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Posts posted by ekisJohann.1508

  1. Hello and a Lovely Good day to the wonderful Community of our beloved past time which is Guild Wars 2 :)


    So my question is quite a simple one. Has anybody reading this ever changed their Account Display Name? Did you experience any side effects from it and if so, was the Arena Net Team able to fix aforementioned side effects. I am wanting to change mine, and I received a response from one of their customer service agents telling me that they are happy to assist but informed me of some possible side effects. These may Include:


    • Guild Lists

    • Guild Rosters

    • Inability to chat

    • Broken friend/block/social lists

    • The old and new name showing intermittently


    So is it worth it or should I refrain? The worst one of the bunch would be the inability to chat, the others are less severe. All your thoughts and suggestions are highly appreciated.


    Sending you all a Googolplex of happy and positive vibes and lots of love over the December Holidays <3

  2. Leave the Warclaw as it is!!! If 7 mounts in PvE is not good enough for you, nothing will be good enough. And changing back is two clicks, how lazy are you??? Maybe key bound your mounts and the problem is permanently fixed. A good example is control and 1 for raptor, control and 2 skyscale, etc etc etc.


    But please devs, leave the Warclaw as is!!

  3. Yeah I was also in a group today where we had to restart the fractal 4 times and eventually gave up. Not worth the effort if this keeps happening. And always at the same place, where she goes up in her swirly thing where you have o collect crystals and jump up at the arrows. Would be a great addition to fractals if only it worked properly.

  4. @Ardyth.9286 I'm in a Guild where I am one of the youngest players (I'm 35) and I play along side people of 10 years and up my senior. I know 2 people are also 60-ish. So don't let age be your deciding factor, you are as old as you feel you are!!! Getting a gaming mouse will be your absolute best investment. In case you didn't know, holding down your left click and right click button together makes your Toon run forward. If you wish to stop, you simply leave the the left click button. This will eliminate the need to use a "run forward" button completely. Most gaming mouses have two extra buttons on the side. So your mouse buttons are as follows: Left click is mouse button 1. Right click is mouse button 2. Your scrolling wheel is mouse button 3 (remember you can also press on this besides just scrolling with it.) Then the side buttons are 4 and 5 respectively. You can set your first 3 attacks, keyboard 1, 2 and 3, to mouse buttons 3, 4 and 5, and eliminate the use of keyboard buttons 1, 2 and 3 completely. I use a very cheap mouse, the Zelotes T-90, which works out to about $20-ish. So really not expensive and it works very well so far.


    But as far as your age is concerned - I think it's super awesome that you are into computer games to begin with, my dad is in the same age group and he is completely technologically disadvantaged (to say the very least) Unfortunately there are a lot of trolls and bullies in the game and you should never ever let these kinds of people stop you from enjoying the wonderful world of Tyria. Have fun and relax, there are many other players like you that prefer a slower pace compared to a "go fast" and "get it done NOW" kind of situation. And strongly consider getting a gaming mouse, there are literally thousands of options available.


    Have Fun and I hope my comment helps you :) Peace Love and Unity <3

  5. > @"Kichwas.7152" said:


    > That noted - nothing in there was even have as difficult as the average leveling dungeon in FFXIV. The only difference is that in FFXIV if someone says to CC this, stay out of that, run over that and trigger that, carry the debuff on you out of the group, bring the buff on you into the group, and kill those two at the same time - the entire group is hyper trained to go along with it and WORK TOGETHER...




    Gosh Kichwas, how I wish I could play with you. The problem is when you ask everyone " Do you know the mechanics?" everybody says yes, but when you get to certain points in the game (lets put Twilight aside for a second) you realize that only one or two people actually know what they are doing. This is frustrating to say the very least. To then have to start over, looking for a new group or simply kick those players and wait for new ones to join, can sometimes take too much time and completely put you off from doing that mission. How I wish to find a group that just knows what is going on, sounds too good to be true.


    And to make myself perfectly clear - I don't mind people speaking their minds and giving their opinions. When I spoke about online bullying I was referring to the trolls that tells you things like "stfu or leave the group" or "learn to play Noob". The people that hides behind their computers while they try "run" the group with absolutely no regard for other players. If I wasn't such a decent person I would gladly type their account names here for all to see. My block list has quite a few trolls that tried to talk to me like a dog, and when I see them in open world needing help I just smile and wave. Giving your opinion or giving advice is not bullying, in fact, it is very helpful. Already 3 people made a comment here that I am going try on my next Twilight adventure and if anybody else wishes to contribute in a positive manner, please do so.


    So no, you are wrong - You are not *that* player. Your feedback was positive and friendly and I thank you a Googolplex for taking time to reply to my post!


    Peace, Love and Unity to all my fellow Guildies <3

  6. > @"Katary.7096" said:



    > It's not bullying, it's simply stating the truth.


    Katary I never said people that reply are bullies. Unfortunately some people are bullies and like to say mean thing to others because they forget they are speaking to real people on the game. Thanx a Googolplex for that Youtube link, and kudos to the person who did that, I would LOVE to run that path with her / him. I posted this question to you guys because I got absolutely and utterly frustrated today after trying it for umpteenth time and not succeeding. All replies are welcome, and no, so far nobody has been rude about. We all know that only 95% of the GW is really nice, the other 5% is either trolls or bullies. But once again, thank you for taking the time to link the video, much appreciated <3

  7. Hi All.

    So what I want to know is why the Aetherblade Path in the Twilight Arbor Dungeon seems to more difficult than lets say Crucible or Arah? I have only completed that once since it's near impossible to get both oozes at the gate at the same time. Can the developers please look into this?? It's not fun, especially when after you explain the mechanics to other players, you get stuck there for 30mins and more. Let me tell you now I have played this dungeon with many many different players, some very very experienced players who have the same complaint I do. Also I have tried many different strategies, only one worked that one time, and this was after 45+ minutes of playtime. It seems kind of stupid to get both oozes there at the same time, why not let it just get there one time each and that's that?? Anyways thanks for everyone's input in advance and I really look forward to a developer replying - that is if they dare. I have reported numerous bugs with my game that is yet to be replied to, never-mind the idea of having it fixed. For example if I click on the Watch List Button in the H Panel or in the right hand corner of my screen, my game freezes. Somehow I think this post is useless - If they can't fix that bug then how will they change the mechanics of a dungeon, right?? Anyways looking forward to your replies. Peace, Love and Unity <3

  8. > @"MarzAttakz.9608" said:

    > > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

    > > time for you EU people transfer to NA, and suffer the kitten pings we OCE people are setting :lol:


    > I play from South Africa so 250 -300ms is the norm, lag in these maps is server side though.


    I myself am also a South African player, tried playing today and PING was 1000+. Seriously????

  9. > @"TwoGhosts.6790" said:

    > Not sure what your situation is, but if you're working and can afford it a single precursor off the TP is just a coupla hours work, gems to gold. By far the most efficient use of your time probably.


    > Of course, crafting your own can be a satisfying journey in itself for some people, but it's quite long and often more expensive.


    I am unemployed thanks to Corona :(

  10. So I am a relatively new player - I started my quest in Tyria about 14 months ago, so I am still a noob (compared to the guys that have been around since the start of Guild Wars 1) My question is this: How much gold does one need to spend to earn at least one precursor from the Mystic Toilet? I have been tossing in rare and exotic Greatswords like tomorrow is not coming, and all I seem to be getting back is more useless crap I could have crafted myself. A fellow Guildie of mine ( let's call him Mister X) has only been playing for about 4 months, yet in the past 2 months this dude has had the pleasure of SEVEN precursors, including a Dawn and a Legend. The Legend alone is worth more than 400g. So please can someone explain to me, how 2 people that make use of the Forge every single day, spending hard earned gold through farming and crafting (because not everybody has the luxury of visiting the Gem Store every other day) and yet only person seems to be reaping the rewards of Zomorros' impressive arsenal of goodies. I can't help but feel cheated. Either Arena Net hates me or I have the worst luck in the world

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