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Day Trooper.3605

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Posts posted by Day Trooper.3605

  1. Thanks for the replies. I've already tried these, and unfortunately they won't help in my case.


    Basically, I was trying to find a way to make the 5 'A Hunger for Knowledge' books in West Bjora Marches more visible as they are extremely small and incredibly easy to miss while trying to hunt them down. I've found 4, but of course the last one is always the hardest to get (and I know I could just wiki it, but what's the fun in that?)


    Although I do wish the achievement at least gave some type of hint where each book is located!

  2. Do you guys mind posting a link to the current condi/mirage build? Until a couple weeks back I hadn’t played in 2 1/2 years, and so was wondering what the current meta is for that now.


    Also, on another note, I noticed that in a solo CM100 vid that the Sorrows (and Guilt) were basically ignored - how is that survivable without interrupting their death-spell-attack? When I completed CM100 last night, we got to the 33% x2 sorrows phase and wiped there, so any tips in making that part smoother would be greatly appreciated!

  3. > @"Domino.1359" said:

    > Just as good in 2020. For PvE, I can open up the LFG and see squads or groups for almost any map, with fairly good population levels throughout. I normally do fracts and strikes, and it's easy to get a group going. Lots of new things that have come out to put some spin on your usual builds.


    I also took a long break (~2 1/2 years) and recently started playing again due to the announcement of next year’s expansion and the return to Cantha.


    When I last played, I had gotten through the first chapter of LW Season 4 which I believe is called ‘Daybreak’. I feared I’d have a hard time completing achievements in those Season 4 maps as they’d almost certainly be dead by now, right? Nothing could be further from the truth! So far I’ve been able to complete everything in LW4 chapters 2 and 3 and am well on my way to completing chapter 4. I even was able to put together a group to complete the infamous Serpent’s Ire meta (which allowed me to complete a lengthy collection and get a cool Asura-themed ascended back item).


    So I’m happy to confirm/report that the game is definitely alive and well - and should see an influx of new and returning players like me once the next expansion is released :)



  4. Thanks for the reply! I actually completed Path of Fire, and so at least I'm up to speed there.


    Wow, fractals haven't changed during all that time?


    Regarding the Living World updates, do you think it will be hard for me to catch up on the APs there? (given that the zones are probably dead now?)


    And if anyone knows of a guild that perhaps can help someone like me complete older content then that would be great - thanks!

  5. It's been ~ 2 1/2 years since I last played GW2. I'd been a hard-core player of the franchise since 2005 and basically needed to take a break to due to a variety of reasons. But now I'm thinking of playing again (the addition of Cantha really grabbed my attention).


    So basically what have I missed? For one, I'm sure there have been multiple living world updates over that time.


    Also, I currently have ~30k APs. To say play fractals again, is this number going to be an issue?


    And lastly, is the game still going strong? On the main page I see that there are over 11 million players - is this true?


    And finally, what is the current mesmer meta-build for stuff like fractals?


    Thanks for any input all!

  6. I started playing GW in August 2005 (after ~4 years of Tribes 2, another great game!). It took me a while, but once I got the hang of it I was hooked!


    Best GW memory? While there are many, the best would have to be the night my guildies and I *finally* completed a /age 14 post-Dhuum Underworld speed-run :) Soo many nights of theorycrafting and practice went into that, so it was quite the feeling to finally get it done.


    EDIT: Can someone tell me how to post an image? Lol for some reason I can only post a link.

  7. > @Vavume.8065 said:

    > My money is on them coming back but probably they will be reset again, meaning if you have maxed them now for 5 repeats they will prob reset again and you can do 5 repeats again for more AP, so yeah you should prob grind them now if its AP you want.


    Anet states "These achievements are intended to return in future years, so don't worry if you find any of them daunting—you'll be able to continue them during a later Halloween celebration with this year's progress intact."


    Regarding 'intact', to me that means these achievements *won't* reset, and therefore the repeatable ones won't change either (i.e. 25 AP is the max whenever you complete them).

  8. > @Haleydawn.3764 said:

    > Not bugged. You need to free the 4 optional prisoners, and save Emara. You can only save her by defeating Warden Jabari.


    Argh. Indeed we *did* free the 4 optional prisoners *and* killed the boss to free Emara - but nobody received the achievement!


    Has anyone else tried this one recently and gotten it?


  9. I just tried this with an organized group, and despite destroying the 4 optional prison cell doors, nobody received the achievement - is it bugged?


    One thing I noticed afterwards is while the event text states 'freed 0/4 exiled prisoners', the achievement states 'Rescued 0/5 Deadhouse Prisoners.'


    Does this mean we also needed to perhaps destroy Emara's prison cell door?

  10. Something definitely going on with this boss.


    I fought it two times earlier today. The first time it had the elite healing essences, and so I thought 'well, I think the buffs the bosses get are random, and so I'll try it again to see if I get a more forgiving buff.'


    So the 2nd time, it indeed had a different buff, but it still was healing like crazy (cc's seemingly useless, unless we're missing an obvious fight mechanic?)


    I did notice during both fights that the boss raises up and envelopes itself in a type of lime-green aura, and that's when it heals itself (regardless of whether or not the elite essences spawn).


    So yes, would be nice to either have this tuned down or explained how to beat it (as it seems just a bit much for an open-world champ).

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