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Posts posted by wilykcat.5864

  1. The wolves looked like wolves last week but all of a sudden out of nowhere they are squares. It isnt my computer it's a software glitch due to a new recent patch.


    When some parts of the software gets patched or fixed something else in the software will always break or glitch. It's not always a hardware problem.

  2. There is 6 total players and the battleground is very small. Me being new to pvp expecially this mode called "Team Deathmatch" is so hard to play. I've done it twice and it is not cool because each team I get put on gets killed in one shot on our spawn by the enemy team which is so strong that all of our hits deal no damage.


    I have a feeling that me winning a match is nonexistent. Time to forfeit pvp until the normal battlegrounds that I'm used to with 10 total players come back.

  3. These shadow wolves look very strange.




    I remeber before the update they looked more like glowing wolves but now they are a bunch of random squares. Squares of unusual colors and textures that are flat moving in a up and down animation. I saw it happen after killing the boss when the deformed wolves spawned.


    What went wrong? This i snot minecraft or roblox!!! Please make squares back into wolves.



  4. This forum post is a recipe for disaster.


    I found the secret to winning every single pvp match but unfortunately it is having the mesmer on ally (my) team. The only time when mesmers are good. All other times mesmers are chaotic.


    Then somehow I managed to get a triple kill on one of the objectives without dying. I was casting spells at random and wasnt thinking. Just accidentally made my team won. So I also I stole the kills from the mesmer on my team because I play a charr thief.


    Nerf mesmer (only on enemy team). Maybe their?


  5. I'm running the game on a laptop from 2009. It was the only laptop I can afford. Gaming PCs are too much money.


    Also my laptop is i7 Intel core i7-2640 CPU @ 2.80GHz RAM 16 GB

    230GB HDD


    I dont even know what my graphics card is or how to find that information but all I know its Direct X 11 but it can run guild wars 2 just fine without lag and on normal not max graphics.


    It can run league of legends on max graphics without lag which I dont even know how since it only had a windows 10 download but I have it installed on a windows 7 laptop.

  6. https://photos.app.goo.gl/CEXBvogWBS7szbfGA


    Each time when I'm on the last boss I always jump through or try to do something cool when there is a giant laser going across the map. I finally managed to do it without dying or knocked down.


    The Shattered Observatory is such a fun fractal due to fun boss mechanics, being in space, being able to jump very high and far, and being able to turn into a flying ball of stardust at certain parts in the fractal.


    I really like this game.

  7. It is both.


    Mesmers can make huge armies of clones along with high damage and stuns.


    Also the match making because there are those players who are highly ranked smurfs on alt accounts along with players from a variety of pvp experience, levels, and such.

  8. There was this one match I was in and the whole enemy team except 1 was mesmers. The enemy team won the match within 5 minutes. How? They captured all the points, one shotted us, and then they all decided to camp our spawn and spawn kill us in base. I got a feeling that isnt legal.



  9. > @"lokh.2695" said:

    > If you want to join the suggestion game, I'd advise you to use the forums search function, it will lead to less redundancy.


    > "B..but then they will call me out on necro'ing a thread..."

    > Doesn't happen here a lot, people are more anyoyed by reading the same suggestions twice a week, and sold as the new hot stuff without adding anything or adressing points that have been discussed ad nauseam in the past.


    What is ad nauseam, necroing, and redundancy? I dont know what those 3 words mean.

  10. I just discovered that playing an elementalist is actually very fun. My cheetah charr who wears only a specific shade of green is a lightning and arcane elementalist who uses two daggers to fight.


    It gets even more better. In a dungeon full of multiple elite mobs in the pathway I can cast the spell Ride the Lightning and do the Leeroy Jenkins ( warcraft meme when a individual player charges into a large group of mobs when rest of group is making plans) right into them.


    I can also use the spell to avoid mobs in certain dungeons and for quicker travel. My cheetah charr can run very fast due to the passive speed boost ability that the element of air has.


    The cool thing about arcane is that it is all passive for talents which increases the elemental powers based on main specialization and the active arcane abilities can be used when knocked down and stunned.



  11. I'm kind of new to the forums which explains why I have 200 something points. I dont get why the point system still exist evenknow it is useless. Just like one of those silly forgotten state laws.


    ?I like the way the stars look on my profile though just for the aesthetic.?




    >>Maybe it had a purpose many years ago and then it dissolved just like Blizzard entertainment forum trust levels and mvps. I should make a post of forgotten forum features and useless forum profile features and statuses but not on these forums though.


    Each online forum has its quirks. ?


    I dont have a fan base either. I rather be my own individual self on the forums and not care about how others think of me.

  12. This is just an idea. So I've been thinking what if the charrs get new customization options such as more horns, hair styles, tail options, warpaint, and ear shapes. Maybe more body shapes too like ones without a hunch.


    The horns

    1. Deer antlers

    2. Unicorn horns

    3. One horn broken while other is full size

    4. Horn color option


    Tail options.

    There should be an option to change the length of the tail.


    I also want to see a new customization for charrs such as warpaint. The warpaint can be many colors and styles.


    For the ears a option to change the ear shape. Make the ears more pointy or more round. Maybe change the width of the ear base too. I dont know. I would like to see a charr with anime cat like ears or ears like a fox.


    I'm not that good at writing suggestions but I did my best.


  13. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"wilykcat.5864" said:

    > > I agree. It should get replaced with a in game barber shop for character customization changes such as hair, hair color, face, etc. Like how they have one in warcraft but make it only cost silver and copper. Transmog charges should go entirely.


    > To use the player only have to pay 15 dollars a month.

    > Pretty sure Anet would welcome that income.


    > I dont mind as long as I dont have to pay if I dont use it.


    That's not what I meant with the subscription. I would not suggest that at all. The barbershop is just an idea.

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