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Titanium Argentum.1427

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Posts posted by Titanium Argentum.1427

  1. To improve the comunication in this forums for Arenanet and Players, a good idea can be see all the desired featured for players with a ranking system.

    The official Forums of Guild Wars 2, are based in Vanilla Forum and have an option for this:

    ![](https://vanillaforums.com/images/productShots/features_ideation_laptop.png "")


    [iDEATION SYSTEM](https://vanillaforums.com/en/features/ideation/ "https://vanillaforums.com/en/features/ideation/")


    You need Tengus for a playable race? you need to see Cantha again in Guild Wars 2? you need paragons or dervishs playable again? Show your votes in this system and Arenanet can see speedly the desires of this comunity united.


    This system can help Arenanet with other things. For example, Arenanet can start to show us the awaited swiss tournaments, and this can be used to discuss the prefered features to include in swiss tournaments. You need special swiss tournaments monthly or weekly?


    A new way to show your preference for your favourite online game ;)



  2. > @"Poormany.4507" said:

    > None of the above, only reasonable mount that's left is an underwater speed mount. Maybe a coolness factor argument for a multi-person mount, but there's not really much demand or need for it atm.


    The initial plans in Arenanet for Muti-person mounts are same mobile towers. You dont travel in your chair same in the rest of the mounts. You can walk along the mount in your travel. This can have apropiate strategic elements, for example in World vs World.

  3. > @"Rauderi.8706" said:

    > Underwater mount, but that's about it. After Skyscale, we don't need any more mobility options.


    We have another arts for underwater mounts in the Guild Wars Saga, for example this Jellyfish, with the Official Art of Carlyn Lim.

    ![Official Jellyfish](https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/008/370/356/large/carlyn-lim-quick2.jpg?1512333861 "")

    This forums have and ankward system to include images inside polls, and i cant include more options to vote.

  4. Guild Wars have many official artworks with mounts. This mounts can have special powers not available today inside Guild Wars 2. Choose your prefered mount and power from this list :)


    1.- Siege Devourer - official Artist - Doug Williams - Power: Catapult Commander

    ![Official Devourer](https://www.mundogame.com/images/rocketlauncher/frontpage/roksprocket-mosaic/devoradormontura.jpg "")

    With this mount trained by the Charr Legions you can be catapulted and Glide to distant zones.


    2.- Junundu - official Artist - Mattew Barret - Power: Tunneling and Far sight

    ![Official Junundu](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/1/14/%22Sandworm_Side%22_concept_art.jpg "")

    With this mount from the deserts of Elona, you can travel below the floor. Additionaly you can see far distances. To an example of the Far Sight and official art, Jade Maw, from Katy Hargrove

    ![Official Jade Maw](https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/017/209/930/large/katy-hargrove-xkraken-01.jpg?1555052546 "")



    3.- Undead Camel - official Artist - Carlyn Lim - Power: Special Auras

    ![Official Undead Camel](https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/008/370/566/large/carlyn-lim-mummycritter1.jpg?1512334908 "")

    With this mount trained by Palawa Joko, you can have special Auras beyond your imagination.


    4.- Asura Golem - official Artist - Samantha Rogers - Power: Pvp combat

    ![Official Asura Golem](https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/005/797/501/large/samantha-rogers-scruffy1.jpg?1493835215 "")

    With this mount you can start a PvP Duel in pve, with the autorization of another player with this mount. You can fight with or without this mount.


    5.- Horse - Official Artist - Levi Hopkins - Power: Sprint Run

    ![Official Horse](https://www.mundogame.com/images/rocketlauncher/frontpage/roksprocket-mosaic/ruinasdeascalongw2.jpg "")

    With this mount you can walk o run in races, with turbo.


    6.- Giant Beetle - Official Artist - Jamie Jones - Power: Natural Light

    ![Official Giant Beetle](https://www.mundogame.com/images/rocketlauncher/frontpage/roksprocket-mosaic/monturaescarabajo.jpg "")

    With this mount you can walk slowly, but can see in obscure zones.


    7.- Quaggan - Official Artist - Carlyn Lim - Power: Friend Help

    ![Official Quaggan](https://www.iamag.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Guild-Wars-2-Path-of-Fire-38.jpg "")

    Many mounts are designed for Guild Wars 2, but yet not included. This is a good example for a mount. Small, not only for travel, but with the ability to call friends to Glide, Run or another cool things. (Quaggan, Penguin, Vulpi, Ladybug, Beaver, Yellow Bird)


    8.- Dolyak - Official Artist - Carlyn Lim - Power: MvM Party

    ![Official Dolyak](https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/008/370/327/large/carlyn-lim-dolyak-mounts1.jpg?1512333751 "")

    You can jump in this mount with other people in MvM, start a music band, and walk on top, fighting from distance against your enemies.


    9.- Moa - Official Artist - Carlyn Lim - Power: Sonic Shock

    ![Official Moa](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a9/0c/1c/a90c1c359379fb0a671215a887b08ff7.jpg "")

    With this mount you can travel with your friend, and your moa stun your enemies with the Sonic Shock.


    10.- Underworld Beast - Official Artist - Doug Williams - Power: Run and Jump

    ![Official Underworld Beast](https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/thumb/0/09/Mount_concept_art.jpg/482px-Mount_concept_art.jpg "")

    With this mount you can run and jump, similar to the movement system of charrs but more high and fast.

  5. Stronghold is a different type of pvp introduced in the expansion of Heart of Thorns. Inspired by the pvp systems we saw in Gw1 (Guild vs Guild, and Fort Aspenwood for example), the players fight against npcs and other People.

    Now, 2 years later, Arenanet no released new maps of pvp for this mode, or new content for the unique map of "The battle of Champion Dusk".


    With this in mind, please vote! :)

  6. > @AstralDusk.1670 said:

    > It doesn't really work this way. Skritt have skeletons more akin to charr than asura, but would still require new armor meshes designed to their body specs.

    > The only feasible option I see is largos, because they're just blue people that might be able to share human body models.

    > But that's also super-boring.



    This can be a first step to make a race fully playable. Gw2 its very big and have a fully amount of features to a race, but with minor updates can be playable. Wear armors its the first step, after use weapons, add a new racial city or upgrade an existent city to this race, or new dialogues or lore for them.


    In this case, if arenanet like to add a new race, can add variants of this race to adapt them to the armor system, and using the lore for this. For example the Hyleks and quaggans have a more round shape, or skritts are more little, but remember in gw1 :) : We haved tall hyleks ([hekets - Guild Wars Nightfall](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Heket "hekets - Guild Wars Nightfall")), and them can wear sylvari armors for example, but require modifications of lore and a little of their shape.


    The super-boring factor, can be minor, if Arenanet put they good work in to make them special: Adding racial skills, lore and more progressively.

  7. > @Yuyuske.7182 said:

    > Neither quaggans nor itzel were possible choices.


    > Bad poll, OP.


    Its hard to think quaggans and hyleks wearing armors of other playable races, for their body shape. I would like to see Quaggans or Hyleks playable, but i think the best solution to this races, is to make new type of armors (with a new shape) in a low number, to make them playable. For this i dont include them in this poll.

  8. > @"Teofa Tsavo.9863" said:

    > None. You missed an important response.

    > Also, since we are often told that new armor for the species we do play is a lot of work, wouldn't this request just add more load?


    The theory here is: Its very difficult to make more than 300 new armors to a new race, but if this new race can wear armors and equipment of other races its more easy. Yes, a new race add more load, but is a more feasible work.

  9. Think in a theoretical feature, called for example "Race and Armor Diversification" where al weights and races, can share their armor with others. With this theoretical feature, Arenanet can add with Living Story, more playable races of Tyria (partially). And in next updates, add more features to that small playable race. For example think in the conflicts to Share an actual number of more than 300 armors to a new race, redesigning all the armors. Its very difficult to make this.


    But what if one race, can bring clothes of another race? Kodans can wear norn armors for example.


    With this in mind, vote!


    If you like, add in comments your desired combinations ;)

  10. Bring the Guild, back to Guild Wars.


    In this moment, 35 Suggestions ;) :



    1 - **Guild Calendar**, give to our guilds the feature to announce their events in-game.


    2 - **Vote System**.


    3 - **Global Recruiment post for Guilds**, for example inside the Looking For Group panel with a New Category - Guild Recruiment. People can see here:


    Name of the Guild (NoG) - Language - PvP, WvW or PvE - number of members - and a little text, for example message of the day


    4 - **Separate Autorizations** for Invite to Guild, and Kick from Guild. For example All members can invite, only officials can Kick.


    5 - **Alliances of Guilds** (5 for example), and disable the representing system. Add a new chat for Alliances of Guilds, same in Guild Wars 1.


    6 - If you like to mantain the Representing system, a **status to see when is the last time anyone represent your guild**.


    7 - **Special Guild merchant to the Guild Halls**. This merchant can sell items with discounted prices, and deposit a little of the earnings in the Guild Bank. This can help to small guilds or Thematic Guilds (WvW, PvP)


    8 - **Hall of Winners**. A new zone in the Guild Hall, here we can see the names of winners. We can reunite in this place, the best achievements of our members. Adventures, jumping puzzles and others.


    9 - **Minipet of the Guild**. A minipet dressed with the colors and emblem of your guild.


    10 - **More icons** for the **Guild Ranking system**.


    11 - **Guild Commander icon** with the emblem of your guild. For WvW, PVE or Invisible (only member of your guild can see the icon)


    12- **Sponsor System**. A Big Guild can donate things to a Small Guild. The small guild win aid, and the big, win guild points.


    13 - **Branch System**. A Guild now, spend too many to upgrade the Guild Hall to the maximum. If the Guild Hall is in level 50, add a discount of 50% to the transfer when they like to choose another Guild Hall. (for example with the new expansion)


    14 - A new section inside the Guild Panel, to write the **Rules of your guild**, not in the message of the day.


    15 - **More missions** and events **Inside Guild Halls**.


    16 - **New** Guild Races, Challenges, and new **Guild Dungeons**.


    17 - **Internal mail system to Guild Members**. For example if our guild are making a contest for our members, this can help to send them their prizes. Now its very uncomfortable make this.


    18 - **Remove decorations in groups**. For example only trees, or only statues.


    19 - **All crafting NPCs in Guild Halls**, not only Scribes.


    20 - **Black Lion Npcs** in Guild Halls.


    21 - **Cooperative** missions for **Alliances of Guilds**.


    22 - **Alliances vs Alliances** system


    23 - **Sit able chairs** inside Guild Halls.


    24 - **Add names of players in chat**, when anyone join or exit from a Commander Group. (can be extended for the rest of the game)


    25 - New **functionality inside the Guild Panel**, to add links. for example Guild Web homepage, or the teamspeak/discord/others


    26 - **Guild Capes** with your Guild Emblem, same in Guild Wars 1. If you can make Legendary Armors, you can make Capes!


    27 - **Guild Mounts**. A mount dressed with the colors and emblems of your Guild.


    28 - A new **Guild Mastery** System. This mastery its based in your Guild Hall. Maxing this mastery, can unlock special doors inside your guild hall, and enter in secret areas. In this areas, you have a secret access to your home district, or other special places.


    29 - **More Stronghold maps** with Guild vs Guild systems in PvP.


    30 - **Guild Mount Races**.


    31- More **Guild Hall Levels**, to increase the zones we can view in our guild halls.


    32- **New Locations** in the Guild Portal.


    33- **Custom Location in the Guild Portal**. Only one, and can be changed weekly.


    34- **More music** and songs in Guild Halls


    35- **Guild Bookshelf**, all the Lorebooks of Season 1, 2 and 3 reunited.


    I have many more ideas, but this is these are the main :D


    Tell me more ideas, and i add them to the list!


    Choose your preference! [Poll Here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1044/quality-of-life-for-guilds "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1044/quality-of-life-for-guilds")

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