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Posts posted by QuirkyDM.2351

  1. Considering the complaints about player base size already, having two separate queues will just divide the player base further so both modes would suffer from low amount of players. No sense to have both sPvP and tPvP. Pick one or the other. It's also likely the reason tournaments are spaced out so much, so solo queues survive.


    tPvP suffers from needing your entire team to be on at the same time. That is not easy for many people to find and schedule such a thing. Someone from your team gets busy at work, has a sudden lapse in gaming time due to life issues, etc., then the whole team is out. So you'd need to have a list of spares available to sub in. And then, you can have upset teammates who wanted to play tPvP , grabbed 2 subs and lost a bunch of games, which tanked the team rating. If anything, overall player availability would be less because having a full team on at the same time would be lower. And you'd want multiple teams available for good matchups.


    On the other hand, maybe Anet would pay more attention if we start seeing an entire team of bots and we got complaints from multiple teams.


    In general, this looks like a fix for high level players. The average dredges like me (G1) likely wouldn't benefit from tPvP. If anything, it would discourage a lot of people from participating in PvP, which again, serves to lessen the player base. The point of this isn't to say not to do PvP, but to consider ways to work around the above issues.


  2. It's been mentioned already about stability, but a stun break can do just as good a job. One stun break, especially for a melee class, will get you out of most jams. If not, you can get stun locked in SilverWastes if you're not careful.


    The major difference that I found after level 80 is that you actually have to try. You can't simply spam skills and walk into groups of mobs. You need to have a few simple combos, and use your dodges. It's pretty easy to get to level 80 without much effort.



  3. > @"Styno.4675" said:

    > I would love to see some gem store bundles that include bag and bank tabs without lootbox keys in them. This way players like myself who are not allowed by law in their country to buy these lootbox related items, can actually get some good deals too. I don't mind paying the same amount of gems for the pack without the keys.


    Why not just buy the bank tabs and bag slots on your own? When they're not on sale, they are the same price as the bundle. If you wait for them to go on sale, you'll save more money than you would by buying the bundle.

  4. I would say drawing only sometimes gets my attention. I mean, maybe it always does, but how would I know if I miss it or not? Alerts always get my attention because they trigger a sound so it's immediate. I would love to have party chat or team chat trigger a noise so when a new message comes in, I can glance at the chat window.

  5. Lots of my wishlist items have all come on sale, so thank you for that! Just a few items left now. (though the list keeps getting items added to it)


    It's been almost a year since the Skyscale Hatchling Harvesting Tool was seen- I'm spending all my karma on Reaping harvesting tools and would like to change that. Please bring back the Glyph of Reaping so I don't have to spend all day harvesting in my home instance gardens!


    I'm also looking forward to seeing any of these going on sale:

    Additional Crafting License (my main is already trained in 5 crafts, so he might as well just take them all on- don't know why they have a limit for these)

    Account Jump Start


  6. (Warning- some spoilers for Heart of Thorns, Path of Fire and Living World Season 4 below)


    I was going to start a thread similar to this about wanting the possibility of death in story mode. I just went through the Sandswept Isles in LW4 and was pretty disappointed to find out that you literally can't die in the boss fight in the Omalkhan village. Seriously? What is the point of that? Me running around in an extended cut scene? We should have an option to turn that off, especially when there are achievements involved in going through that fight without going down. I'm not even a fan of "Retry from checkpoint". I know I can turn decide to ignore it, but it's not quite the same. Beating Mordremoth was a feat. Beating Balthazar was clicking retry a few times. Especially since I didn't want to sit through the whole talking/army fight/chase scene just to get to the good fight. One was a satisfying ending. The other, I was just waiting for it to end.


    You can leave the story sessions as is, but I would like to take out the safety nets for anyone who doesn't want them. If you're going to put achievements in for beating major bosses without dying, you might as well give us the chance to make it feel like it's a real accomplishment instead of just doing it for the sake of a few achievement points.


  7. OK, I know this is a silly question, but how do people find time to type in the chat window during a match? If I'm not embroiled in battle, I'm moving towards the next one as fast as I can, paying attention to my CDs, checking out the map, etc. The only time I can chat is if after I die- and I try to keep those events to a minimum. Heck, I find it hard enough to pay attention to the chat window to see other people's messages, let alone add to it myself. Just trying to figure out how to improve my game. Thanks.

  8. I play an offensive chilling reaper, so can give some feedback. Your offensive build is far tankier than mine. There's no reason not to use full berserker in PvE. Survivability is only an issue against Legendary and some Champions. Move to Berserker and you will see foes fall down much quicker. If you change some traits and find your crit chance is overcapping, you can add some Valkyrie in to beef yourself up a bit. Though if you're keeping soldier for your defense build, I get it.


    With the above mindset of more offense, I am more aggressive in trait choice, too. Reaper's Onslaught is a huge offensive boost compared to Blighter's Boon. Similar to Death Perception and Eternal Life under Soul Reaping. You have a lot of Life Force generation as is. With Axe and Focus, you will generate Life Force quickly using Ghastly Claws and Soul Grasp. I personally use Spiteful Talisman to decrease Axe/Focus recharge time and use Spinal Shivers and Unholy Feast to strip boons so the Spiteful Talisman damage bonus kicks in. Plus Spinal Shivers adds chill. I understand if you want to keep a chill theme going and want to keep Bitter Chill, though.


    Decimate Defenses is in your defense build and Chililng Victory is in your offensive Build. I would think those would be reversed.


    Personally, for the offensive build, I would consider one of two things:

    1) Slowly make your build more offensive as you learn the style and play of Chilling Reaper. (assuming you're not already a master :) ) Swap a trait out here and there and see if you notice a difference.

    2) Go full offense and then back out traits and add defense if you feel too squishy.


    Good luck. You can't go too wrong in PvE. My build is a little off-meta itself, but it's what I enjoy playing, and that's the real point anyway, right? ;)




  9. Very happy to get the Home Portal Stone as it came on sale- thanks!

    Permanent Mistlock Sanctuary Passkey and Skyscale Hatchling Harvesting Tool are now tops on my list- put them out and I will buy them instantly. I'm spending all my karma on reaping sickles right now.

    If bank tabs came on sale, I'd buy that. Or even better, put Account Jump Start on sale and let me at it!

    I'd buy a Black Lion Garden Plot Deed if it came up as well.


    Thanks and here's hoping!

  10. Just want to add on to Luthan's comments. I'm in the middle of getting the griffin and I consider it some of the most entertaining content in PoF. The connection to the Sunspears feels like a better story than most of the actual story mode in PoF. It also lets you go back and pull together a lot of elements in the maps dealing with Sunspears and connect them into a story. I am also revisiting a few areas with new purpose and discovering some areas I didn't fully explore before even with map completion done. Besides that, this is a collection done right, as every time you recover a griffin egg, you can mount a griffin. This lets you fly through the maps and get a glimpse of what your final reward will be. (I recommend getting the Aurene mastery from LW4 first as it will let you enjoy the griffin even more) It's satisfying now while giving a look at the bigger payoff down the road. I wasn't planning on going for the Skyscale, but I might seriously look at it after the way the Griffin hunt is going.

  11. I wanted to follow up on this in case anyone else has the same query in the future. I decided to go ahead with the Glacial Logging Tool and it works as advertised. I don't notice any internal cool down and I have had it proc twice in a row in quick sequence. When logging nodes in my home instance, the glyph activated on 2 out of my 3 trees. It even went off in my guild hall on the wood synthesizer. It doesn't empty the whole node, just one burst of it. In general, the 1/3 activation rate seems accurate.


    Overall, very happy I made this purchase.

  12. I was researching the Glyph of the Timekeeper as it's part of the Glacial Logging Tool. The searches I've done complain that the glyph rarely procs, likely due to some large ICD on the glyph. Is this still the case? I haven't seen any threads or updates indicating this has changed.


    Glyph of the Timekeeper seems valuable, but only if it performs as advertised.

  13. When running around Tyria, I like to queue in for PvP. Then while I'm queued, I can still do world completion, chase achievements, farm goods, etc.


    However, PvP ends all bonuses from food, utility items, and so on. Even just partaking in a single match to get my dailies cancels all these buffs. I'd like it if they would be paused while playing PvP and then returned after the match when returning to the rest of the world.

  14. I like the idea of a using a hammer to summon minions. What if we got something more like the Mesmer, where we could summon short lived minions with our new weapon. Of course, if underwater is a big part of Cantha, maybe all we'll get is access to a new underwater weapon, like spear gun. :scream:


    I think a fun third elite would be one where you could use it to combine your other Elites. It let's you take both Elite specs at the same time, with the first mastery letting you choose which shroud option you get to use.

  15. All this talk about ranked vs. unranked- you have to play unranked for 50+ games before you hit ranked anyway. By then you should know what to expect. If you don't like the game mode by then, I don't think ranked will make it any better.


    (minor correction to above post- I guess I'm silver 1, not silver 3? I'm closer to gold than bronze- still makes me bad, just didn't know the nomenclature)

  16. Ok as someone who started GW2 in 2020 and just got into PvP in the last month, I guess I can comment. I only just got into ranked and it's been fun. I get ranked, I have a rating and (I think) I play people around the same rating Yes, I'm only silver 3. Big deal. My goal is enjoyment, not hitting the top ranks. That comes with time and practice. Or not- I might just suck forever. But I will also say, the lower ranks hold less stress and very little toxicity.


    If you want it for reward purposes, then I can't really comment. If you want to do it for fun, then just give it a shot- there's nothing to lose, so why not?

  17. 15 may be as good as 20, I don't know about that. I'm just a starter myself- just shy of rank 14. But that's only taken 26 matches. Maybe it slows down as I continue up the ranks, but hitting rank 15 is hardly 20 hours of grind. More like 5. Even if getting to 20 is another 5, that's hardly an impediment. It'll take most people longer to get through Core Tyria story mode. It's only a grind if the matches are boring, but my experience so far is they're fun, so I'm not in need of any faster progression.

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