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Posts posted by Daniel.5428

  1. I was going for the Roller Beetle achievements and I encountered a problem on Jormag's Fang track. As you can see in the image, My best time was 32.000, exactly the limit for gold chest. I have received the gold chest after that time, but the achievement Rolling Ace: Jormag's Fang did not pop up. The issue was encountered yesterday, that's why the gold chest is not checked in the image, but I can confirm I have received it (I also submitted an in-game report and attached a picture).




    I am currently blocked from completing the Rolling Ace meta and receive the Golden Scarf because this achievement is not completing.


    **LATER EDIT:**

    Ok, I am a very proactive guy. I managed to beat the race with a time of 31.160 (So smaller than 32.000) and the achievement popped up. So, the conclusion is that if you get a time of 32.000, right at the limit, you will get the gold chest but not the achi. Most probably there is an if condition that check the time with **time < 32.000**. The fix for the code would be **time <= 32.000** . Thank you.

  2. I know most of view have noticed a change in the story achievements since Icebrood Saga kicked in, especially with all the new sets of weapon skins (some of them expensive in my point of view) kicking in with every episode. I personally never had anything against skin collections achievements (did some myself) but I am not the type to farm for skins and they started to affect me (and other players) when they became requirements for certain meta achievements.


    This is not a rant about collections or farming, is just a rant about misplacing these achievements. Story Journal achievements (including the meta achi for an episode) always contained achievements related to story episodes or the events/meta events in the new map while the skin collections were placed in the Collections tab (where this kind of skin collections should belong). In my point of view, what Anet did is bad behaviour (placing achievements in their wrong category) and a cheap way of forcing us (the ones who were always aiming for the meta achievement) to farm the new maps a little more. If this was their understanding of "replayability" I am really disappointed.


    I was curious how many people share this point of view, of keeping the Story Journal category dedicated only to story and events on the new map, while farming collections achievements should be placed only in the Collections tab, without affecting the meta for an episode. Feel free to share your points of view below and tank you.



  3. > Your item 3 is something I've been saying for years would be a problem. What they should have been doing the whole time is alternating types of content for Living World episodes between PVP/WVW maps/mods, dungeons, raids, casual exploration zones, and meta driven open world maps instead of MASSIVELY over-focusing on only the last category listed there at the expense of everything else for virtually all LW episodes AND expansion content alike.


    > Anet has always seemed to think their open world content is the best thing since sliced bread when in reality, while sometimes being really fun, it ultimately fails to capture the essence of what makes MMOs desirable to play _as MMOs_ - intimate "adventure" systems built around small-group camaraderie and build strategy. Not anonymous spam fests with dozens of players and a screen full of particle effects. Most MMOs achieve this primarily through dungeons. It was utterly stupid for Anet to abandon them years ago instead of investing more heavily in making them better, richer experiences.


    Exactly. Let's take ESO as an example. A lot of people said that ESO is half MMO, half single-player, cuz you can do most of the things (explore, quests etc) solo. GW2's main blessing was that it was very community oriented, but at the same time this was it's main weakness. If the game will ever drop in playerbase, a lot of open world content (achievements, metas, most of the events) will become unavailable for the new players. Imagine being a new GW2 player now, doing season 3 and going back to those maps, wishing to do meta....it would be hard, most of them are empty. But for a game like ESO where only end-game content is community oriented (same for the classic mmorpgs like WoW), even if a map is empty, you can still get most of the value out of it. GW2 turned into a farm fest where, every time a new map is released, you play on it for 2-3 weeks to get everything because you know it will just go empty afterwards.

  4. Anet lost a lot of good people. As a veteran I can assure you that the old days are not coming back. Secondly, GW2 is an outdated game from a technical point of view. But most important, the current way of doing things is just toxic. What do I mean by that? Well:

    1. Trying to make story look longer by adding all those open world tasks.


    2. Achievements being very blunt since Icebrood Saga. Nothing special except collect these and do this event 100 times. For example, during the previous episode they added a ton of strike mission achievements as LS episode achievement. Strike is its own game mode, it should have its own achievements. They somehow forced you to do strikes for the meta achievement chest. In this episode, there is nothing special than "collect 20.000 badges"


    3. World map is ruined. Half of the game world map are lvl 80 zones and a big percentage of them are not populated at all. The new maps that come with the new episodes are abandoned very fast (that's why they decided to go back to adding pieces of a map). There is no point going back there except achievements (which cannot be done without more people and this is the vicious cycle)


    4. The announcement of expansion 3 was a sign of desperation. Remember how the other 2 expansions were announced? Nicely done, with a short trailer, at the end of the last LS episode. Now they threw a picture at us and said "Look, we do content, please stay".


    5. As you said, Anet fired or lost a lot of good people, people that made GW1 great and that made GW2 what it is today. The truth is that NcSoft will keep the game running as long as people still buy those nice skins from the market. The truth is the numbers (profit) are not great at all. Mobile games bring more money in the company that GW2. The MMORPG market was influenced by the other business models and now a game is alive as long as it brings profit. As subscription is not really accepted (people seems to run away from it), they either turn the game pay to win or move it to mobile where they flood you with ads. If there will ever be a GW3, it will be mobile only.

  5. First of all, this is gonna be one of those points where someone is talking about his point of view on the direction the game is heading. The difference? Well, the difference is that I will try to be fair and to not point out mistakes or pluses where is not the case.


    I am not a GW1 player, but I have been sticking with GW2 since the beginning. Do I regret it? No. I've never have so much fun with a video game in all my life and I have been playing tons of MMORPGS. The disadvantage of playing for so long is that you start to think on how things are and how they used to be.




    Well, the amount of content today is smaller than it used to be in season 2, for example, but this is not a bad thing. Is somehow a necessary evil. Back in season 2 I was over my head with new content every 2 weeks, but also I had a lot of free time to farm meta over meta in SW for those damn organs. I think the actual pace of one episode every 2-3 months is good. It gives you (for 2-3 weeks) the pleasure of new stuff, but at the same time it also offers you a break to go back to the things you left unattended (leveling my crafting professions, maybe some undone story for the new players, farming for a legendary, the new pvp season and so many other things that are out there). And, most important, it's FREE. You can't complain when it's free, but pointing out small issues is not always complaining.




    Here I might have a very different point of view from the others, but the actual world map is filled with level 80 zones and most of them are unattended. We all like to get a new map every episode, is a very cool feeling, but we should also bother to look behind. What do we leave behind? Well, a ton of lvl 80 maps, many of them completely ignored because everything we can get from them are AP and people are not always heading for full achievements. How do I see the actual situation? Well....it's like using plastic straws. It's more comfortable to use a plastic straw, the soda tastes so much better through it.....but at the same time, after using it, you throw it away but it won't disappear. It will just stay there. The solution? Well, a small solution (but not viable in my point of view) is already there. You need the episode + story to access the land, which is ok, because it also keep new played from wandering into zones they did not yet reached through the story.




    Fashion war much? Yes, we do, and we like it. Can't complain. Fashion part improved over the ages, even if I still don't understand the purpose of chairs XD. It's just not my taste.



    I loved the opportunity to learn a part of the GW1 lore and visit some GW1 maps in the last LS/expansion, but I would like GW2 to go it's own path and not become a GW1 fanboy. This problem was also half-solved when we have learned that the next expansion will take place in Cantha.





    Well, for most mature gamers graphics does not matter, but I think everyone realized that GW2 graphics (engine, textures etc) are a little left behind. Anet is considering improving, we can see that in the new maps. First we got the HOT maps that were real mazes and very fun to explore. Then new way of traveling, then snowy plains with a ton of hidden caves. The quality of the map is improving, but the limits of the engine starts showing off as well. I don't know how developers usually treat these problems, the only example I have is WoW which used the events of Cataclysm (destroyed maps that needed remodeling) to also improve the things. I think Anet should pay more attention and allocate more resources to this problem.




    This is my thing. I love AP system in GW2 and always tried hard to do all the achievements during new episodes / expansion, but somehow, since the beginning of Icebrood Saga, it feels like Anet is using these achievements as farming. One new full set of weapons/armor every new episode + the achievements who almost lost that unique, fun touch. For example, during SW episodes, you had to collect different organs + other things and, at the end, you were getting one set of armor. Now (best example is the most recent episode) you have to gather 20.000 commandations, find some lost pages and you get an emote. The previous episode also had a lot of achievements going around strike missions, totally ignoring the content added in that episode. You cannot get meta chest without doing the strike achies. Strikes are a separate game mode, they should have their own category, like it always happened. It is clear that the people in charge of achievements lost their interest or their number was cut short because the achievements are lamer every episode. Why is this a thing? Well, achievements are not usually important, but in the current situation, they are the only thing that make you go back on the old maps. The exploration itself takes 30-40 minutes, story takes 1-2 hours so, without good achievements, there would be no reason to go back there.




    Maybe I am wrong here, but I feel like the economy also broke a little. Some years ago it used to be a small but observable difference between materials and tiers. Now, most of the materials are worth less than a scrap and the only worthy ones are the ones that are time gates. What would I do? Well, I would open more account-bound materials and make them tradeable. For example, I would allow players to sell raid tokens (LI and LD). This would reduce the amount of raid selling a little but would also force ppl to raid for the unique rewards (because they need to actually kill the bosses). I would also allow players to sell some items from the black lion chests (mini eggs, token vouchers etc).


    This is all I had to say. What do you think, guys? How do you think things will change?

  6. Well, as the title said, since Anet decided to add tournament (a place where the ppl who were having fun doing pvp were competing for 1st place or for some coins) as a requirement for the legendary amulet, a bunch of PVE-only guys rushed in, ruining all the fun of teaming up with people in LFG or map chat. It's not about their lack of skill, it's not about their lack of builds, I don't want to sound like "a veteran who hate the beginners and refuse to heeeeelp!!!". No, it's about their lack of patience. Most of them either rage quit after the first lose (because it's very hard to get carried *wink* *wink*) or go afk and don't even bother to come and accept the match. For the non-pvpers, these tournaments happen every 2-5-... hours, you enroll as a team and if someone leave or doesn't accept the match, the whole team is disqualified and have to wait all over again to compete. I am not into pvp so much to join a guild and stick with the same team forever. No, I enjoy doing things with LFG. I do my raids with LFG (or did, when lfg was still alive), I do my map event with LFG......grouping with random dudes was the very essence of this game. I suggest a bigger dishonor time for the ones that leave or abandon....something like "NO tournament for 7 days". The worst thing that people are afraid of is time-gate....adding more time-gate to the actual time-gate of waiting for tournaments should be a good punishment. I don't even care if I lose all games, I just want to play my tournaments. Since this cool idea wiht "fdemand tournament wins for amulet" I never finished a tournament from head to toe with an LFG group. I came here enraged by my last try: we won first 3 games....the random dud who was new to pvp (as he said) just decided to go afk and not accept the forth game. When others asked him why, he called us brainless elitists and left.

  7. > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

    > Regarding the Home Servant, what about gathering tool modifications ? It'd be difficult for ArenaNet to account for..


    Yes...this would be a problem, but it being a QOL upgrade, I think the gathering bonuses will not apply if you choose the servant to gtaher. Of course, the servant would have like a turn on/turn off option in case you want to gather it the next day.

  8. I) Well, in all these years of GW2 we had a lot of opportunities to extend our home nodes. We've got the basic nodes, then we've got nodes for cloth and leather, then a garden and then a lot of map specific nodes. I enjoy the idea of map currency even if I am not a big supporter of 1 node for each map currency. My home instance is crowded of special nodes, placed on different locations and I lose a lot of time gathering all of them. That's why I would like to make some suggestions about a faster gathering method.


    a. Home Servant

    Purchased for 1000 gems (like the boards), this servant will gather all your nodes, daily, and place the content in a chest, near the entrance. The gathering will take place only if the player logged in (like the boards). All the player has to do is entering his home instance and loot the chest. This will allow him to gather all the nodes at once. The chest will work only for the instance owner, the others will have to gather all nodes by themselves.


    b. One special node for each LS season, that will contain all the unlocked nodes for that season


    II) Another thing I would personally like is a new collections category for Home Instance. Me and some people I know spend a lot of time and work to unlock and develop our home instance, so it would be nice if we could get someAP/titles out of it. We have a lot of things to collect for our home instance.


    III) Home renting. This might sound a little strange, but I think we could have NPC at the entrance in a home instance where players can register their home as free to gather. How does it work? Well, let's say I have a pretty good home instance and I want to share it without waiting in the main city and form a party every time. I register my home at the renter, I set a price between 1 silver and 50 silver max. Other players can speak to the renter and a window with all home instances ,available nodes and gathering price will pop up. When another player select an instance, he will pay that amount of silver and will be teleported inside for gathering. Once paid, the player will have free access for 1 hour or 30 mins to that home instance (in case of disconnects etc)


    What do you say about these ideas?



  9. > @"Feothyr.6072" said:


    > Except it's not - at least to my knowledge it wasn't promoted as such. Besides, apples and oranges ... It would be much more accurate to compare the skyscale to the roller beetle, as both are mounts added in a Living World update and are the unique selling point of their respective episodes. Comparing the skyscale with Aurora doesn't make any sense at all.



    It does. Skyscale is a flying mount. Flying mounts in GW2 are a luxury. For me, the collection really makes sense, I knew they will ask for currency since they announced skyscale as a season finale mount. I saw a flying mount and I said "Ok, this will be another luxury mount." Anyway, those currencies are easy to get. I get a tons over time only from my home nodes.



  10. I really can't understand all the people crying about this. It was expected. Skyscale is the "legendary" reward for season 4, like Aurora was in season 3. Back then, you also needed 250 of each S3 currencies so I see no problem in this. Skyscale is a legendary tier reward and also a LS4 reward, so it was expected to cost currencies. Back then, after I finally got Aurora, I already expected another reward of this type at the end of S4 so I kept 250 of each map currencies. Also, a lot of my guildmates did this too because they expected this to be required.


    "Why didn't Anet told us we will need 250 of each currency?" - They did, last season, when they asked for 250 of each currency too.

    "Why can't I get skyscale without any effort?" - Because is not mandatory to have it, is a legendary reward and you have to work for it.

    "Why can't I get rewards faster?" - Is the same dropping system as it was in LS3. Gather them or buy them from hearts.

    "Why can't I have skyscale for free, I paid for the game!" - GO PLAY MINECRAFT

  11. World 3 will never be made because Anet wants to swap to mobile market and make cash-grabby mobile games, why do you think their roadmap looks like "Yeah, some recipes for profession 500, some more farm for legendary runes that need no effect/model and some more basic episodes, small map with 3 events each 3 months." Why do you think they gave up developing expansions? Prepare for GW Mobile.

  12. The problem is that Anet works on the content like they are developing a single-player game. Let's get serious, the replayability of the pve open-world content is nearly 0. Except Istan who was good for materials farm, all the other maps are just dead. Players bump in first week, they do story, achies and then they don't go back to that map ever again....because there is no point in doing it. Me, personally, I am not a hardcore player, but I wait 3 months for a content I finish in 4-5 days and then never do it again. They tried to stick people on those map by forcing them to brainless farm for collections, but it didn't work. The content is just too boring to farm it. I know that the beauty of GW2 was to gather with other people from the map and do funny events, but everything is now just a huge, laggy group that kills the boss in 3 minutes. Take as example Warclaw or how the branded bristleback from the new meta was called. It barelly hits the ground 2-3 times, he dies too fast. This is why gw2 is boring as hell, cuz the most meta event is just 100 people spamming autoattack on a champion. As a MMORPG itself, it focuses too much on grouping people and eliminated that unique spirit of playing as a character. The unique element disappeared, even if the fashion is very complex and you will never find 2 players looking the same, you are still just a face in the crowd......a big crowd auto-attacking a buffed up mob.

  13. Hello guys. As we probably know, Anet was never the company to give numbers on the players. And still you can't always mask degrading numbers in community. With the F2P system being implemented, a lot of players joined the game but not all of them stick around like the ones who are here since GW1 or even since the beginning of GW2. I was looking in my guild yesterday and I was shocked to count at least 18 people who played GW1 and who did not logged in in the last 10 months or more. I know that all of us have jobs, families etc, but GW2 is a casual game and you usually don't give up on it because of time, especially when you used to log in every day. How is your situation in the groups, how many vets gave up and how many new players sticked around? (log in every 2-3 days).


    To be easier to follow it, I created the next pattern (the numbers below are the situation in my guild) ; Vet - player who played before game went F2P ; New player - joined after F2P


    Vets who stopped playing: around 18

    Vets who join only to do new episodes: 5

    New players who log in periodically: 3

    New players who do new episodes: 6

  14. > @"trev.1045" said:

    > You dont dictate where a supplier spends the money you give them, you just get the product.


    > However to be fair to the OP i think he is essentially annoyed that the team seem to have blown a lot of money/resources on failed projects...that could have been used on GW2.


    Exactly. I have nothing against them developing new games. But they just started a project, invested in it 1-2 maybe 3 years of work and then BOM....throw out the ppl.

  15. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > But that's the thing. Our money wasn't paid to support GW2, it was to support Anet. How they decided to use that money is certainly open for discussion, but at the end of it all, it was (and is!) their choice, whether we agree or not.


    And do you agree to invest in something that start a project and then abandon it? They wasted money....

  16. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > 1) source that it was mobile gaming

    > 2) Do you have a source for what percent of profit was put into ‘mobile gaming’

    > 3) close to being put into maintenance mode is your opinion, unless you can back it up with hard facts,

    > 4) countless people leaving and why is your opinion also, unless of course you want to back it up with hard facts.



    1) All leaked infos confirmed a mobile project + NcSoft started moving all his MMOS on mobile platforms (B&S mobile, Aion mobile). If you don't want to see it, it's your problem.

    2)We don't have a percentage but the lack of content was obvious.

    3) Yes, it was not close to maintenance mode, but releasing one episode every 3-4 months with content that can be fully completed in 5 days (achievements, story, events, exploration) is not good either. The only long term content they added were those brainless collections on every map....and that was bad, it just makes the game grindy (except, in the end, you just get skins, no real stuff)

    4) The number of people is lower. Anet never released numbers, so is stupid to ask for source, but, in my guild, at least 18 veterans who played since gw1 haven't logged in 9-10 months.



  17. > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > Can understand u feel upset they didn’t tried invest all in gw2 to become nr1 mmo over the years same time I understand them knowing gw2 can’t carry them forever.


    Don't get me wrong. I did not ask the impossible from them. All I want is a roadmap that assure us they still have cool plans for the game. After the big news with 143 fired, they didn't say anything. Their comment had 0 value.


  18. > @"Biff.5312" said:

    > So you paid what you considered the game to be worth, and enjoyed the game. You have no cause for complaint.


    Is not a complaint. I don't want my money back. I just want them to take a stand and assure us that they plan to develop the game from now on. Like someone said above, a roadmap for 1-2 years would be enough.

  19. > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > When you buy a car and 6-7 yrs later the manufacturer declares its killing off production of that car model you bought and a chunk of those employed will loose their jobs while the rest are amalgamated back within ongoing products/projects... is that you being robbed. Worse still all those services you paid for, all those nice after sales items you purchased.. day light robbery I guess.


    You compared a car with a video game. Your logic is already lost.



  20. > @"yann.1946" said:

    > They paid for items in this game. Not for the game I general.


    I paid for the game. Let's get serious, all those black lion chests I've openeded, skins etc didn't help me with anything. But I was buying gems to support the game, not to buy something I've wished for long.



  21. > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > Letting a game die of old age is effectively stop making content for it.


    I disagree. Look at Ragnarok online, LOTRO etc. At least 10 years behind them and still played by a substantial number of persons. There is a different about the game is too old for the modern tech, we have to move on and the game will die cuz we decided is better for us to develop mobile crates simulators.



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