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Posts posted by lorddarkflare.9186

  1. As previously mentioned, Renegade is a member of a very exclusive club of absolutely broken Open World builds.


    I use a Viper's Kalla/Mallyx Shortbow Rev and I have soloed most of the HoT challenges and some bounties.


    The only reason I say _some_ is because randoms have joined some of those fights.

  2. Legendary Asura - Vekk


    Great sword as a caster weapon. Think Mesmer except the sword floats in a defensive position when skills being used.

    Energy Storage and Exhaustion as the class mechanic.

    The minor 3 trait should be called 'good under pressure'. The more exhaustion your accrue the more damage/healing you do.

  3. > @"TheUndefined.1720" said:

    > I know the game is probably already almost complete, but here's my wishlist:


    > 1. **A new guild team of NPC**

    > I honestly feel like most of all the NPCs have completed their journey and really should be retired. Marjory completed her arch after avenging her sister. Braham has really come full circle after closure with his mother's death. Kasmeer completed her arch after redeeming her family's name; in fact, I really felt Kasmeer was such a random character to have in PoF - I know she's human and that tie to the deities was insightful, but it felt very random having her be the human, while it should've honestly been a new character. Rox is sticking with the PoF Charr tribe. The only three that could still continue and have really risen above their archs would be Rytlock (though he does seem to be finding a story arch conclusion with the Blood Legion in Jormag Rising), Taimi - once her illness is handled I think she could really step back as well, and Canach - never get rid of Canach......... New fresh heroes per expansion would be so refreshing and something to look forward to (plus lower voice acting costs).


    > 2. **Mastery system: Heroes**

    > This is so huge. Hero management, outfits, builds, etc were SO fun in GW1. I understand this system would need to be tweaked (Maybe cap the number of heroes out in the field at a time), but GW2 is so creative with introducing systems into the game I know they could make it work. A lot of us could really use the ease of taking heroes through a dungeon to farm or help out with Champion events that no one does anymore. If they could reintroduce heroes, I would honestly probably main GW2 over all the other MMO's I play due to my restricted play schedule and ease of play with this system.


    > 3. **Kurzicks / Luxons**

    > Getting to see what happened with these two factions would be really fun coming from GW1. Honestly, those 2 cultures were some of the most unique MMO cultures I've seen yet. I've never seen that sort of gothic look of the Kurzicks or Southern Islander feel of the Luxons in any other game. I think it would be a huge wasted opportunity for them to pass up on putting those designs back into GW2.


    I have been wondering where the Mastery system could possibly go. And yeah, heroes would actually make a great add.


    But most likely a single 'sidekick.' And not able to replace party members in any pre-EOD content. It is good to remember that this is an MMO after all, so removing incentives for people to play together is not great for the game.


    The idea would be to allow everyone to have a 'super-minion' for the open world.


    Given issues they have had with mini-culling in the open world, not sure how that would work though.

  4. Skyscale was...excessive. Took me 3 weeks, but mostly because there were days I could not be bothered.

    The collections were never ending and required way too much busy work. There is actually a really interesting quest in there if the steps we cut by about 30 - 40%.

    But that is the only one for whom complaints about how engaging the content was given the investment required feels justified.

    Rollerbeetle, Griffon, and Skimmer are all quick enough as not to matter. Even if Griffon is more expensive than I would have liked.

  5. I am just coming back to the game after being away for 2 years.


    Did this at T1 when it was the Rec.


    This fight was HARD. We wiped like 6 times. Me and my team really got to understanding the fight over the course of the runs. Understanding what to do and not do.


    Honestly, I thought it was very instructive. I would say keep it as-is for Tier 2. Tier 1 could maybe be tweaked a little. Lop 20% off her HP maybe?

  6. > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

    > There can't really be a condi elite spec without heavy core condi nerfs since condi engi is in a solid spot now.


    > I would prefer a support spec as new elite. One that focusses on buffs instead of healing to have finally some competition on that role. Currently chrono is the only profession able to provide quickness + alacrity. Would be nice to have more than one profession being able to do that.

    > Should limit healing output though since having boons + heal on one build would be way too op.


    I disagree.


    Core condi is unnecessarily complicated for the value it brings. If getting a sane condi spec requires razing core condi to the ground: so be it it.

  7. Both kits--but particularly the grenade kit--should be left to rot and the class should be updated in literally any other way.


    The grenade kit has had a disproportionate impact on the class since day one and it being less good means maybe some the issues with the class can be addressed properly.

  8. The cauterize buff is pretty awesome. Certainly worth taking sometimes, although I think a 20 recharge would be ideal.


    Coolant blast is better, but the secondary heal should be AoE.


    It is however a major bummer that with this patch, there is no way in hell this class will ever not be a pure power one. Shame.

  9. > @cat.8975 said:

    > The real issue with it being any sort of single-condi hybrid build is the 33% burn duration trait directly competing with the best power mod engi has. Unless that ever gets changed, we'll never see a hybrid build for engi.


    That is a very good point about the firearms line.


    Not really sure how that can be addressed. Both other tiers in firearms is pretty contentious in condi builds.

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