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Posts posted by tomshreds.1745

  1. > @"castlemanic.3198" said:

    > This isn't a complaint thread, but more of a question, If you have level 80 characters that you take into the starting zones or pretty much anywhere in core tyria, why do you do so?


    > I personally just love the aesthetics of the starter zones, i feel lik my commander is taking a break from the chaos of dragons and gods and is just chiling. I also occasionally roam around and talk to npcs to see the kind of things they have to say.


    > What do you all do?


    Ever hard about grinding masteries? Nothing wrong with lvl 80 in starter zone in GW2.

  2. Here are some more details about the bug for Arenanet:


    The cinematic where we plant the seed in the cave.

    We see in the cinematic: Faolain, Wynne and myself (as Caithe).

    **Only one line of voice over, then no more voice overs for the rest of the cinematic.**

    Then I see myself (as Caithe) with a cinematic icon over my head and BOOM Error 7.

    Once again today. I won't try this quest again :-1: =(


    > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > You can find others' experiences and possible workarounds in the thread, 'Storyline Disconnects'.


    > Good luck.


    Thanks I'll check this out!

  3. [LWS2 has been a rough ride](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/113389/lws2-episode-6-into-the-labyrinth-npcs-are-still-bugged-since-2016#latest)


    When doing the last episode (8; Point of No Return): I get **Error 7 **when I plant the seed into the ground, see the cinematic and then I see my character with the cinematic icon over its head and boom disconnected.


    It's been multiple times, I don't really know what to do anymore. All I want is to complete that freaking season so I can continue on to better content.


    I don't want to sound rude but LWS2 is a really long and boring mess. I made all base content, all the HoT content and PoF (ep. 1 to get Raptor mount). All that content was pretty good IMO but LWS2 was a total dialogue snooze fest. The critical bugs made it even more difficult to complete.


    Anyone else had similar experiences?


    Thanks all and have a great day.

  4. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > I think that link is for a different bug for when the NPCs stop working at the final boss. You seem to have found a new one.


    > When you retry, try grabbing the NPCs in different orders (where or even if that is possible) and clearing out any nearby adds that might cause her to go into combat and interefere with her pathing. Also make sure if there is any text box dialogue, not to skip through it too fast or run off too soon. Those are the kind of things that can randomly trigger bug outs.


    > If none of those make any difference, just keep sending bug reports or retrying.




    Ok so I got it on the 4th time. Eventually all the NPCs followed me. Once I had one bugged on me right at the start XD

  5. Hi, I'd like to know if anyone else experienced this bug and if there's any way to work around it?


    I'm talking about this bug here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/Into-the-Labyrinth-NPCs-bugged/page/1


    I found 3 NPCs on 4 in the labyrinth. Rox never followed and was needed to remove a wall. So I'm never able to proceed further into the quest.


    I had to skip the episode. Anyone else experienced this issue?


    Is there any other glaring game breaking issues in living world story quests I should be aware of before proceeding to the next ones?



  6. I still can't believe Arenanet isn't embracing its PvP players.

    They got one of the best systems out there, they could be BIG on eSports, making BIG money but instead they focus on story exclusively.

    I'm a PvE player and even I don't understand the strategy when there are people like MightyTeapot who supports the entire PvP scene on his shoulders... which should be Arenanet's job...


    Remember: PvP content = infinite content


    Couldn't get better than this...

  7. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > The issue(s), whatever they may be for each person, are unlikely to 'just be solved'. You are encouraged to submit a ticket to the Billing CS Team, and have them assist you.


    We are talking about server/backend performance issues. This is the place to discuss this.

    We aren't "a single customer who's having issues", we are literally HUNDREDS at this point.

    Look at these forums, look at Reddit. Posts _everywhere_ about this.


    Code or at least server configuration/performance needs to be diagnosed and improved.

    Hell, even network performance is diagnosable (even if it can be hard since it's hosted on AWS)

    There are proven issues with the backend of the game.

    Every week there are more and more customers trying to play the game/use the TP/buy gems who are having game breaking issues.

    Legit customers are going away because of performance.


    How else could we explain that? Where else?


    EDIT: Errors I'm having with the gem store are TIMEOUTS which implies the server fails to reply in a timely fashion to the client (the game).

    Other payment gateway-specific issues aren't covered by this post.

  8. > @"Zok.4956" said:

    > To manage a complex and distributed game service like GW2 on AWS instances is a very complicated task that requires a lot of skill and knowledge not only of AWS but also the internal systems workings of GW2. I have read a comment at the time of the big lay-offs last year, that also employees with deep knowledge of the internal systems left the company.


    > Maybe we experience now the consequences of that loss-of-knowledge (if it really happened).


    Sad but could be true... that kind of issue needs really skilled and knowledgeable people with deep experience with the backend code and structure...


    FYI: there are no relation with the wings FPS issue. What you see (the game) = frontend. What is causing lag issues is the server code = backend. Anet needs people who are skilled at AWS network optimization and they need to optimize their backend code.

  9. > @"Jukhy.2431" said:

    > > @"tomshreds.1745" said:

    > > Happens in Eastern North America. Error 7 and Error 42 all the time.

    > > TP is unusable. **I can't even buy gems or stuff on the gem store.**

    > > What is happening?


    > The trading post has been working better for me after I cleared the cache, had no more errors with it.

    > Instructions can be found here: https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/231273908-Troubleshooting-Trading-Post-Errors


    Thanks for sharing. I have to say since the latest patch everything seems to be a whole lot better especially about the TP.

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