we the COMMUNITY support you, not only through money, but through feedback on how to improve the game that we love.


    I really believe in GW2, it has so much potential, too much. But this issue of communication has to be sorted out;


    "Good communication is the bridge between confusion and clarity."


    Thank you, much love and long live GuildWars <3

  4. > @"Cobalt Flame.8056" said:

    > We apologize for the confusion around the timing of these two events. To clarify, there is a one-week gap between the conclusion of the Crystal Bloom event and the beginning of the next event. The next event, mobilizing the Ebon Vanguard, will begin on December 1. If you haven't received your rewards from the Crystal Bloom yet, be sure to collect them from their representative in Eye of the North before December 1. The Ebon Vanguard is the only other faction event for this release. There will be more faction updates with the next release, arriving after the Wintersdsay festival sometime in the new year. We will be communicating additional information on Faction Event timing in the coming weeks.


    Thank you for the clarification! We as a COMMUNITY would really appreciate if there was more communication between each other. It helps so much.



  5. > @"Tyncale.1629" said:

    > I am sure they will love to free up some funds and time to make this happen for the 3 people that want this. Seriously, some of these requests...


    I'm pretty sure that the Guild Wars community, especially GW1 population would love core map/Gw1 vinyl releases. Also the the target audience is extended to individuals who fancy cinematic/game music. So i think there is a great potential for successful sales.


    > @"LadyKitty.6120" said:

    > Looking at how the soundtrack was published by Soule himself and sold in his webstore, it can be assumed that Anet was licensed the core tracks but Soule owns the tracks. He's not selling the soundtracks anymore for Guild Wars nor he's published them in any streaming services so consumers only have the OSTs available second-hand on CDs (for a hefty price). That's just Kitty's assumption based on basic knowledge of music industry, though. If that's correct, the original tracks won't be available again outside the game.

    > E: As response to next message: That shant be talked about. :#


    On that note, I think you may be right. As even on his official pages/spotify etc. there aren't any GuildWars 1 uploads, which is a huge pity, as a guild wars player, and especially for a music lover.


    They are really valuable pieces of art, irrelevant if they are from the Guild Wars franchise or not..


    Would be nice if the Guild Wars team would maybe contact Mr Soule... maybe they release a limited amount of Vinyls... would definitely be the first one to pre-order...


    Thank you for you replies!

  6. Hello fellow members!


    I was wondering if there would be a possibility for ArenaNet to release an LP for the soundtrack of Guild Wars 2 (Core) or even a Guild Wars 1 Special Release.


    I assume that most of the player base of Guild Wars love the soundtracks of this wonderful game, and it would be a great pleasure to have the opportunity to buy LP/Vinyls of the game. I am aware there is HoT and PoF release, but i really really really would love a Guild Wars 1 [Prophecies/Factions/Nightfall/GW:EN] LP/Vinyl release <3 or at least Guild Wars 2 (core map) soundtrack, with maybe bonus tracks from Guild Wars 1 ?


    Thank you for the great work, and really looking forward for future of this game that we all hold dear !

  7. Hello fellow members!


    I was wondering if there would be a possibility for ArenaNet to release an LP for the soundtrack of Guild Wars 2 (Core) or even a Guild Wars 1 Special Release.


    I assume that most of the player base of Guild Wars love the soundtracks of this wonderful game, and it would be a great pleasure to have the opportunity to buy LP/Vinyls of the game. I am aware there is HoT and PoF release, but i really really really would love a Guild Wars 1 [Prophecies/Factions/Nightfall/GW:EN] LP/Vinyl release <3 or at least Guild Wars 2 (core map) soundtrack, with maybe bonus tracks from Guild Wars 1 ?


    Thank you for the great work, and really looking forward for future of this game that we all hold dear !

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