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Posts posted by Raffrey.5271

  1. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > @"Raffrey.5271" said:

    > > Now that I think about it, why not try Grieving? Wouldn't condition damage works better than expertise if you want some additional source of damage?

    > Not all conditions deal damage.

    > Vulnerability, for example, would not benefit from Condition Damage.



    Previous comment:


    > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

    > I would LOVE the Power, Expertise, Precision, Ferocity stat combo!!! That would be so great for my build, a crit build on a Mesmer that uses [sharper Images](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sharper_Images) as an additional source of damage.


    Sharper Images - Illusions inflict bleeding on critical hits.

    Base value is 5s and 110 damage. Even 100% condition duration will only make it something like 220 damage in 10s, this is assuming the mesmer's condition damage is 0. I think condition damage would be more effective here.

  2. > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

    > If you put the sigil of malice over impacting, it would be 52%. But the issue with having people just hybridize their gear is that the 4-stat sets have more total points than the 3 stat sets. 3,612 as compared to 3,303 total. Every 4-stat piece you swap out for a 3-stat piece ultimately means getting less total points. Because of this, I'd like to have the stat set give most of its points toward offense. Even if I have to make more pieces of this theoretical armor set, it would still give me more points overall.


    > My concerns about Anet changing disabling conditions to require this set comes mostly from fractals. Particularly, what happened with the chronomancer. Originally, the chronomancer was capable of maintaining permanent team quickness and alacrity easy. They just had to equip runes of the chronomancer, set up 3 shield phantasms, and then the team would be capped even with a berserker set. But, as the class kept changing, running a chronobuffer kept getting harder and harder. The worst of it was when we had to wear a full commander set and run a rotation dedicated wholly to giving out boons, and even then we had a slim margin of error before the entire team lost momentum and we all died. Heal druid didn't have a much better time, getting their boon application reduced over and over again. Part of the reason why the current comp is healbrand + alacrigade is because Chronobuffer and heal druid were nerfed so much during the previous years.


    > Granted, the chances of this kind of nerf happening in PVE is quite a bit lower. In Raids the boss is usually condi-capped anyway, and Anet seems to have backed away from this mentality as of late. However, that isn't going to stop some dev in the future from sitting down as saying "I don't like how easy it is to get perman chill/weakness/slow with this armor set. Lets cut the durations in half to "balance" it and make the debuffer a dedicated role."


    Whoa, this is something eye-opening!

    I appreciate it.

    Conclusion: expertise should stay minor in some combination like this.

  3. > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

    > I would LOVE the Power, Expertise, Precision, Ferocity stat combo!!! That would be so great for my build, a crit build on a Mesmer that uses [sharper Images](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sharper_Images) as an additional source of damage.


    Now that I think about it, why not try Grieving? Wouldn't condition damage works better than expertise if you want some additional source of damage?

  4. > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

    > For the debuffer set, I'd prefer Power and Precision be the main stats, with ferocity and expertise being the minor stats. The reason is simple: Diviner's has around 75% of the damage of berserker, while Marauder has 91.7% of the damage of berserker. Sacrificing 1/4th of my damage for greater condi duration isn't a tradeoff that I'm willing to make. But sacrificing 1/11th of my damage IS something I'm willing to trade.


    Shouldn't be a problem with expertise being major. You can simply mix a few pieces into your berserker gears, to the point you're comfortable with. And if someone wants to, they can go full set to reach as far as 78%. Put it in minor and 42% is the farthest it could reach.


    > The only problem is, I suspect that if such a set was made, that all of the vulnerability and disabling conditions will have their durations halved to make the set mandatory.


    I assume you're talking about competitive. Yes this can be very problematic, like power scourge and immob ranger, just to name a few. Could be a nightmare.


    Maybe make this combination PvE only?


    edit - wait, wvw gears can't be separated from pve.. now that is some problem... maybe expertise should stay in minor after all?

  5. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"Raffrey.5271" said:

    > > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > > So 2 seconds instead of 1 not sure that 7% damage boost make up for what you lose in primary stats.

    > >

    > > Leg Specialist - Immobilize a target when you cripple them with a skill. Deal more damage to foes affected with movement-impairing conditions.

    > >

    > > Movement-impairing conditions are crippled, chilled and immobilized. Warrior has skills that inflict cripple.


    > Yes and I'm saying you get more damage staying pure damage then going specifically into expertise since you will have enough uptime without that anyway.



    Of course meta things are effective if used right, too bad I'm not a big fan of meta. We already have Berserker and Viper that are unsurpassable in terms of DPS, but does that mean we only need these 2 stats, one for power and one for condi, no more? Not everyone enjoys that kind of squishy play style.


    Yeah it's not any better with Expertise Diviner (what I call it, as of right now) since it offers no defense. What I'm looking for is more options to gear a character.


    More interesting combinations. More possibilities.

  6. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > So 2 seconds instead of 1 not sure that 7% damage boost make up for what you lose in primary stats.


    Leg Specialist - Immobilize a target when you cripple them with a skill. Deal more damage to foes affected with movement-impairing conditions.


    Movement-impairing conditions are crippled, chilled and immobilized. Warrior has skills that inflict cripple.


    Again, that's only an example. Think about classes that are capable of inflicting many different conditions, like necro.

  7. > @"Kondor.2904" said:

    > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

    > > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > > > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

    > > > > > I would LOVE the Power, Expertise, Precision, Ferocity stat combo!!!

    > > > > Why would anyone choose any other combination?

    > > >

    > > > You think it would be too OP? Or the new meta?

    > >

    > > Yes (body is too short)


    > Why would any power class sacrifice its main stats for the stat it can barely benefit from ?


    Because we have traits like [this](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Leg_Specialist). Of course it won't be an issue if you're doing some group content, there is always people maintaining all these conditions' uptime, but if you're all on your own, wouldn't it be helpful to have longer uptime of a certain condition? I don't think it is necessary to go as far as full gear for the 78% condition duration though, but being able to mix in a few trinkets with this stat would be interesting.

  8. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > **Vitality Precision** _Condition Damage Expertise_ for condition builds that proc conditions on crits.

    I think condition damage could swap place with either vitality or precision. It would be ideal to keep condition damage in major as it impacts damage output directly. If running same stat full gear, for combinations with 4 attributes, precision in minor already gives 35% crit chance, which should be enough if used only to proc conditions.

    > **Power Ferocity** _Precision Expertise_ would also be nice for Power builds that use non-damaging conditions.

    Agree with this. Assuming running full gear, expertise in major can generate more than 78% of condition duration, which can be too much in some case, like, there are traits that increase certain conditions' duration. But since this combination rely on power to deal damage, ferocity major and precision minor is only good for rev or reaper with high innate crit chance.

  9. > @"Frostfang.5109" said:

    > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > > @"Frostfang.5109" said:

    > > > Healingpower, toughness, vitality - for healers!

    > >

    > > Nomad's has **Toughness**, Healing Power, Vitality

    > > What do you do that requires so much healing/tankiness?


    > Ress ppl right in the mess.


    Definitely Minstrel's. Things would be easier if you boon yourself before you rez someone (stabilities, protections). I assume you're playing some firebrand/druid/engi/tempest if you're playing a healer, concentration would be useful. Also, if things turn really messy, would be better to rez them using utility skills like scrapper F5, toss elixir R, guardian signet of mercy etc. But if open world, I think something like Celestial's would be better; it's important to tag mobs and event credits you know, and Celestial's is tanky enough to stay alive, provide heals and do some damage. It's another case if you are so fabulously altruistic that you don't care about loots and rewards.

  10. > @"Yasai.3549" said:

    > > @"Raffrey.5271" said:

    > > Leap of Faith heals _only if_ it hits your target(s). Both Swoop and Leap of Faith can only be used as a gap closer, you can't really expect them to hit, unless you use them point-blank, whereas Rush actually run a long way and deal damage to your foe.


    > Are yu actually serious?

    > So yu mean Rush doesn't actually have to hit to deal damage?


    > And since when can Swoop and Leap of Faith only be used as gap closers?

    > Am I blind when I see Rangers and Guardians with greatswords using these skills to cover ground and as mobility tools?




    > By yur logic :

    > Leap of Faith and Swoop needs to be target only, because it can be used even without a target despite being a Gapcloser (according to yu)


    > Also an additional tidbit : if Rush is cast without a target locked on, it loses its "seeking" property and doesn't even do the Damage swing at the end. Crazy. I know.





    Not sure if it was me that sounded too literal at first, or you're taking them too literally. Anyway, gonna steer clear before things start getting unhealthy.

  11. > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

    > > @"Raffrey.5271" said:

    > > > @"Yasai.3549" said:

    > > > It's because Rush gives Warrior Increased movespeed for the length of the 1200 range and the skill itself has a seek range of around 200 more to "connect" to their target.

    > > > Think of it as a homing missile.

    > > >

    > > > Is this needed? Not really, but it does help the skill actually land, which is a nice thing to have especially when yur skill runs on cooldowns.

    > > >

    > > > Hard to dodge?

    > > > It's actually extremely easy to dodge because they have an awkward movement cut before their seeking swings the sword. Dodge when their movement abruptly stops and yur entire dodge frame will cover the sword swing.

    > > >

    > > > If anything, it's just making them run faster for 1200 range with an attack with a small seek range on their locked target near the end.

    > > >

    > > > Is this a big issue? Not at all.

    > > > Does this give them an extremely unfair advantage? I don't think so.

    > > >

    > > > Here's a suggestion for yur next useless thing to complain about :

    > > > Sigil of Energy giving Mirages and DE an unfair advantage in pvp /s

    > > >

    > >

    > > Is it just me? I think it is unfair because look, ranger and guardian GS leap couldn't hit their target, even when they stand still. And warrior GS rush can run AND hit.


    > Both are leap finishers, one heals and blinds while the other has evade frames. If you seriously believe Rush is unfair compared to these, I don't know what to tell you.


    Leap of Faith heals _only if_ it hits your target(s). Both Swoop and Leap of Faith can only be used as a gap closer, you can't really expect them to hit, unless you use them point-blank, whereas Rush actually run a long way and deal damage to your foe.

  12. > @"Only Even.6193" said:

    > Hi ! For your first combination, depending on the class it could be a good idea to replace Precision with Ferocity, a lot of power specs has %critchance bonuses and fury is straight 20%.. Could be a good pick for Revenant which can double the fury effectiveness to 40%, for exemple.

    > Not having Ferocity at all on a power build is like doing 2 times less damages, and Crit Chance is easier to grab outside of the gears.

    > I used to love Toughness but because of its diminishing returns and the fact that Toughness is a No Go for some end game content, it made me avoiding it completely.. I personally think that Toughness overall deserve a rework.


    > You can't make a Power variant of Trailblazer because condi only needs 2 stats to be optimal, Condition, Expertise, the rest doesn't matter.

    > Power variant would be Power, Precision, Ferocity, Toughness, Vitality, but that is 5 differents attributes....


    > When it's not all about DPS, Condi builds has it better since it can combine maximum condi dps while tanking Vitality and Tougness, It is not balanced at all.

    > I definitely like your second combo, soft CCs deserve some love... (Maybe not in Pvp tho).

    > As a player that loves to make builds and optimizing setups depending on my needs, I would like to see more available choices..


    Now that you mentioned it, we don't have combination with ferocity major. Maybe **Power**, **Ferocity**, _Precision_, _Toughness_ would be great, can mix with Marauder's to manipulate crit cap. Precision because not every class has high innate crit chance like rev and reaper.

  13. One of my biggest (and also, costly) hobby is to make new characters and gear them up, discovering different combinations of traits and attribute combinations every time. And I find that these following attribute combinations could be useful in time.


    _Bold means major and italic means minor._


    * **Power**, **Precision**, _Toughness_, _Vitality_ - Power variant of the Trailblazer's. I find power indispensable some times, as conditions couldn't be used against some objects in the open world or story instances, up until some point in LWS4 (from what I know, not really sure). You go full Trailblazer's in a Firebrand and want to burn down some ordinary barrels? Good luck cuz they are immune to fire, *cough* not only fire but also any other conditions.

    * ~~**Power**, **Expertise**, _Precision_, _Ferocity_~~

    * **Power**, **Precision**, _Ferocity_, _Expertise_ - Thanks to @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493"'s advice, expertise should be minor to prevent some weird unpleasant possible future balance stuff. Condition duration counterpart of the Diviner's. imo expertise should be less condi dependent. Look, there are traits like [this](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Danger_Time), which in this case you deal more damage (by crit chance and crit damage, not flat increase) to a slowed foe. This is just an example, I know chrono will have to sacrifice so much to pump up condition duration and likely don't worth it most of the time. Nonetheless, expertise could be useful in power oriented builds too. ~~On a side note, I wish there will be an EoD elite specialization that could make use of this combination~~ hmm.. would be pretty much like power scourge I guess? With not painful but long-lasting conditions?

    * **Expertise**, **Toughness**, _Precision_, _Vitality_ - Some dedicated combination for debuffers. Didn't really think much about this one, just toss it here regardless. Can push as far as 78% in condition duration. With toughness paired with expertise in major to act as a drawback, it should be enough to avoid some weird unpleasant possible future balance stuff from happening. edit - wait, isn't this just some Bringer's with toughness?? lol

    * **Power**, **Ferocity**, _Precision_, _Toughness_ - We simply need some combination with ferocity major. Can manipulate crit cap by mixing pieces with Marauder's.

    * some other thing I forgot...


    Oh right, why not post your ideas too?

  14. Regardless of size. I love skins that are pretty.


    Some of my favorite skins: [bloodstone Rifle Skin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bloodstone_Rifle_Skin), [Merciless Mace Skin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Merciless_Mace_Skin), [Cavalier Greatsword Skin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cavalier_Greatsword_Skin), [Endless Ocean Axe Skin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Endless_Ocean_Axe_Skin), [Devoted Hammer Skin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Devoted_Hammer_Skin), [Glacial Sword Skin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glacial_Sword_Skin), [Equinox Shield Skin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Equinox_Shield_Skin), [Orchestral Staff Skin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Orchestral_Staff_Skin), [Favor of the Colossus](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Favor_of_the_Colossus), [Lord Caudecus's Sword Skin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lord_Caudecus%27s_Sword_Skin) and many more.


    Most of them are small~medium so it's anything but large I guess?


    Honorable mention: [Privateer Scepter Skin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Privateer_Scepter_Skin) was my favorite scepter skin (makes me feel like some witch straight from some fantasy world) before [Aurous Wand Scepter Skin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Aurous_Wand_Scepter_Skin) and [Cerulean Wand Scepter Skin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cerulean_Wand_Scepter_Skin) become available.

  15. I was with my core ranger, walking around seeing no one in sight, in EBG. There was some people chatting, and their name's red. I didn't know why and how they got their name red. Are they enemies? Anyway I don't understand what they're talking about.


    "It's quite peaceful out here" I thought.


    I saw some HP, and I went to commune it. It was the one in Ogre Camp. And I opened the world map to decide where to go next, after I communed the HP.


    .......and I died. I was already in downed state when I got pulled out of the world map. And before I have any idea of what has happened, I saw some choya dancing _on_ me.


    WvW is scary, I concluded. I then left the Mists, along with some trauma.

  16. > @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

    > > @"Fuchslein.8639" said:

    > > Can I just say that I personally hate the restriction on World Boss boxes?

    > > Many of the world bosses are in low level areas and guess who doesn't get a piece of the pie, even if they are there from start to finish? Exactly, low level characters ...

    > > Don't know if it depends on the DMG or if it's solved that way in general, but participating in an event and not getting a reward at the end is the worst ~~.


    > I run into that issue whenever I try to participate in a Ley Anomaly. As far as I noticed, it depends only on the damage. These bosses melt within the blink of an eye. If you are not a level 80 character with outmaxed DPS build, probably lagg a little, there is a high chance the boss is dead before you even land your first hit. In my case it is a non-dps build combined with reviving downed allies. Horrible combination. Every second I spend not-hitting the boss, reduces my chances for proper loot.


    > In ANet's defense, most of the bosses were not designed with an army of perfectly optimized DPS machines in mind. But that is what people recommend for open-world nowadays.





    Not sure about the others but for Legendary Ley-Line Anomaly, not only damage. I can only get silver tier event reward when I do it with my DPS focused characters. And there was once I do it with my 100% boon duration Firebrand, equipped with a hammer which the third strike of AA chain drops a Symbol that damage foes and grant allies protection, and I traited it to also heal allies and inflict vulnerability on foes. Always receive gold tier reward doing literally only auto-attacks like brain-dead.

  17. > @"Touchme.1097" said:

    > "September 22, 2017 Path of Fire release: Demonic Lore has been added to the game." Bring the Demon lords into Tyria, it's gonna be fun. There are plenty of villains that can threaten Tyria other than Elder Dragons and Disgraced Gods. Now that Gods have departed to new worlds there are a lot of opportunities for villains to ascend. A new evil race of monsters can threaten tyrians as well, the mist is full of opportunities to expand the current lore. Other worlds and other dimensions can possibly exist in the game's lore, see how aberrations can expand the lore in RPGs and it can actually deliver a successful product.




    Demonic Lore is a trait from Scourge Elite Specialization. Most likely it doesn't mean anything to the backstory.

  18. > @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

    > > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > > Mesmers are kitten in PVP

    > > I am think opposite.

    > >

    > > > it's funny you whine about the clones when that's the greatest liability.

    > > As I say it not possible in any normal stat combination. This is works only in zerk/assasin.

    > >

    > > >mesmers have so few dodges they're a laughable 1v1.

    > > why at all Mesmer should have any chance in 1 vs 1 ?????

    > >

    > > >I really don't know what mesmer is supposed to be right now.

    > > I also not sure the role in pvp .. as for me it shoud be more support player, and great meat for duel for another ... but not dominate 1 vs 1

    > >


    > Is this guy for real or trolling?


    I think no one will ever know. The way s/he uses words is so 'unique' and 'complicated', that I'm sure you can tell, there's no way to know for sure if s/he's at all serious.


    But if you ask me, that's trolling by definition.

  19. > @"melandru.3876" said:

    > > @"Raffrey.5271" said:

    > > There're numbers of ways to play Toypocalypse, shooting them all to death is only one of them. Builders are usually much more important. They smash the tree and building models, and use the scraps and snows to put up sieges and upgrade them. If sieges are well positioned, it will get easier later into the game.


    > builders annoy me


    > there is a hidden structure limit that would prevent the map from being covered to the last open bit.


    > that means that when the limit is reached, and poor timmy is buiilding in the far far corner all the first build (and probably upgraded) structures naturally decay.

    > then the big golem spawns at a bad angle, walks to mid and kills all your dolyaks.


    > yes i have had that happen multiple times.

    > best is to start with the hammer, get mid section secured (walls, and build ballistas on top of the walls) catapults suck as it's very odd at hitting moving targets.


    > once mid is secured ditch hammer and take the rifle


    > regarding doing less damage, you are basically entering a pvp map. your gear and stats are replaced with your pvp amulet. so the stats you use are also those from the amulet.


    My strategy is slightly different here.


    While yes, definitely secure the mid section first, what I do is to surround the mid section with lots of catapults and snowmen like a circle, I rarely build ballistas because I don't really see anyone put them up and I guess there is some reason behind that. Then I build some walls, like 8~10, spread them evenly like an outer circle but kept some distance from the sieges, as they tend to drag aggro. What I aim is for the mobs to focus on the walls as much as possible while leaving sieges unaffected by their AoE. Keep upgrading the sieges and repair the walls if their HP starts to decay. Never did I drop my hammer. I duo it with one of my guildie yesterday, using this strategy, all five dolyaks are alive and well in the end.

  20. WvW is considered one of the endgame contents. Difficulty wise it is close to T4 fractals or raids, may be harder or easier depend on the skill of your allies and your foes. Of course it would suck if you hop straight into something like T4 fractals or raids not knowing the mechanics or your build not optimized accordingly.


    I suggest you to start in EBG and do the WvW dailies to save some reward track potions, so that next time you need to grind another Gift of Battle, save your time by just consuming all the potions to complete it.(it takes 80 potions to fully fill an empty bar)


    Also, it's not likely that your team side EBG objectives are being captured by the other teams and remain that way 24/7, so you can escort the dolyaks running from camps to the keep to slowly grind your participation level to tier 6. Once you're in tier 6, use some experience boosters to increase your reward track gain to speed it up. Always find things to do to keep your reward track ticking in tier 6. Get in guild hall and get that guild buff. Get an ascended amulet and insert a WvW reward track enrichment, buy that enrichment from WvW laurel merchant. See some tag up when you're escorting some dolyak? Follow the tag. If you're so lucky that it happen to be a good commander, you will learn a lot. Join the tag, hop in their voice comms, try to be part of something bigger. I suggest you go with support builds as they are usually much better in sustain. In WvW, you want to be the last one standing.


    But there's one thing, if your team side EBG objectives are captured by other teams 24/7, it's best you move to the other servers.

  21. I didn't have much time to do everything every day, so I just do the meta daily and not open any caches for like a month or two. Now I have more than I'll ever need (sitting on 17k crystals and 800+ acids)


    Yeah, not really an efficient way to do it, but crafting legendary is a long journey anyway, so why not saving it remotely?

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