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Posts posted by Terra.9506

  1. Personally I like playing melee class in MMO, Guardian seem more appeal to me than Warrior due to it's heavy warrior with some magic capacities. that alone sound more interesting than straightforwardly Warrior and seem like my guess is true when I play warrior after several other class and I found Warrior is one of the least "flashy" class in the game (along with Thief), most of their skill is about stat buff and lack of cool looking move/effect compare to Guardian or Reverent.

  2. I'm solo player and I like HoT so much but for new player I understand the frustration. I think when we look at HoT difficult we have to remind the time when we still lack of mastery specialize gliding.


    I have to suicide my character so many time because I can't use updraft.


    Smoke scale and that mini raptor so terrify me consider at the time mount is not exist.


    Mordrem that hit hard like a truck with half screen attack radius.


    Invisible frog that can teleport and one shot me from nowhere, Giant frog that simply not die , Chak Lobber that spray deadly acid so powerful even for tanky warrior but most of all that annoy mushroom family.... (even now I still hate them.)


    But higher mastery I have easier HoT become and now with mount even make some HoT mastery become useless like jump mushroom and layline gliding.


    And because it's difficult make HoT so remembered for me and very satisfy when I manage to finish it.

  3. While I found GW1 loot is very boring but some how Anet manage to make GW2 loot event worse. XD


    What ever who you hunt or how many chest you open they all drop the same junk. But at least this annoyance make up by guarantee reward system from quest and achievement. (even so... I still want loot feel more reward than currently is)

  4. I found most of world boss feel too cinematic and didn't pose much challenge and can take down easily simply by number of people since all they has is high HP and timer. Some exception for me would be Warden Amala (Istan) , The Specimen Chamber (Sandswept Isles) , 3 head Jungle Wurm.


    Most annoy world boss for me would be the Shatterer since his attack will away land on player and ton of minion he spawn.

  5. I didn't have opportunity to try "migraine" yet due to it's so hard to find people willing to do this achievement, and I consider flights of fancy as hardest solo achievement I ever done (for a moment) since I play this game with constant ping 300+(As normal connection) and some time I feel like my command have some delay. (Which's one reason make me avoid pvp content.)

  6. I wish the game will offer more map like Dragon Fall where build around "Main" dynamic event lead up to final grand event and mean while also provide optional event around the area. include some strong Champion which quite challenge to solo. The end map reward also great make this area become farm spot for my legendary.


    Too bad I start getting tired of the map but there isn't any map seem quite like it other than Auric Basin (Which is my second favorite) but I still can't get enough for this kind of map design. (unlike many other season map which only there just to explore then never comeback)

  7. From game play stand point IMO final battle between commander and Balthazar feel more fun and satisfy than final battle with any dragon we have before.(I also like Mordremoth fight but his design is ridiculous) Problem is dragon fight feel more cinematic than actual play since they're so big to fight in equal ground.

  8. I like 5 people group content than 10 player (Except Steel&Fire where 10 player fit the most) my problem with group content is when the battle begun it spray effect all over the place and hard to keep track what going on in screen include terrible FPS drop, Lag.


    For Steel & Fire it work because the map is quite large but the problem appear in Boss fight where too thing happen at same time.

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