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Posts posted by Domenak.7904

  1. > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

    > > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

    > > Anet is pulling an Enhanced Bulwark like they did years ago, but now it's with Draconic Echo. Seriously, Draconic Echo is the problem, and when they finally nerf that, I can guarantee they won't revert the nerfs to facets they butchered in the process.


    > Before they fix/nerf draconic echo, they will have nerfed everything about herald by like 95% and nerfed core to the ground as well in the method of trying to avoid nerfing draconic echo and when draconic echo is removed (Which it might very well be and go the way of empty vessel) they will just leave revenant where it lands and if its unplayable so be it. The class is hated clearly~


    > And no im not being sarcastic that is how I See them handling it, I see them ham-fisting a fix that really just deletes the viability of the class in being worth using in any meaningful way and it will sit like that for years at a time and even the new E-spec won't save the class. **Because that is how they do, they have their favorites who get all the love and they have classes they hate and subtly try to remove over the course of patches. **This has been going on since launch but the tables of turned and now the favorites are different classes than what they were then. ( the one dev who liked Rev, the one who created it by the name of Roy left. Ever since he left revenant has been being beaten over the head for existing.)


    "Paranoia, Paranoia, everybody's coming to get me"

  2. Don't you guys feel like ArenaNet (or should i say NecroNet?) loves only one class in this game? :D

    The next update is basically a nerf to every classes and a buff to the scourge which is already the best class in WvW. I'll say that 30% of WvW players are necros.

    Im playing some PvP too (Gold 2 rank) and i see that there's always minimum 3 4 necro players in the game. So basically let's be honest around 25% of players are playing necro.

    Once i saw this video, it was some raid run and the whole group was composed of necromancers... 10 necros doing the boss without any trouble. Maybe it's not the most optimal composition (right now, maybe on the next update it will be who knows :D) but they did it !!!

    When i started gw2 in 2012, necro was the worst and least played class, now necro is the most played class, the most viable, with a loooot of viable builds for every game modes.


    So is that what ArenaNet wants? Do they want us to play only necromancers? Or maybe it's just some weird fetish from the developpers? :D I guess it would be easier to balance the game if we only play one class, what do you guys think? Would you play Necro Wars 2?


  3. Hello guys,


    I wanted to try something new. So that's why I was looking for some renegade build for WvW. Some renegade builds exist for PvP (salvation or Rétribution Kalla) do you guys think that I can try to adapt some to WvW roaming?


    I'm aware that there's no renegades roaming builds for some reason (basically herald is much more effective in every competitive game modes) but with the future change on the SB I think that it's possible to try something new. What's your opinion on that little SB "rework"?


    Thanks for your opinion

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