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Posts posted by Yggranya.5201

  1. > @"Redfeather.6401" said:

    > Is the greatest thing I done in an online game. Everyone working together to do something so overdramatic and silly. And the music all the while. It was making me giddy it was so funny. Some of us were jumping up and down in the mosh pit while others were trying to fix the amp, and it was chaos but good.


    Only surprising thing is that someone hasn't suggested turning the moshpit into open world PvP area. Well, if they make more events like this, someone certainly will. Ugh...

  2. > @"Kaltyn of Torbins Deep.2946" said:

    > Okay, I did it. I played through the mission on a toon in their underwear. 20 minutes 18.23 seconds. IN HIS UNDERWEAR.


    > No trinkets at all, not food, no utilities, and no armor. I was playing on my Revenant Herald with two exotic Berserker's Iron Sword of Earth with Superior Sigil of Earth on both (because I bought them off the TP and didn't bother to change the sigils) and my Exotic Berserker's Lightward's Battlehammer of Accuracy with a Superior Sigil of Accuracy and a Superior Sigil of Force (because that's the hammer I have for when I run hammer on my Herald, so I didn't waste gold buying another exotic hammer). I waited until the airship gangway was down and I stepped onto the top of the pyramid to start the timer and I stopped the timer when the city gates fully opened and Kasmeer walked out. I did not use any mounts or mount skills until they would have been unlocked in the story, and even then only used raptor and long jump. I died 4 times - 3 against the stupid dogs - and was downed one additional time. I did not camp hammer, but switched back and forth as appropriate and necessary. Also, I did not use my glider to get off the pyramid faster, but I did use Facet of Elements for the running speed boost.


    So, was this your first try? No? yeah, it wasn't. Get one of your friends who desn't play GW2 to do it with any equipment and then make another post to compare properly.

  3. > @"Blude.6812" said:

    > Zoid it's been discussed and rejected. Use the search please. !!!!!!!!! It's just a bad idea for this game. BTW , (IMHO), players that keep revisiting this idea could easily play a game that supports it and stop asking for something that Anet (and from what I have read most plyers) have said NO to.


    It's a bad idea for any game where PvP isn't the main focus.


    I'd suggest to the OP some games where it's already there, but i don't know any. From my understandin, korean game developers love and support gank squads, so go look into one of those. Oh, i almost forgot. In those games, the pre-established gank squads would gank the OP, and that isn't fun. HAH!

    Also, it's just normal game play in those games, not some random ranked crap to get rewards, which is the main point, as the OP knows most people are not interested.

  4. When we consider that any and all meta events are filled to the brim with AFK "leechers", it isn't much of a group event to begin with. So i assume anyone i see is there just to make me and perhaps few other do it all for them so they get the rewards. This is the norm in "game as a service" and most multiplayer games. The less i have to deal with other peoples BS, the better.

  5. > @"firedragon.8953" said:

    > With expansions we often see new hairstyles, eye colors, faces, etc. I of course hope that EoD also brings such things to the table.


    Sure it brings new hairstyles. The fact that they are human only additions might be a problem for some people, but since most people play humans, it's not a big enough problem for anet to care about.



  6. > @"artcreator.4859" said:

    > It's just too easy, been playing with new people and they wanted to quit due to the first leveling maps, its just a steam roll, walk up, press 1 on key board, move on, It's a great game, but man the level of quality from the new stuff and the old is massive, almost 2 different games. love the game though and looking forward to next xpac, hopefully it can fix this so the game can have a better future.


    Funny, considering that's not how i felt when i started, which is something i can assume we share considering you're still here. That's a problem for your friends, not the game.

  7. > @"yoni.7015" said:

    > > @"Zoid.2568" said:

    > > > @"yoni.7015" said:

    > > > No thanks, underwater combat is no fun.

    > >

    > > They can make it fun with a revamp.

    > No, they can’t and they don’t have to. Just leave it like it is.




    That's not up to any of us. If you expect other people to suddenly start thinking like you and just quietly stop posting suggestions for its improvement, then prepare for disappointment.

  8. > @"Oxstar.7643" said:

    > Look. Aurene is a benevolent ED. She is on our side. It doesn't matter if you don't like her. However, with no greater threats to unify the races of Tyria they might fight amonst themselves, but her task is also to maintain balance so we will see.


    > Anyways, that's not the topic of the thread. If your hatred for a fictonal character is so strong that you'd derail a thread to talk about it then I... urge you to reconsider. Let's keep it to the races. I've said it before but I would like more done with the Kodan. Part of it is likely due to me just being close to northen themed stuff due to being scandinavia, but I also find their religion and their magic, and their connection to the world and history with it facsinating.


    Why do you pretend to direct you post to me and then don't even quote my post? If you have something to say, say it.


    The lesse races don't matter, 'cause they are lesser and unplayable. Since anet hasn't even made an expansion focusing on Asura, Charr or Norn, and the next one will be probably about Humans again, the lesse races are not even on the list of important races, and they never were. They were set up to give life to tyria, and they do, so YOU, the HERO can save them. Besides, i doubt any game developers will ever do anything less than "It's doomsday again, people!" scenario, because for some reason people like being the center of the universe who is the only one who can do it, while at the same time being the chosen puppet whos only purpose is to hit the thing until it stops twitching. And then just wait for the next thing to hit, because only a hero can. Pfft...


    As i said, anything else would be nice, but the chances of that happening are astronomically low.

  9. > @"Batel.9206" said:

    > Because the game's population is not stagnant. Every single player is not a veteran from launch - there are many new players who are just venturing into HoT or PoF for the first time and slowly getting the hang of things. I know I was a total newbie when I first stepped into HoT...got my rear handed to me more times than I could count, and it took me until somewhere around Tangled Depths to actually figure out how to play my chosen elite spec.

    > Or they have a bad internet connection. Or a potato computer that renders gameplay at a speed of a snail glued to a glacier. Or they're distracted in real life. Or a myriad of other things.


    > Bottom line: just because it's easy for you, doesn't mean it's easy for everyone else.


    Yeah, and then on the other hand: Most people who have played the game for a while, the so called "veterans", just activate auto-attack and watch netflix/youtube while they leave someone else to actually play the game. After all, they'll get rewarded equally regardless.

  10. Well, i tried whispering a few obvious bots in an attemt to see if any of them would respond. Mostly there was nothing, but a few times, for those with 5-10 bots following their character on their main account (usually a mesmer for portals) doing metas, they were probably watching netflix/youtube while "playing", so they did answer with the usual empty rhetorics. And no, don't bother with the usual "you don't know if they're bots" or if you feel called out by this, then please explain how a single person uses 10 accounts at the same time without using programs outside GW2. Educational, to say the least. I'm sure they felt bad on being contacted, which i admit was almost the entire purpose, but since they are still doing what they are doing, it's not like it matters. Would have been funny to get banned for that though, but i guess i avoided that with less than explicit questions.


    What does this have to do with the OPs question? Nothing, just seemed like a close enough thread to put this in.


    But still, you can't know what goes through other peoples heads, so why someone would do what you said is beyond us all, especially since they blocked you so you couldn't even ask for a reason. You should shrug and move on. I guess if reporting them makes you feel better, you could try that, but know that it's pointless.

  11. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > It's either something Anet can't add in


    I'm sure, considering how many people despise the blinding light show, that if anet wanted to do it, they could and should. But then we get...


    > feel is detriment to further gem sales.


    ...this. In other words: They could and should, but won't.


    > @"BlueJin.4127" said:

    > Yeah... GW2's weapon and armor designs are very shallow. Especially when compared to other games, they're ugly and unimaginative skins just bathed in Christmas lights. :(


    In reality, it's mostly the same in all MMOs/multiplayer games. Even if the game starts with more(or less) rational looking equipment, as soon as they realize that some people with lots of money will buy every gaudy piece of crap, it almost becomes exclusively that and nothing else. I mean, it MUST be popular considering how it's mostly the same. Maybe not in every game, but in most for sure.


  12. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

    > > > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

    > > > I like it being it's own thing. HoT is focused around groups. PoF tried making it solo friendly. The game needs to make it work for both going forward.

    > >

    > >'cause otherwise you'll be stuck on whatever spot you dismounted at for 5 minutes. Everything in PoF was tedious.


    > That's not a thing in most places of PoF maps tho, so how about not pretending it's true?

    > If someone consistently is "stuck for 5 minutes whenever dismounted", then that's some solid l2p issue on their part, probably after skipping (or getting absolutely carried through) big chunks of what the game offers. I don't think the game should steeply decrease the difficulty level with new releases, that doesn't make sense to me.


    Of course it is a "learn to play" issue...


    Let me guess: I'm a "casual" and i'm ruining your "engaging elite challenge" of killing the same enemies 3 times in a row with turbo respawns and extra long aggro range which seems to home in on you as soon as you get within a hundred yards from them? Yeah, talk about dishonest. Doesn't happen everywhere? Well coulda fooled me as it does happen on any spot where you might have a reason to dismount on.

  13. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

    > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > > > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

    > > > > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > > > > What you describe is not a real challenge, nor extreme difficulty, it's real boredom and extreme tediousness. It might've looked great in your mind before you typed it, but seeing your suggestion written makes me only fall asleep.

    > > > >

    > > > > Not to mention that the "difficulty" or "challenge" isn't the goal here, just the great rewards.

    > > >

    > > > Eh I don't know about that man. I come from a different era of gaming I guess. I like to have things in games that are challenging and fun to smash around in, even if I don't care about the reward. A good example is how I'll go in and run T4s or teach CMs to people just because I'm looking for something to do to burn some time. Sometimes the gaming really is just about the gaming and running some build that you thought up that feels good to play. But again, things get boring if things are too easy and you've ran the content so many times. A big massive upside down Central Tyria is A LOT of content to play in before that would get boring. Sometimes the best reward is just knowing you and your buddies went in and were able to complete it. Kind of like when you beat Mike Tyson in the original Mike Tysons Punch Out for the first time, always a personal milestone for any gamer.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Everything get tedious with repetition. If it didn't, a single raid would keep a game alive forever, and obviously "challenge" doesn't make it last any longer. If raids gave no rewards, i doubt many would do them, which is an achievement considering how miniscule the amount of people who participate in raids is already.

    > >

    > > And you can stuff the "i came from a strange era" trite, since i've played games for around 30 years.


    > Everything you guys are saying is as if you had some incentive that we don't know about, to come into threads with good ideas and shoot them down.


    > Of course everything gets tedious with repetition, but do you know why that is? Things are tedious when one is only valuing what happens at the end of the task. It is tedious to work 8 hours at a job because I just want my paycheck and I want to go home. It is tedious to run my fractal runs each night because I am focusing on working towards the reward of Fractal God Title. It is tedious to organize and run raids because I am focused on legendary armor skins. This is what happens when people are baited into always wanting things, only worried about rewards.


    > You said you've been gaming for 30 years. Do you not remember what it was like to put in Super Mario Brothers 3 and play it just because it was a fun thing to do? The reason why it was fun is because no matter how good you were, when you hit world 7 and 8, the game was always challenging. There were always ways to try and improve your accuracy or methods of how to beat the game a little bit faster. The last two worlds were always difficult enough to where you could easily mess up and die and kill your time run. It was always just difficult enough to provide a satisfying cerebral experience that required paying attention. The reward wasn't a pot of gold that you could use to buy skins after defeating Bowser, the reward was playing the game and crunching monsters with style.


    > For some reason there are a lot of people in these GW2 forums that give responses like you two are, just entirely pessimistically focused on these business model like standards that have absolutely nothing to do what how fun something is to play.


    I do play games cause it's fun. The challenge in ye olden games came from the more simplistic design, like getting killed from one hit without some protection/upgrades. This suggestion would be a waste of time, since the wannabe "challenge" is never popular, especially since all it has amounted to is "more health/damage". Those old games had mechanincs you deal with, not bullet sponges you wail on for 10 minutes and the only rewards was that you completed the mission and moved forward, not some petty little gold reward or whatever the "great rewards" are supposed to be. Honestly, i can't see myself playing something like this, regardless what you or anet think about it, and i don't need any business models to prove it sucks. If someone finds drudgery fun, then good for them. I know i don't. Getting "great rewards" is the pinnacle of valuing the end result instead of the journey.


    Not to mention yet another attempt to stuff some open world free for all to gank people in their guild.

  14. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

    > > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > > What you describe is not a real challenge, nor extreme difficulty, it's real boredom and extreme tediousness. It might've looked great in your mind before you typed it, but seeing your suggestion written makes me only fall asleep.

    > >

    > > Not to mention that the "difficulty" or "challenge" isn't the goal here, just the great rewards.


    > Eh I don't know about that man. I come from a different era of gaming I guess. I like to have things in games that are challenging and fun to smash around in, even if I don't care about the reward. A good example is how I'll go in and run T4s or teach CMs to people just because I'm looking for something to do to burn some time. Sometimes the gaming really is just about the gaming and running some build that you thought up that feels good to play. But again, things get boring if things are too easy and you've ran the content so many times. A big massive upside down Central Tyria is A LOT of content to play in before that would get boring. Sometimes the best reward is just knowing you and your buddies went in and were able to complete it. Kind of like when you beat Mike Tyson in the original Mike Tysons Punch Out for the first time, always a personal milestone for any gamer.



    Everything get tedious with repetition. If it didn't, a single raid would keep a game alive forever, and obviously "challenge" doesn't make it last any longer. If raids gave no rewards, i doubt many would do them, which is an achievement considering how miniscule the amount of people who participate in raids is already.


    And you can stuff the "i came from a strange era" trite, since i've played games for around 30 years.

  15. > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

    > I like it being it's own thing. HoT is focused around groups. PoF tried making it solo friendly. The game needs to make it work for both going forward.


    HoT focused on forcing grouping and that was a mistake. PoF didn't focus on solo at all, except in the sense that you use mounts to skip all the fights, 'cause otherwise you'll be stuck on whatever spot you dismounted at for 5 minutes. Everything in PoF was tedious.

  16. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > What you describe is not a real challenge, nor extreme difficulty, it's real boredom and extreme tediousness. It might've looked great in your mind before you typed it, but seeing your suggestion written makes me only fall asleep.


    Not to mention that the "difficulty" or "challenge" isn't the goal here, just the great rewards. As per the usual with people who have something to prove, they need something to flaunt. The tediousness is just so other people wouldn't be willing to go through with it.


  17. > @"Samnang.1879" said:

    > It's coming and I know these things take time, but I'm bored of the current story (and the talking dragons don't help :# , are dragons meant to talk in human voices :# )... and like Tyrians working with Jormag even though we as the reader already know that Jormag is going to double cross us...


    Talking dragons is nothing but a detriment to the "natural disaster" that they were supposed to be. I guess it could have been forgivable with mordremoth with the power of the mind thing (weird choice for a plant themed dragon, but eh), but every damn dragon? What a pitiful attempt at humanizing them, and since you aren't allowed to kill them anymore, the commander is just going to have to bend over for aurene and help it reach apotheosis.


    Oh, wait. We actually already did that.

  18. > @"Tzarakiel.7490" said:

    > The reason why Anet is so tightlipped about future updates in this game is because so many people treat any information about future additions as unbreakable bloodoaths and will resort to rage and fury if not every random idea ever voiced by a developer has been properly implemented.


    Yes, if a few crazy people start screaming, just cut all ties and act like the playerbase doesn't exist. It sure is easy. Until of course that kind of behaviour hurts your sales, then you gotta act like you were always listening, but that's only relevant until the playerbase forgets. Then you can go back to pretending they aren't really there.


    The real reason is that they aren't willing to pay someone to pretend that anet is listen to the community. Think of the savings!



  19. > @"TheToxicFox.8710" said:

    > The biggest issue with charrs is how insanely big they are,


    It's easier being on the top of the food chain when you're big.


    > how very bland and dull their eyes are,




    > how terrible their armor models look on them


    Just anet thinking of all the sweet savings.



    > and how unenthusiastic their story is. B O R I N G !!!!!!!


    Yeah, should be something more compelling like "missed a chance to perform at the circus". Pfft...


  20. > @"Oxstar.7643" said:

    > I've been pondering the world of Tyria a bit and come to the conclusion that we have too many doom scenarios and too few stories about the non-player races of Tyria. We have a lot of interesting things - the remarkably resilient and wise quaggans (for their size) with the own brand of connection to the worlds magic, the kodan who has an entire history and religion and their quite powerful magic of Koda's flame, the assassin slash warrior race of Largos, and the Skritt, who gets smarter the more there are together, with no documented upper limit. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Which makes me wonder - let's pretend ANet has time and resources to spare even in the face of layoffs and being panned by their own community, would you all want a sort of mini stories thing separate from the living world story and the expansion story that is just dedicated to exploring all these cool races, learning of their history and their connection to the world and its magic? I for one sure would.


    Hey! If the commander isn't rescuing the entire world from certain doom, maybe they'll have time for introspection. The commander would realize that the world is no better off, and is actually much worse off thanks to aurene being omnipotent, and it's far too late for regrets. The lesser races can join everyone else in appeasing aurenes wrath and keeping it entertained however it wishes, cause otherwise they are all doomed, and the commander as aurenes "champion" can do nothing to stop it.


    *Sigh* i HATE aurene. Anyway, yes, less world ending threats, more anything else.

  21. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"Naxos.2503" said:

    > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > > @"Naxos.2503" said:

    > > > > Sometime, you die more than usual. In those cases, you even get to visit the afterworld ! Which is strangely human themed for some reason.

    > > > Considering that the underworld is a domain of one of the _human_ gods, that's not surprising at all.

    > > >

    > >

    > > From that point of view yes, but what happens to Charrs/Asuras/Sylvaris/Norns ? I wonder if lore wise something crop up for them.

    > Dwarves, if i remember, before the Rite were ending up as part of the Great Dwarf (i don't know how it works now), and Sylvari supposedly return to the Dream. Some other races might have their own life/death cycle as well. Most though just end up as parts of the Mists directly. And sometimes there are some special arrangements - for example, we do know that at least some of the Charr ended up in the Realm of Torment, due to the Flame Legion essentially signing up under Abaddon.



    So, there was the mist, and it was the after life (in some way) until the human gods came, invaded and twisted it for their purpose? Well, it's fitting for human gods, and fitting for all the other invading humans and their gods did.


    I wonder if the human gods were like the elder dragons of their world, until they decided that they want it all. "Rescue" their slave race who they mutated from some apes with magic to look like them, or changed their own appearance to fool the gullible and took off, Or if some humans figured out how to absorb magic, stole it all and doomed their planet, and "rescued" their lesser brethren as servitors who can worship the ground they walk on.

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